Calvinism Book: A Hornet’s Nest

By Judson Casjens

Hornets are considered “social wasps,” and they build communal nests by chewing wood to make a papery pulp. Each nest has one queen, who lays eggs and is attended by workers who, while genetically female, cannot lay fertile eggs. Most species make exposed nests in trees and shrubs, but some build their nests underground or in other cavities.

Hornets, like many social wasps, can mobilize the entire nest to sting in defense, which is highly dangerous to humans and animals. The attack pheromone is released in case of threat to the nest. In the case of the Asian giant hornet, this is also used to mobilize many workers at once when attacking colonies of their prey, honey bees and other Vespa species. Three biologically active chemicals, 2-pentanol, 3-methyl-1-butanol, and 1-methylbutyl 3-methylbutanoate, have been identified for this species. In field tests, 2-pentanol alone triggered mild alarm and defensive behavior, but adding the other two compounds increased aggressiveness in a synergistic effect.

Lighthouse Trails has recently published a book titled Calvinism: None Dare Call It Heresy which has created a firestorm of response, not unlike the response of the ‘threatened’ hornets above.  In the world of the evangelical, Calvinism and Arminianism can and have co-existed side by side in peaceable fashion until…one side or the other becomes strongly vocal in the proclamation and insistence of their particular viewpoint, which of necessity usually means a negative pronouncement upon the other.  Such strongly held and advocated positions become polarizing, heated, and divisive.

I was once asked by a pastor, elder board, and a church leader in charge of the educational dept. regarding my feelings and opinion on this issue, for there were some within the congregation objecting to any other teaching that was not Calvinistic, and correspondingly they wanted their position to be front and center.  My considered response was simply that it was like “oil and water”—they generally cannot and will not live or mix within the same group—divisions will be inevitable.  Aggressiveness, as with the hornets above, will increase as each side pushes for dominance—it is a genuine hornet’s nest!

Tragically, at least in my experience, neither side usually fully understands their doctrinal position. Also derived from my experience, the only belief ever articulated and actually taught in churches is that of the Calvinist, for they are aggressive in this area.  Ask yourself, “in all the churches you have attended, what has been taught, if anything, on these teachings in any kind of detail?  Whereas in the Arminian (designated so by the Calvinists, anything non-Calvinistic is declared Arminian[1]) camp, the theology is rarely, if ever, enunciated in a systematic way so that a reasonable understanding would result.  This has the outcome of any discussion being highly emotionally charged, for neither side in the end literally knows and understands what they are talking about!

For the record, and in order to explain my experience and position in these matters, a brief history.  Prior to my college years (I was 28) I had no knowledge of anything in these areas—none—zilch—nada.  In my 5 years of college, I was taught and/or exposed to Calvinism in virtually ALL my classes, even the required non-biblical ones.  If there were any professors that weren’t Calvinists, they kept it well hidden.  There were Calvinist’s of all stripes and persuasions, for you see Calvinism is a much varied belief system; there is no “one size fits all” theological system.  So even if one is of that persuasion, know there will be many detractors within concluding that you are wrong.  This, in and of itself, is odd for a teaching claimed to derive from Scripture.

But to the point, I am neither Calvinist nor Arminian; in my considered understanding, the Bible teaches neither of these with any degree of clarity, and even further, within both systems of thought, there is much falsity and that which perverts and distorts the Christian life and tragically, even the believer’s understanding of God. Both systems have as their greatest enemy the reading and consistent study of God’s Word in its context!  That one thing, in and of itself, destroys much of the argumentation presented by either side.  Much theological teaching is plagued with presuppositional “proof-texts” acting as the pillars of their respective teaching.  On the other hand, churches have been guilty of not teaching their congregants to read, study, and interpret the Scriptures in their context for themselves, which inability in turn makes the congregants vulnerable to false theological teaching.  This combination is a recipe for all sorts of misunderstanding and false teaching within the Christian community.  And we are guilty of accepting this variety of teaching under the heading of being tolerant and non-judgmental; much of this, I am convinced, is due to not understanding ourselves what is being taught us coupled with an unwillingness to pursue an understanding.

God’s people are not being taught “how” to study Scripture for themselves!  Yes we teach doctrine and Scripture, however, this is generally within the context of “spoon-feeding” or it takes the forms of surveys and superficiality;  few studies make the student dig and derive for themselves; consequently, students possess little personal conviction and lack the “know-how” to ferret things out for themselves and defend what they claim to believe.

[1] This reasoning on their part tends to make much of their argumentation fall into the ‘straw-man’ (false premise) category.

(photo from; used with permission)

15 thoughts on “Calvinism Book: A Hornet’s Nest

  1. The hardest part can be that Churches are no longer allowing their own to really study Scripture on their own by discouraging it saying it leads to pride or causes problems ( throw baby out with the bath water ) , and yet as I do it most of the week on my own hoping to keep up a good thing still !! The prosperity gospel has also hurt Christianity like a crazy snake wiggling all over . My town this heresy as it is , is very popular and no one really takes it serious to critique it .I usually cannot find other people who sincerely honestly want to be looking at scripture and some stayed so immature , but are like the untouchable property of churches . i only see lots of carnal babies and hardly any that been saved as long as myself or who will try to spend time talking .I often pray to stay true to the Lord .And oddly i am saying I live in the USA. Many churches are so worldly now. Do pray for me which I can use always to keep looking to Jesus and Scripture.

  2. There is just too much to try to say in a reply to a comment section like this one on this subject. I myself have written on this subject many times publicly. What never actually gets thoroughly dissected in forums like this is the dogmas of not only Calvinism, but also the dogmas of the other competing systems of belief like OSAS and hyper-Arminianism. Neither of those hold up to Biblical scrutiny in context or true Biblical exegesis. Context IS very important but the harmony of the entire Scriptures on a subject (for true doctrine) is more so. True believers do go willy nilly about what they are taught (as fact) in whatever denomination they happen to reside in. That is a fact. Most Christians ? are lazy and do not search the Scriptures for themselves. They do not use their rational minds, but instead drink the Koolaid they are indogmad with. Such is the lot of Christendom today. True Christians, born-again and filled with the Holy Spirit, cannot “sin” their way out of the kingdom of Christ (God). But they can and do apostasy as is clear in the Bible. God does not take away our ability to choose when we are saved. Folks have spoken of the sealing of God until redemption. That is true. We are set apart for ultimate salvation. That is contingent on our staying faithful to Jesus

  3. Amen!! Good article. Thank you for clarifying this. I am neither a Calvinist or an Arminian as well. I am a Bible believing, studying Christian. These two preachers are “man’s” thinking, reasoning and suppositions. I have problems with both of their “doctrines.” We are getting ready to leave a church that is devoted Arminianism and says Calvinism is “very bad and dangerous”, but they have never taken the plank out of their own eye with Arminianism when they hammer away with “a Christian can lose their salvation” and placing fear and doubt in the heart of a believer. It is just crazy to see how so many Christian’s are like the hornets nest with Calvinism and Arminianism and not preaching the truth.

  4. Example of context: Romans Chapter 9:22 . the last 3 words of verse 22 in the KING JAMES BIBLE says FITTED for destruction. The last 3 words of verse 22 in the ENGLISH STANDARD VERSION says PREPARED for destruction. The word FITTED means man fitted himself for destruction. Why did the ESV theologians use PREPARED instead of FITTED? Doctrine? We pray The Lord gives us the help to study His Word in these Last Days.

  5. Great use of scripture to prove these points. I can really see the context of scripture being used. Look though the other comments also, very Bible based. Great job guys.

  6. Echoing other’s comments, I have been telling folks for years that you don’t have to be a Calvinist or Arminian. If you rightly divide the word of truth (studying within context) you will be neither. The problem is getting people to actually study in context. Oh yes, many will say they believe the Bible is the word of God and they study within the context, but in reality they look at a verse and interpret it in the light of their particular theological bent. If we’re not careful we all have tendency to do that. The only way the church can be the pillar and ground of truth is if believers are taught how to rightly divide the word of truth. Thanks for your site. The light (truth) is truly shining bright here.

  7. I have studied scripture for over 20 years and I have never been able to reconcile TULIP with the scripture without doing great violence to the texts. If you look at John Calvin’s life and actions you can see where his theology eventually leads and it is not to Jesus.

  8. The Lord Jesus Christ never attempted to change the social or political issues of His day. He came to seek and to save those that were lost. Systematic Theology tries to put God in mans box. It says this is how God thinks. It will take us all Eternity to understand Calvary. Context of all the words of the Bible are the key to attempting to understand Gods ways. Thank you Judson for this well timed article. For God so Loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son that Whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have Everlasting Life.

  9. I used to say that I was neither as well, and I just knew I was not a Calvinist after discovering TULIP. I studied the doctrines of both Arminianism and Calvinism more in depth, and after that I leaned pretty much toward Arminianism! It is so like Evangelical Christianity that I can’t tell the difference, and I mean the old orthodox type, not this modern neo-garbage. But it has gotten such a bad wrap and I place the blame at the feet of the Calvinists for that too. I might have mentioned this, but I had some friends who were Calvinists over the years and it always fell apart because they were too aggressive and just would not let it go, they got so acrimonious that I had to pull the plug on it. They really believe that the Gospel and Calvinism are the same and they don’t really receive you as a brother or sister if you are not a Calvinist. Only I have the true Gospel and they don’t, because it’s not Calvinism! They only had the attitude.

  10. Awesome article!!….Calvinism is totally a belief of confusion, our Lord is not, nor His Holy Word!!!!

  11. Calvinism is one of the most dangerous false religious cults in existence and I’m thankful for men and women of God who have the guts to speak truthfully and candidly on the matter in the hopes that some wake up from the fog of false teachning they’re under and repent toward God.

  12. Thank-you Judson, for hitting the nail squarely on the head. I too, would consider myself neither Calvinist nor Arminian, as “the Bible teaches neither of these with any degree of clarity.” Christians are so ready to accept doctrines with proof texts, while neglecting, as you’ve wrote, “the reading and consistent study of God’s Word in its context!” As a church, we just don’t teach people to think through the scriptures for ourselves. Preachers, even the good ones that actually preach expositoraly through God’s word, often don’t encourage and teach their listeners how to ‘work through’ a passage and come to their own understanding. I’ve lead Bible studies for years, and gotten blank looks from people who are being asked to think. These are people who are trying to figure out ‘the right answer, the answer that the leader is looking for’. It is also rewarding on rare occasion to see people ‘learning to feed themselves.’ How do we whet peoples appetite for feeding themselves, working through and understanding the Word of God in it’s proper context? Judson, you clearly understand the problem, when you write your book I’d like the first copy. God bless, Scott

  13. Truth divides. I tell people al the time: I am neither a Calvinist nor an Arminianist…I am a BIBLICALIST!! It is true that very few Christians are every taught proper study methods to correctly exigete the scriptures for themselves. I was exceedingly blessed by the Lord to be led into a fellowship of genuine born again, Holy Spirit indwelled Christians who are also serious students of the Word. I took a class that taught me how to dig into the scriptures utilizing an INDUCTIVE method of study with the sole intention of gleaning what God is truly communication in/through this love letter/instruction manuel/prophetic warning we call The Bible vs what I THINK He is saying or what I might want Him to be saying. It does not matter what I THINK or what I WANT – all that matters is THE TRUTH. And the truth is that scripture does not support either the election or predestination of Calvinist doctrine (the two primary pillars upon which the rest of their false doctrines rest) nor does it support many of the teachings of Arminianism – the most absurd and dangerous being that a truly born again, Holy Spirit born, marked and sealed child of God – new creation in Christ can turn around and deny Christ and loose their salvation. IMPOSSIBLE (at least according to the scriptures!)

  14. I want to thank lighthouse trails for speaking out regarding Calvinism, also for recommending the book by Bob Kirkland. I have purchased it and have been very enlightened. I was once steeped in this heresy myself. Keep up the good work lighthouse for although there may be many attacking you for your stand there are many others that respect you for exposing such error.

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