LTRP Note: The following is posted for informational and research purposes and not meant as an endorsement of the source or the content. Lighthouse Trails’ authors Richard and Linda Nathan have written extensively regarding the use of recreational marijuana. You can read their report, The Cross and the Marijuana Leaf here.
By Matthew Daly
Associated Press
WASHINGTON — The Democratic-controlled House on Friday approved a bill to decriminalize and tax marijuana at the federal level, reversing what supporters call a failed policy of criminalizing pot use and taking steps to address racial disparities in enforcement of federal drug laws.
Opponents, mostly Republicans, called the bill a hollow political gesture and mocked Democrats for bringing it up at a time when thousands of Americans are dying from the coronavirus pandemic. Click here to continue reading.
(Photo from; used with permission)
Thank you, Jeffry, for sharing your wonderful testimony.! You are so right about the way marijuana opens the door to demonic realms. But the great news is that Jesus Christ rescues completely.
I agree one hundred percent with your post Jeffrey.
Drugs all tie in with the occult and the demonic realm.
I know this from growing up with an older brother who was involved heavily in Witchcraft and he claimed he knew a real witch. He dressed totally in black and was terribly tormented by demons throughout this time of occult involvement. There were probably drugs involved, namely LSD as on one occasion he was driving, with our brother in the car beside him and suddenly let go of the steering wheel exclaiming that he saw coloured lights above him. My other brother took the wheel and somehow they were delivered out of that situation without harm. Yes, thanks be to God forever and ever for his mercies and divine interventions and grace!
My children constantly downplay the seriousness of drug use and especially as it pertains to marijuana use, as if that carries no repercussions whatsoever with it. Your post reminds me that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, and that our prayer needs to be for deliverance from demonic strongholds for those oppressed in this way. Thank you again for sharing.
Thank you for sharing that heart-felt note Jeffry.
Take it from a former drug user saved by the Grace of God, that the “Democrat’s” in the House of Representatives would love all Americans to start smoking marijuana. Why? The Bible calls it Sorcery. Marijuana is a hallucinogenic that alters reality for the user. Seducing Spirits could help cause panic and anxiety attacks for them. High THC levels in marijuana can even cause losing mind control and cause mental and spiritual harm. Does marijuana lead to stronger drug use? Yes it does. A witch I knew use to lace marijuana with Cocaine and sometimes muscle relaxers. What a buzz that was. The AMA still calls Cannabis a dangerous drug. My drug use almost got me killed in a car accident when my friend hit a tree and we both hit the windshield. Oh the Grace of God!!! Christians must never turn to the drug world for help of any kind. It is satanic, evil and dangerous. The Bible is clear about this. I thank God every day for saving me!