1. Depositions are set this fall for the civil case arising from the criminal cases. Janet Jenkins is suing anyone and everyone involved with Lisa since 2008. I am one – I am Co-Founder and President of 419 Fund, which is raising funds for Isabella as well as Philip Zodhiates. Philip is sitting in a prison cell in Ashland, KY serving his 3-year prison sentence for giving Lisa and Isabella a ride from Lynchburg, VA to Buffalo, NY – a kind Christian gesture – now criminalized in America. Lisa had full custody of her daughter (biological, mind you), no travel restrictions and full possession of their passports – she could have legally gone any where in the world. NO CRIMES WERE COMMITTED. Janet Stasulli

  2. MaryAnn Sykes

    Thank you for updating us about the case of Lisa and Isabella Miller. I remember reading about it years ago and have wondered what happened. How tragic that it has dragged on for so long and that there’s been such a huge miscarriage of justice in the USA. We continue to pray for pardon for Lisa and for all concerned in her case.

  3. Ceecee

    How much longer before Isabella turns 18? At that point, she’ll be an adult. Moms ex-partner (can’t remember her name) will have no claim on her. She can travel to the US if she wants. If she doesn’t want to see what’s-her-name, she doesn’t have to.
    It would be nice to have Isabel’s mother, Lisa, pardoned though, so that Lisa could travel freely too.

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