The Lynch Foundation Lures Schools into TM Quiet Times

Photo: David Lynch Foundation; used in accordance with the US Fair Use Act

By Lois Putnam
Perhaps you’ve read of the Transcendental Meditation guru, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and his famed Beatle aficionados. And maybe you’ve surmised the TM mania had mostly gone away. But, you’re dead wrong, for there’s been a recent resurgence of TM training aimed at vulnerable young tweens and teens in our public schools under a benign sounding program called “Quiet Time.”

Yes, “Quiet Time!” Now what could be wrong with that? Plenty! Most certainly it’s not a “quiet time” such as a nap time, nor is it a time of daily devotions; rather it is a “quiet time” where kids, twice a day in their classrooms, are going to use a TM mantra to practice fifteen minute periods of meditation.

The Lynch Foundation Leaders

Now, the foundation sponsoring this time of silence is headed by the eccentric TM devotee, famed film producer David Lynch, who can be labeled as an apostle, guru, evangelist, proselyte, teacher, and passionate promoter of the practice of TM. Lynch, along with his loyal longtime TM co-meditator, and executive director Bob Roth of the foundation, declare that TM is not religious, nor is it philosophy but just a simple way to tamp down stress and promote calm especially among youth with special needs or the inner city poor.

However, one thing Lynch and Roth neglect to say up front is that in order for teachers to teach TM or for students to practice TM is they all must attend an “Initiation” time with a personal TM teacher that includes attending a Hindu puja ceremony, learning a personal Hindu mantra, and kneeling down to Guru Dev the revered mentor of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Oh, all initiates must bring along an offering of a piece of fruit, some flowers, and a handkerchief. And one other thing TM is not free– it costs money! Click here to continue reading.

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