1. Nathan St. Marsaille

    Glad to read that someone is finally calling Calvinism exactly what it is: Another gospel. In other words, it is heresy that not only contradicts scripture, but fully lies about the nature and character of God, and the plan and purpose for the human race through Christ.

  2. John Carroll

    Right on the mark James B!

    Augustine, if and when he might employ scripture, usually furnishes loose, partial quotes, tucked away in the hefty paragraphs that are more a tribute to himself, the oracle for all……..and beware if you differ with him.

    Calvin definitely derived his ‘five points’ from Augustine. Took hours of reading, but they are all contained in Augustine’s musings and often separated from Scripture. Calvin makes reference to Augustine repeatedly….hundreds of times.

    Augustine’s cruelty to the ‘Donatist’ believers, totally unnecessary. Who was he really serving?

    John Wesley (no mean Scholar) makes scathing remarks about Augustine. Worth reading.

    I have to agree with Laurence Vance labeling him the most ‘reprehensible heretic’ who ever lived….pegs him just right. Overly harsh? What are the fruits of 1600 years of Augustine’s favourite… ‘Infant Baptism’? The answer is obvious and that label, deserved.

    What gets me is seeing, so often, others speaking of ‘St Aug’ in a hallowed tone.

  3. James Brumbaugh

    I would agree with a few of your points Roger, but I will certainly disagree with both summaries of Martin Luther and John Calvin.

    Martin Luther wanted to change Catholicism but did not see an issue with keeping a greater part of it. His changes were justified in his eyes and parallel some of what the Bible says, this however does not make him a great contributor to the church. We need to make sure we understand the teachings of Augustine before agreeing that what Martin Luther purposed were good.

    I am absolutely against calling John Calivin a reformer, what did he reform? Nothing, in fact he perverted the doctrines of Bible so badly he cast a shadow over the validity of the Bible. When John Calvin started writing the garbage he called: Institutes of the Christian Religion, he moved over from Catholicism to become a Christian 2 years prior. Satan used Calvin and his writings to greatly subvert the Word of God. Calvin was a staunch Augustinian and I reject any and all of his teachings as heretical.

    These two men are very dangerous if someone is trying to study church history and looking for any diamonds of teaching.

    People think the church (body of Christ) was absorbed by Constatine and came through the catholic church, that would be a very grave mistake, God always has a remnant.

    I may have a few things wrong in my discourse, but the overall point I am trying to make is, DO NOT be drawn in by what “other” people have said about the reformation. To think the true church came through the reformation is seriously incorrect and will lead to a lot of dangerous teachings. Any worthwhile studying of church history is completely contained in the Bible. Please do not misunderstand me, there were a few good things that came through the reformation, we do have the KJV Bible written in English.

    In my honest opinion,
    Sincerely yours in Christ
    James B.

  4. GJ

    As Roger said… the Bible was written so we don’t have to thrash about aimlessly in the tides of life.

    If we don’t view God’s Word as the Truth starting at Genesis 1:1… we’ll go anywhere claiming our views as… it’s just “my truth”. We deny… God said… there was.

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