The Selling of “Islam-Lite”

The following out of house news story is connected with Michael Carl’s (WorldNetDaily) recent article, WorldNetDaily on Mark Driscoll and Rick Warren: Growing trend to meet with Muslims rings alarm bells for some

by Jamie Glazov
Front Page Magazine

Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Michael Carl, a veteran pastor and journalist who has written on terrorism, Islam and the persecuted church for WorldNetDaily.

FP: Michael Carl, welcome to Frontpage Interview.

MC: Glad to have the opportunity to speak with you.

FP: I would like to talk to you today about the “interfaith dialogue” that Christians are engaged in with Muslims. It doesn’t appear that Muslims have exactly the same objectives as Christians. What is happening here exactly?

Carl: The problem is that Christians enter these dialogue sessions with the idea that they’re what the Muslim activists proposing them say are going to be. Christians are of course commanded by Christ to ‘”make disciples of all nations.”‘ So it’s commendable in a way that the Christians involved see the dialogues as an opportunity to evangelize to Muslims. But that’s not the objective the Muslims have in mind. The CAIR sponsored groups that initiate the contacts have a desire to disinformation. They willingly present ‘Islam Lite’ to the unaware Christians in the audience. They speak of faithfulness to Allah, pilgrimages, doing charitable works and Christians just soak it up not knowing that there is a double edge on those Islamic terms and concepts.

FP: What is the “double edge” on the Islamic terms and concepts that you raise?

Carl: I think the ‘double edge’ is the variance between the Islam Lite for the public and the real nature of what’s really being advanced. A good example of this is Muslim writer Yahiya Emerick. Emerick has written, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Understanding Islam. This is his work that presents Islam Lite, the ‘Islam is a religion of peace,’ and all Muslims are not jihadists version. This is the book that presents Islam as, ‘just like Christianity because they go to their mosque, have an Islamic version of ‘Sunday School’ for the kids, etc. Then there’s Yahiya Emerick’s textbook that he wrote for seventh grade students in Islamic schools. In this book, the chap who is an American convert to Islam, tells Muslim students that the Bible is a book of fables and myths, that jihad really means conquering infidels and that all Muslims have a duty to support jihad.  Click here to continue reading.