by Jan Markell
Olive Tree Ministries
Christianity Today online says that vampires are hot stuff right now even for Christians. Visit a Christian bookstore or publishing house Web site and you might be surprised how many vampire-themed books you will see. What’s wrong with the picture? Legions of people will tell you that nothing is wrong. They are, in fact, trying to sanctify vampirism.
Stephanie Meyer’s popular Twilight series is cashing in to be sure. Her four books which have sold over 17 million copies, and two movies thus far, are setting new records. To those of us who object, they will tell you that the theme of vampirism is just folklore. They aren’t in the Bible. Relax.
But Web sites indicate some are obsessed, particularly with Twilight. Meyer, who is a Mormon, has connected with pre-teens and teens and is many steps beyond Harry Potter. And defenders of Potter had their mantra too: Come on, it’s only fiction and it’s getting kids to read. What parents and others won’t admit is that these occult-laced child-sagas are also snaring some into dark practices.
So the recent Christianity Today review of this phenomenon titles their article, “There’s Power in the Blood.” As much as I dislike this magazine’s Left-leaning views on many things, they have hit on a key here. The enemy is moving in on the most sacred issue to a true Christian — the saving shed blood of Jesus Christ.
In the article, University of Richmond English professor Elisabeth Rose Gruner notes that both Christianity and vampirism equate blood with life. She states, “Humans instinctively understand that blood is life-giving. But the blood-drinking aspect of vampirism is a ‘ghastly parody of Christianity.’ While the Christian believer attains eternal life by accepting the blood freely shed on his or her behalf, the vampire achieves immortality by sucking the life out of another.”
So, in spite of what should be obvious, one Christian publishing house after another is turning away solid manuscripts for corrupted ones on this demented topic. What an example of Isaiah 5:20 with evil being called good here. This vampire fascination with blood is trying to rob the pure, atoning nature of Christ’s blood. Click here to continue reading.
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