Times of Israel: “Kirk Douglas Gets Early 100th Birthday Gift From Jewish Group”

Kirk Douglas, 2006 at 90 years old (photo: bigstockphoto.com)
Kirk Douglas, 2006 at 90 years old working at a mission for the homeless in Los Angeles (photo: bigstockphoto.com)

LTRP Note: An interesting news piece, different than what usually comes out of Hollywood. If you have never watched the documentary film, Israel, A Nation is Born, it is worth the price. Distributed by Caryl Productions.

By Edith M. Lederer
Times of Israel

NEW YORK (AP)—Legendary actor and producer Kirk Douglas has received an early 100th birthday present—an award from the World Jewish Congress for his strong support for Israel, including starring in the first Hollywood feature film shot in the newly established nation.

Ronald Lauder, the organization’s president, said Douglas, who was born Issur Danielovitch on Dec. 9, 1916, was “always proud of his Jewish roots.”

He pointed to Douglas’s starring roles as a Holocaust survivor in the 1953 movie “Juggler,” which was filmed in Israel, and as Jewish US Army Col. David “Mickey” Marcus, who helped save the Jewish state in 1948, in the 1966 movie “Cast A Giant Shadow.” Click here to read more.