1. Paul

    The Israeli people and government should not trust Biden. They can certainly count on the support of many people in the U.S. , Canada, Britain etc.. But the leaders of our nations are not following God, nor do most of them, or even ALL of them, have any respect or fear, or acknowledgement of God and His will. Joe Biden married his current wife at the UN chapel if I remember right. These leaders cannot “serve” the UN and its evil agenda. And then be trusted to stand with Israel when it really counts. There is no way these global leaders have any appreciation of Israel as part of God’s plan for the end times. While they may help Israel in the short term they cannot be trusted in the long run. Biden is pushing now for a cease fire that is detrimental to Israel’s security. The support of the US and other countries is only happening by the grace of God. They could easily do an about face the next moment and be Israel’s enemies. Let’s pray that the Jewish people, the nation of Israel itself will have the veil lifted soon. They need to understand that Jesus Christ is the only one who has their best interest at heart. They need to turn from putting their faith in “the chariots of Egypt” (Isaiah 31:1) and instead put their full faith in God alone and turn to Him in repentance and find their true Messiah. Jesus Christ is the ONLY one who will stand and defend the Jews and who will remember and keep His promises to them.

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