Training Teens to Twist the Truth

by Kjos Ministries 

by Berit Kjos

“Last year I was asked to teach the high school Sunday school class for four weeks,” wrote Dan Titus, a visitor to our website. “At the end of each lesson the students broke up into discussion groups. I presented the questions for them to discuss. One group decided they would rather discuss the latest R-rated movie. The discussion leader had no problem with them changing the discussion. Another group looked at the questions on I Thessalonians and said, ‘We don’t need to discuss this.’ It dealt with persecution, but the group had no interest in the Bible.”

Unusual? Not according to the Barna Group:

“Our continuing research among teenagers and adolescents shows that the trend away from adopting biblical theology in favor of syncretic, culture-based theology is advancing at full gallop.”

This gallop toward all-pervasive pluralism shouldn’t surprise us. Taught to stress tolerance more than truth, few dare criticize even blatant compromise. Sensuality, immodesty, insolence, mysticism… anything goes, if it can draw a crowd and teach new values.

“Our church announced ‘that the youth would be going on a retreat,’ a troubled parent told us. It promised “Twenty-four hours spent living, learning and serving in the inner city: Issues of poverty, justice and homelessness will be explored through various debriefing and service components. Students will be challenged to realign their perspectives, passions and pursuits with those of Christ.”

“The buzz word ‘debriefing’ sounds suspicious to me,” the mother added. “So does ‘realign their perspectives — as if Christianity has not been effective enough in the past so we have to ‘re-imagine’ and ‘rethink’ God’s Word in light of the world.” She continued,

“My daughter struggles with obedience to parents, submitting to authority, and loving the elderly. It seems to me that the youth group should encourage growth in those areas….

“We left another Baptist church about 4 years ago because of the youth pastor’s successful start of an emerging church, which included lecto divina techniques, visualization in the sanctuary, contemplative prayer and various other new age influences. All this while our youth room set up prayer stations, icons, candles and promoted on-line labyrinth prayers. It seems like our children are being used as lab rats for someone’s idea of a cool way to feel spiritual, experience new environments, and check off that ‘service project’ box.” Click here to read the rest.