Trusting God Through It All

By Warren B. Smith

“Trusting God,” for a serious Christian, means trusting the God of the Holy Bible. And the Bible is very explicit about who God is and how and why He is worthy of our complete and total trust. He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Matthew 22:32). He is the One who created the world and all living things (Genesis 1:1). He loved the world so much that He sent His Son Jesus Christ into the world that whosoever believes in Him can have everlasting life (John 3:16). His attributes, works, commandments, and teachings are clearly put forth in Scripture. However, our Spiritual Adversary is continually challenging and attempting to change God’s teachings and our understanding of who God is. In so doing, this deceiver’s ultimate purpose is to undermine our trust in the God of the Bible.

Scripture records that when Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, He resisted the Devil’s temptations by standing on God’s Word. “It is written” was Jesus’ straightforward rebuttal to Satan’s twisted proposals. And when questioned or reproached by others, our response as believers should always be the same (Psalm 119:42). Whatever the cost and without any compromise, we are to trust God in all that we do and say. John H. Sammis’s 1887 hymn Trust and Obey reminds us that the only way to be happy in Jesus is to trust and obey.

When we walk with the Lord
In the light of His Word,
What a glory He sheds on our way!
While we do His good will,
He abides with us still,
And with all who will trust and obey.
Trust and obey,
For there’s no other way
To be happy in Jesus,
But to trust and obey.

Louisa Stead’s hymn—Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus (1882)—helps us remember that we trust in Jesus by just taking Him at His Word:

Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just to take Him at His Word;
Just to rest upon His promise;
Just to know “Thus saith the Lord.
Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er!
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
O for grace to trust Him more!

Surely, it is easy to trust in God when things are going well, but we must continue that trust when things are not going so well. The following selected Bible verses affirm why we need to maintain our trust in God—both in season and out of season. (To read this entire article, which is also in booklet format, click here.)

(image designed by Lighthouse Trails; photos from; used with permission)

4 thoughts on “Trusting God Through It All

  1. Yes , I love the song ” What a friend we have in Jesus ”
    On Christ the solid rock I stand, all else is sinking sand , all else is sinking sand. Praise God , He alone is so worthy to be praised

  2. Amen Joan ! The churches are full of so very many false teachings , they follow their Pastors instead of following God and His Word . Contemplative prayer , Mysticism, purpose – driven teachings that have flooded the churches and so many people have been falling for it all ,,, hook , line and sinker. All the books, booklets and articles that LT has been sounded out the warnings for years. We are surely living in these last days before the rapture , things have accelerated so fast ! I’m praying for all the lost and for the Christians that have been deceived also. Thank God that He has taken the spiritual blinders off of some but many more to wake up . Jesus is coming very soon . Keep looking up and again God bless you all at LT

  3. So very true, and so much apostasy being told in churches. G-d says the pulpits will get double punishment, but on they go. He tells us to trust HIM alone. My dad loved the song what a friend we have in Jesus. awesome. another thing, people need to realize that He is coming very soon for HIS Church who is true, There are so many carnal teaching around, false teaching. most wont listen. so we pray and reach out. Timothy says, tell them three times and if they wont listen, from such turn away. When the rich man asked Jesus, what must I do to be saved. Jesus knew his heart was in riches , so HE told the man , give all you have away, and follow ME. but the rich man just wouldn’t. Jesus did not chase him or pled. It is a choice , free to al who will believe. and Jesus said, pick up your cross and fallow ME . we can’t serve two masters, and we are not to worry about who can kill our body, but who can kill our soul. unrepentant sin is unforgiven sin. I pray we keep praying and reaching out to the lost, have mercy. G-d bless all of you, Rev one says, come up here. the rapture is near, closer than you think. precious L-rd G-d who says, I am ;your lord your G-d and I AM the WORD. lst chapter He says, I am the light of Prophecy, amen

  4. Excellent article ! No matter what is going on in the world. Coronavirus , etc, we have to trust in the Lord.
    Proverbs 3: 5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding : in all your ways acknowledge Him , and He shall direct your paths
    God bless you all !
    Maranatha !

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