1. claire wheeler

    Jeffry said, “They use unity over the Truth of God’s Holy Word.” YES, I experienced this in a what was supposed to be a Bible-believing church/pastor/congregation. I was shocked and saddened.

    Another thing I’ve seen is professed Christians saying that “love” should take precedence “over” truth in the church, people’s lives, etc. But this is not a Biblical position. God’s Word does not distinguish “between” His love and His truth. Instead, He tells us to “speak the truth in love”!

    THANK YOU so much for this wonderfully detailed article filled with so many scriptures which make the Lord’s position crystal clear! GOD BLESS YOU ALL for your faithfulness to Him and to His people!!! 🙂


    Truth or Consequences? Confusion by Apostate New Agers are sending many people to Hell. They use unity over the Truth of God’s Holy Word. Sadly they throw the Bible to one side as they teach man’s new Gospel.. We pray people will read their Bibles. Our Lord Jesus clearly said “I am the way, the truth and the Life, “Pray for all that are not saved to open their eyes and trust the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior Now. Time is quickly flying by!

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