1. John J

    The UK? I nearly choked on my masked fish & chips. This unnatural and unethical mess of transgender–who puts such an abnormal thought in a child’s head?–medical procedures reminds me of when something is broken, like a vase or a glass. You can’t hit it and assault it and expect it to be fixed; you have to work with it delicately and with great care to put it together again (heal it). Even worse, what if it ain’t broken but in your view it is and you go and destroy something that had nothing wrong with it?

    May those who are proposing this refreshing step also realize that there are reasons children ‘choose’ this step in their lives, and may the British government proceed with caution. When one looks for the solution to a problem, it’s best to find the origin of the problem, and I’m willing to bet my ticket to Shakespeare’s live book-signing of “12 Days of Summer this Year” at the local gas station next weekend, that the absence of Jesus Christ in the particular transgendered child’s family may just be revealed as the main reason for the collapse and trauma.

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