Upcoming Interview (Danielsen and the Nathans): “Drugs, Deception, and the End Time Church”

Richard and Linda Nathan

On Tuesday June 4th, Stand Up for the Truth host Mary Danielsen will be interviewing Richard and Linda Nathan. The title of the interview is “Drugs, Deception, & the End Times Church.” Danielsen is a strong discerning voice and the author of several Lighthouse Trails booklets. She also is one of the contributing authors to two LT books (A Christian Perspective on the Social Justice Movement and A New Narrative for a “New” World). The Nathans are the authors of The Omega Point Series, a trilogy of novels on the New Age (something they were once heavily involved in). They are also the authors of three LT booklets warning about the use of marijuana and psychedelic drugs that have become popular, even in some churches.

Mary Danielsen

To listen to this one-hour interview, go to www.standupforthetruth.com on June 4th at 9am central time.

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