Update on Former Political Prisoner, Philip Zodhiates

Philip Zodhiates, Associated Press; ©2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved; used with permission.

LTRP Note: Lighthouse Trails received the following notice from 419Fund* recently regarding Philip Zodhiates, the man who was wrongly incarcerated for over two years in a U.S. Federal prison. Last month we announced the release of Philip’s new book, Innocent: The Price One Man Paid for Doing What Is Right. We would like to encourage our readers to read the following notice and also listen to the radio interview Philip recently did. We believe as you listen to the interview, you will come to understand this situation and also get a glimpse into the heart of this brother in Christ.

(*419Fund is the organization that is raising funds for Philip’s legal expenses for the upcoming civil trial against him and others who helped Lisa Miller and her daughter, Isabella. You can read more about the situation in an article Philip wrote last fall, “Southern Poverty Lawsuit Against Child Protectors Could Set Precedent for Normalizing Adult-Child Sex.”)

We’d like to point out that the civil case going to trial in September of this year in the state of Vermont is an attempt to call this case a “hate crime” against homosexuals. If they succeed, then Philip and the others who helped Lisa could potentially be sent to prison for years for something they did to protect a child. It had nothing whatsoever to do with hate against anyone. If the Southern Poverty Law Center (the plaintiff’s legal team) wins this case, then make no mistake about it, you or someone you know could be next.

Notice From 419Fund

I am calling on all Christians to stand with Philip Zodhiates and others in their fight against evil!

It has been a long while since I have reported on the Jenkins vs. the World (not literally, but it seems that way) lawsuit, which is an extension of Jenkins vs. Miller. Recall Lisa Miller left the country with her daughter because of sexual abuse occurring during court-ordered visitation of her daughter with her former lesbian partner. Two Mennonite pastors and a Christian businessman, in addition to Lisa, have already served their jail/prison sentences for this “crime.”

After the criminal side of the case was adjudicated, Janet Jenkins filed a civil lawsuit claiming that these folks and others alienated her from her “daughter.” The case is finally going to trial September 1.

Jenkins’ lawyers are the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), and their goal is to make pedophilia legal across the nation.  Philip Zodhiates (one of the defendants) listened recently to Lisa Miller’s deposition and has said it is obvious that this is SPLC’s purpose in all this.

Will you stand with Philip and the others against this evil?

The following is an interview which Philip gave recently.

Thank you,

Janet S. (founder of 419Fund)

LTRP Note: Please keep Philip and the civil suit against him and the others in prayer. If you would like to help with Philip’s legal expenses, you may do so at 419Fund.com. Philip was also interviewed last October by Lighthouse Trails author, Mary Danielsen on Stand Up for the Truth radio program.

2 thoughts on “Update on Former Political Prisoner, Philip Zodhiates

  1. These men are true faith heroes in the US record of persecuted Christians. It amazes me there is not greater awareness of their courage in the face of a well financed Christ hating agenda of the SPLC

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