Update on Lighthouse Trails Move/Journal

In September of this year, the editors at Lighthouse Trails sent out a special notice to our readers announcing our decision to relocate back to Oregon after being in Montana for nearly twelve years. You can read that notice by clicking here: https://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/blog/?p=34094. Today’s notice is an update.

Lighthouse Trails has now relocated to Oregon. We first landed in southern Oregon in early September and were there for two and a half months in a temporary location until we found a more permanent place. We have now done that. Our new mailing address is P.O. Box 307, Roseburg, OR 97470. Our new office phone number is 541-391-7699, and the fax number is 541-391-7697. Our toll-free number remains the same one we’ve always had – 866-876-3910.

Needless to say, moving a ministry and a publishing business was a huge undertaking. However, the Lord provided the help we needed and kept everyone safe and unharmed as thousands of pounds of books, booklets, DVDs, shelving, office equipment, and printers were loaded into trucks, driven several hundred miles, then unloaded (twice) and re-assembled.

After we sent out our special notice in September, many of our readers sent cards and e-mails to Lighthouse Trails editor, Deborah Dombrowski, saying that they would be praying for her. We are happy to report that in mid-November – three months after completing a three-month course of cancer treatment for stage 3 colon cancer – CAT scans and blood tests show no sign of any cancer activity, and Deborah was told to return in six months to continue bi-annual checking for the next few years. We want to thank all those who prayed for her these last few months. Her strength and fortitude remained intact, and we know this was the Lord answering prayers. We thank Him so much for His mercy and kindness during a very challenging time.

As we move forward with Lighthouse Trails, we are filled with anticipation and hope to see what the Lord has planned in the future for this ministry. While the world grows darker and more troubled, He continues to be a light and a solid Rock in whom we can trust. It is our prayer that He can use Lighthouse Trails to help equip the saints and to point those who do not know Him to the Gospel and the Truth.

Sincerely, and in His grace,

The Editors at Lighthouse Trails

Update on Deborah (May 2022): A six-month bi-annual check up at the end of April 2022 continues to show no signs of re-occurring cancer. Thank you again for all who have been praying for her and for Lighthouse Trails.

Related Information:

The Story Behind Lighthouse Trails

“Is Lighthouse Trails Haters?”

(photo of painting above from bigstockphoto.com; used with permission)

5 thoughts on “Update on Lighthouse Trails Move/Journal

  1. Thanks for letting us know, may God bless you and keep now and through this coming year, Chris.

  2. Dear Lighthouse Trails folk: Thanks be to God Deborah is doing well! And congratulations on your difficult move! ….May Jesus keep blessing you all, in all ways. Keep up the good work you are doing for Him!—Sincerely, “LW”

  3. My husband and I are delighted to hear the good news concerning your cancer update.
    We will continue to keep you in our prayers, Deborah.

  4. Great news. Thanks for the update.
    Deborah, Jesus will never leave you. He does not break His promises.

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