LTRJ Note: Posted for informational and research purposes only.
From Vatican Radio
Christians of all different denominations gathered in London’s Westminster Abbey on Tuesday to mark the 500th anniversary of the start of the Reformation movement. The midday service, led by the Dean of Westminster, Dr John Hall, featured a new anthem, commissioned for the occasion by Danish composer, Bent Sørensen.
It also included the official presentation by the Archbishop of Canterbury of a resolution from the worldwide Anglican Communion which welcomes and affirms the 1999 Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification (JDDJ) between the Catholic Church and the Lutheran World Federation. Last year the World Communion of Reformed Churches also signed up to the declaration, while the World Methodist Council did the same in 2006. . . .
Anglicans have been invited to join Lutherans and Catholics around the world in marking 2017, including Tuesday’s celebration at Westminster Abbey. Gibaut says the passing of the resolution, together with its formal handing over, are part of a much larger picture of Anglican participation in the events of this Reformation year. Click here to continue reading.
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