LTRJ Note: The following is posted for informational purposes. This is a deeply emotional testimonial by a young Israeli father and husband who survived the Hamas attack against Israel. Jewish evangelical Joel Rosenberg is interviewing him.
Related Information:
News Sources for Information on Israel
Israel—A Burdensome Stone to the Nations and the Apple of God’s Eye
Frank Schlernitzauer
Have seen other Kibutz survivor interviews, in one they described themselves as on the left politically, which means they literally pulled wool over their own eyes. They do not believe in guns, despite living on border within site of those who want them dead, even most safe rooms have no way to lock doors.
Can remember seeing interviews/News stories decades ago, pre Kibutz, pre wall, Iron Dome, back when most carried guns, even high schoolers were armed as normal part of life. When a shooter opened fire he was shot dead in seconds by multiple armed Israeli’s. Did not know, understand how things have so changed in their perception, at same time same threat is still there.
Did watch Netanyahu’s UN speech week before attack, was floored by his blindness and pathetic reference to John Lennon’s vision of a world at peace in his song IMAGINE.
“Weeping with those who weep.”
Joel Rosenberg also explains the origin of Hamas with the accompanying ideological commitment to ending Israel’s existence.
“(Hamas) wants a Palestinian state instead of Israel.”
Hamas does not want a two-state solution, It wants a Final Solution . . .
starting @5:42
A fact-based synopsis of radical Islamic reality and intent, the video is ready-made to clarify one root of the conflict.
What a blessing that, amidst inexpressible horror, Jesus is pouring out His love and care to Israelis like never before through His faithful believers in Israel and around the world.