1. Elizabeth Bennett

    It is so sad to see American cities destroyed, probably forever. Satan is on the rampage seeking whom he may devour.

  2. Jeffry

    The 1968 Democratic Presidential Convention in Chicago chose Hubert Humphrey to run for President. Thousands of protesters showed up to protest the Vietnam War. The protesters were met by 12000 Chicago police officers and 15000 Federal and State agents. 500 protesters , 100 civilians and 152 police officers were injured. What can we expect when President Trump and former Vice-President Biden go to Cleveland for their first debate? Pray for Cleveland, it’s mayor and police force and hopefully Federal and State agents. Why? The protesters of Antifa and some of the B.L.M. are trained satanic anarchists. They now call for a Revolution not just social justice for black Americans. The Russian Revolution murdered the Monarch Nicolas and his whole family. When the Revolution ended 66 million Russians died from starvation or at the Gulag death camps. Christians need to pray, show love to all, tell of the love of God and preach the Gospel to all. All Christians are in this together!!!

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