1. Movements like THE CHOSEN and GATHER-25 make the idea of a grand deception aimed at Christians Believers eminently possible. But our Lord God is still in control. Speaking of false Christs, and false prophets , Matthew 24:24 says, “If it were possible, they should deceive the very elect.” Now all we need is an ecumenical use of false signs and wonders. Jesus can use even a deception to separate the goats from His sheep.

  2. jamie in illinois

    Ha, just read a quote by Hippolytus this week, concerning the end times, that scriptures will be despised, and everywhere the songs of the adversary will be sung. Nailed it!

  3. GJ

    It is a battle.

    I comment because I just posted featuring the Agenda documentaries by Curtis Bowers. He showed the infiltration of Marxism into the National/World Council of Churches. This seems to be a portal that is fueling the current socialist “unity” push we’re experiencing.

    From… https://hopeishereblog.wordpress.com/2024/04/05/thanks-or-no-thanks/

    Contorting the image of God created and described through His Word… desiring to ultimately eliminate it for control and power through various approaches… seems to be the “lowest common denominator” in all the “ism” movements. Abortion… forced masks, injections, and lock downs… LGBTQ frankening… salvation by works… righteousness by touch not, handle not… the “frozen chosen” divorcing the God-given conscience… are exclamation points towards that direction.

    To act as the world’s “dominatrix” to whip its “7 mountains” into submission… isn’t it a variant of the same?…

    Paraphrasing from AGENDA 2: Masters of Deceit…

    The quest for power—once they have the power… they won’t step down. They persist until met with resistance… then, they broker compromise that allows them to resume persistence… until they get the absolute power they lust for—they want to be their own god, and yours, too.

    The predecessor to aggression is petitioning through groveling and manipulation—by definition, this distorts the truth. An adjusted gospel, “trendy” for modern culture relevance, chases the “numbers” like Wall Street does. It’s used to jump into the adulteress ecumenical bed using the name of Jesus.

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