Warren B. Smith on Radio – Regarding Thomas Nelson and Sarah Young: Whitewashing Jesus Calling

By A.S.

This radio Episode with Warren B. Smith 

What if you are a major publisher like Thomas Nelson and you suddenly discover that your  mega best-selling book Jesus Calling was inspired by a channeled New Age book? And what if you find out that some of the “messages” your author “received” from her “Jesus” weren’t really from Jesus because they contradict what the real Jesus Christ says in the Bible? Do you deal honestly with these problems with your millions of readers?  Or, do you protect your multi-million dollar franchise by whitewashing the red flags?

The brand new special 10th anniversary edition of Jesus Calling has undergone a sudden, miraculous “transformation,” without any explanation from the publisher or the author.

Want proof?  Warren Smith, a former New Ager who wrote the book, Another Jesus” Calling: How False Christs are Entering the Church through Contemplative Prayer,” has just published a new 16-page tract, Changing “Jesus Calling”—Damage Control for a False Christ.  Warren is here with us today, and we’re going to give away 10 of those pamphlets in the next segment.

If you’ve never heard our original interview with Warren about Jesus Calling, you’ll want to take some time and listen to: Which “Jesus” is calling? An interview with Warren Smith. It’s an interview that many of our listeners have shared widely with their loved ones.

Warren spent many years in the New Age practicing the very types of spiritual exercises put forth by Contemplative Prayer proponents. He knows full well that not every experience is from God but in fact can be from familiar, seducing spirits. Warren and his wife Joy have committed their lives to Jesus Christ and to warning others about the false christs that are deceiving masses of people and coming in the name of the true Jesus Christ.