LTRP Note: In this sad state of affairs, in many ways, Wheaton College has brought this situation upon themselves by promoting, endorsing, and encouraging the “new” “progressive” Christianity for quite some time. Because the “fruit” of contemplative prayer and the emerging church is interspirituality, it only makes sense that such colleges will have professors (and students) who become interspiritual.
By Heather Clark
Christian News Network
WHEATON, Ill. — A prominent Christian-identified university in Illinois has suspended an associate political science director after she posted photos of herself wearing an Islamic hijab this past week, stating that she was doing so to show solidarity with Muslims.
“Wheaton College faculty and staff make a commitment to accept and model our institution’s faith foundations with integrity, compassion, and theological clarity,” the college said in a statement on Tuesday. “As they participate in various causes, it is essential that faculty and staff engage in and speak about public issues in ways that faithfully represent the college’s evangelical Statement of Faith.”
As previously reported, Larycia Hawkins posted to Facebook two photos of herself wearing a hijab on Thursday, and stated in a lengthy explanation that she plans to wear it everywhere she goes during the Advent—including at the Christian college and to church. Click here to continue reading.
Related Information:
Madeleine L’Engle’s foundation awards grant to LGBT group at Wheaton College
Wheaton College Defends Decision to Allow Homosexual Student Group on Campus
Concerns Over NAIITS and Wheaton College’s Symposium on Indigenous Mission and Theology
Contemplative Wheaton College Receives Special Honor From Tony Blair’s Interfaith Movement