We are not responsible for the outcome, only to be obedient. We must stop having tea in the parlor while there’s a fire in the kitchen. Let’s turn and face what we must, and feel confidence knowing Who we have at our backs.
by Linda Harvey
Mission America
American Christians are being led into homosexual “marriage” with hardly a whimper of protest.
The agenda is already everywhere we turn. My friend called me from the Ohio State Fair. She, her husband and two young daughters had just visited the arts pavilion. “You’ll never guess which wedding cake won,” she said.
“Two males or two females?” I asked.
“Two males–with rainbow decorations,” she told me. “And it was a very mediocre cake.”
Two decades ago I would have applauded Judge Vaughn Walker’s “courage” in overturning Proposition 8.I would have seen his judicial despotism as “progress,” and I would have ooed and ahhed over the same sex cake. Then Jesus Christ took hold of my life, and among many revelations, I saw homosexuality for the God-offending home-wrecker and life-wrecker it is. It’s becoming a nation-wrecker as well.
God graciously allowed me, a sinner, to be a part of his kingdom. And ironically, when the veil of deception fell from my eyes, I recognized for the first time the road to destruction America was travelling unless a miracle intervened. One of the major drivers of this hell-on-wheels, it became obvious, was homosexual activism.
So I consulted my new compatriots— believers in Christ— certain they would have wisdom to share, but I encountered mostly indifference. Yes, I do praise God for a few trusted fellow warriors who see the whole picture, but despite this and spotty resistance from conservative enclaves, relatively few American Christians contend with homosexual aggression. Like the creeping alcohol abuse of a wayward teen, though, ignoring it only ensures full-scale disaster somewhere down the line. And so, here we are. Click here to continue.
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