The following excerpt is from a January 5th book review by WorldNetDaily’s Jim Fletcher on Lighthouse Trails’ 2009 release, Castles in the Sand by Carolyn A. Greene.
[A] believable, action-packed plot … [a] fantastic effort. “Castles in the Sand ” is definitely an eye-opener!
by Jim Fletcher
A WorldNetDaily Exclusive Commentary
“When New Age Creeps into America’s Colleges”
“Castles in the Sand” is a novel which, to the uninformed reader, might rank as far-fetched and unbelievable in the world of Christian doctrine. If only …Author Carolyn Green has spent years studying the New Age movement and the resulting indoctrination. That she has teamed up with the brave folks at Lighthouse Trails Publishing is not an accident. Lighthouse is now a leading publisher of conservative Christian titles and serves a key role in a dwindling class of [publishing] houses that are not afraid to be politically incorrect. Major kudos to Lighthouse Trails Publishing for taking on this important project.
The novel finds young Tessa Dawson entering a Bible college that is reputable and trusted to be biblically sound. She soon discovers herself immersed in doctrines that are far from Christ-centered. The professors and other students are completely submerged in false teachings, and Tessa soon is drawn to this “new way” of discovering Christianity. Click here to read this entire review.
Information on Castles in the Sand:
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