1. Nancy Sturm

    I have also noticed s lot of my younger christian friends enrolling their children in Karate. What does Lighthouse Trails think about this? I haven’t seen anyone address this. I do not feel good about it, but never have said anything. I grew up in the generation of WWJD, and Jesus wouldn’t be kicking people around! But as far as eastern influence, is there a danger? Sincere question.

  2. DJ

    I agree. Very well said. Extremely disturbing. I’m so disappointed and ashamed of T.D. Jakes. The bible is clear about those that become false teachers and practice pagan things.

  3. CW

    Sadly, this does not surprise me at all. I’ve observed T. D. Jakes compromising God’s holy Word right and left over the last couple of decades. Still, it is disturbing to learn this, because so many people are so influenced by pastors (and their wives too) these days. It seems that lots of churchgoers get their “gospel” from whatever their pastor believes and preaches, instead of reading the Word of God for themselves. IMHO, this is a major root of the problem. Churches in this country have become like Laodicea. It’s scary, because the judgment will be the same.

  4. charley

    does not surprise me these churches are all apostate great falling away, all compromisers of the gospel of jesus christ 1st timothy 4-1

  5. Jeffry

    Sadly the evangelical church today in many places has a god without the Bible. A god without wrath. A god without Repentance. A god who has a Savior without A Cross.

  6. Kal

    I am sure you could hear me scream from where you are at. If she has studied yoga, she would know each poise represents a hindu deity. They teach that a cobra is at the base of your spine, but by practicing yoga it will elongate itself in your spine as your attain nirvana. Many yogis will say that a Christian should not practice yoga, nor call it Christian yoga because of the hindu teachings. Many leaders, I believe, have come to the point where they believe they are in God’s good graces in every thing they do, so nothing is wrong if done in Christ’s name. What an awakening they will have when they stand before our Holy God. I am deeply saddened that these people blindly follow Serita Jakes.

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