LTRP Note: The news release below regarding the Christian publisher, Zondervan, is posted for informational and research purposes. Lighthouse Trails warned about the Enneagram in our booklet, The Enneagram—An Enlightening Tool or an Enticing Deception? (written by Lois Putnam), which we released last Fall. Obviously, when one of the largest evangelical publishers releases a film (their first film ever) on the Enneagram, it’s clear this is a fast-growing trend within evangelicalism. We believe the Enneagram (as is Lectio Divina) is a gateway “tool” to further integrate the occultic contemplative prayer movement into the church, a movement that has so significantly influenced millions of Christians.
News Release from Zondervan Publishers
Zondervan announces the first-ever Enneagram film, NINE: THE ENNEAGRAM DOCUMENTARY, will debut in North American theaters fall 2020, featuring internationally renowned Enneagram expert and bestselling author Christopher L. Heuertz.
The documentary, produced in association with Sandoval Studios, marks Zondervan’s first foray in producing a film. Zondervan sees film as a way to broaden key messages from its authors to reach a wider audience and is actively exploring this format. Click here to continue reading.
World and church getting steeped in occult, hedonism and rebellion against God. I as a grandmother who the Lord saved out of the occult 31 years ago am shocked and saddened at the proliferation of the occult in so much entertainment especially for young children. We are living in times when evil is celebrated and good is despised. Only Jesus can save, heal and bring peace. What a reprobate dystopian world full of rebellion and bowing down to false gods and idols. Violence, hatred, destruction and lawlessness abound. Biblical authority is being watered down and increasing ministries are drawn away from the Lord and His truth. Maranatha Lord Jesus.
Don Veinot’s recent treatment of this is excellent: Richard Rohr and the Enneagram Secret.
As always, thank you for keeping us “flatten the curve” of false teaching!
Must say “Amen” to that, referring to our need. I am 74 and old memories popped up and even newer ones, arose in me, as I read these posts. Praise God, Praise God, old things are passed away! The bottom line is our need of our Savior and the grace and love The Father bestowed on Jesus and then on us. We are indebted for sure. God is no debtor to us. It was finished on that horrible stake for our redemption. Praise The Lord forevermore and come quickly Lord Jesus!
You are right CW. A better term for them and other similar-minded publishers would be “emergent, progressive, social justice” publishers.
Not just our generation, Jeffry, though I get your point. The Lord protected me from the great majority of that evil, but I have regrets because I did not allow Him to protect me from all of it.
The “greatest generation” did an amazing job as young adults in ridding the world of the evil of Nazism. At the same time, unfortunately, many of them lacked discernment just as many people do today, and allowed evil things into our nation and homes. I believe the Lord has shown me a link between things they picked up overseas and the things you mentioned in your post that came to fruition in our generation.
I don’t think any generation has ever NOT failed the Lord. That is why Jesus came, that’s why He died for us, and that’s why ALL people of every generation need Him so desperately. Thank God for His love, truth, and power! 🙂
Can Zondervan be called a Christian publisher anymore? I think that is debatable. So sad and tragic in its consequences in people’s lives.
Thank you Lighthouse for warning us about the Enneagram Documentary film coming out this fall. I must first say that my generation (the baby boomers) have failed our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who loved us and washed away our sins with His own Blood. We were too busy with self. The Beatles introduced us to the mystical eastern religions of the world. Satan taught us about rebellion against authority. We liked rock and roll. Drugs were everywhere. Free love. The Lord saved me in 1983. My life was turned around. I had many friends that did not want to hear about my salvation and my new life. My fundamental church began to like Rick Warren. We left the assembly when an alpha Elder took over. We are still looking for a fundamental church now. The Enneagram is truly mystery Babylon or mystery of lawlessness. It is led by apostate teachers. Nothing new here. May we warn any who will listen about the love of God and the danger of this fake religion documentary called Enneagram.