Richard Foster and his Devotional Classics

Edited by Richard Foster
Devotional Classics by Richard FosterIn 1990, Richard Foster compiled a book called Devotional Classics. In Foster's own words, he says of the book ...
"These fifty-two selections have been organized to introduce readers through the course of one year to the great devotional writers."

More recently Richard Foster and Emilie Griffin
compiled a book called Spiritual Classics.

Spiritual Classics by Richard Foster

Of this book he says ... "Many Christians throughout the world are looking for ways to grow close to God ... This book is meant for them."

Each book contains the writings of 52 authors.
Who are some of these writers and what do they say?

Thomas Merton
Julian of Norwich
Henri Nouwen
Evelyn Underhill
Richard Rolle

Thomas Kelly
"Deep within us all there is an amazing inner sanctuary of the soul, a holy place, a Divine Center."—Thomas Kelly, as quoted in Richard Foster's Stream's of Living Water, chapter two, first page. Kelly goes on to say in his book, "And He is within us all."

George Fox
Ignatius of Loyola
Hannah Whitall Smith
Madam Guyon
Douglas Steere

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