Richard Foster and his 100 Spiritual Classics - (Devotional Masters)

His Introduction to the list:
"The idea for the list that follows came after reflecting on the "Christian Classics" list that John Wesley put together to help those who were pouring into the young Methodist societies. Likewise here, we want to give you a basic list in the field of Christian Spirituality that you can work with in the years to come. These are all books that we believe can help you grow in grace. They all have intrinsic merit. They all have stood the test of time. And most of them have had a substantial impact on Christians throughout the centuries."
Entire List, click here.

Here are some of the authors the list represents:

The Cloud of Unknowing

Thomas Aquinas

Brother Lawrence

Dostoyevsky, Fyodor

The Brothers Karamazov

Eckhart, Meister

Fox, George

Guyon, Madame

Hammerskjold, Dag

Hildegard of Bingen

Ignatius of Loyola

John Climacus

John of the Cross

Julian of Norwich

Kelly, Thomas

Kierkegaard, Soren

Laubach, Frank
Law, William

Merton, Thomas

Nouwen, Henri J. M.

Pascal, Blaise

Penington, Isaac

Rolle, Richard

Sanford, Agnes

Smith, Hannah Whitall

Steere, Douglas V.

Sundar Singh

Teresa of Avila

Theresa of Lisieux

Tolstoy, Leo

Underhill, Evelyn

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