St John of the Cross (1542-1592)
Mystic, Pantheist, Contemplative
"Known as the Mystic Doctor for his poetry and commentary about solitary prayer which entails steadfastly suffering aridity, misery, depression and spiritual abandonment, in addition to normal ascetic practices, in order to purify the soul in preparation for divine union with God." —from Little Blue Light
His Major Works:
Ascent of Mount Carmel (1619)
Dark Night of the Soul (1619)
Quotes by John of the Cross:
Concerning An Ecstasy Experienced In High Contemplation
"I entered into unknowing, and there I remained unknowing transcending all knowledge."
"That perfect knowledge was of peace and holiness held at no remove in profound solitude; it was something so secret that I was left stammering, transcending all knowledge."
"My beloved [God] is the high mountains, and the lovely valley forests, unexplored islands, rushing rivers." (showing St. John of the Cross' pantheistic beliefs)— from Timothy Freke, The Spiritual Canticle, the Wisdom of the Christian Mystics (Godsfield Press, 1998), p. 60 (cited in chapter 4 of A Time of Departing).