Letters to the Editor - Page 2

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Too Strong With David Jeremiah?

I realize certain things need to be exposed and enlightened. Not to long ago, I read a letter that was written to you from David and one back to him. I apologize for not being able to find it again. In my opinion, I felt the response back to him was very strong. I was questioning why the response did not say that someone would be praying for him. I am not taking a side but did feel your response back was a little harsh. Maybe it is just me, but I felt the response to David was written while angry. I just read a book called "Total Forgiveness" by R.T. Kendall. I found the book very helpful for my personal use. By the responses on your site, I feel your site is beneficial. As a browser, I just want to remind that we need to pray, forgive, not judge and hope for God's blessings and direction in whatever path we are on. I have listened to David's sermons on the radio. You are right, I do not know everything about him. I pray that God works in his life, my life and yours for the greater. Our ultimate enemy is not man himself, but Satan. Amen, God is in control.

Still learning,

Our Response to Tammy: Hi Tammy, I realize how it probably sounded to you. Actually, I wasn't and still am not angry. While David Jeremiah's letter to me looks nice, he said things in it that were misleading and not true, and then he began sending it out publicly to many people to cover up what he had done. Our response was strong - in that you are right. But I think we should be equally, if not more, concerned about the countless people that he is leading down a spiritually dangerous road, and he is still doing it even after he has been made aware. (For more information on this situation, click here.)

Deception Increasing

I just very recently came across your website.What a blessing!!Even though it is so hard to read about,but very necessary in these last days of human history as we know it. Since my dad's death almost two years ago and he is now with the LORD,things have gone downhill so quickly,deception wise.My mom and I,my brothers are still growing in the LORD,are doing a "Clean Sweep" of our home. Everything that has anything of what I read on here and with the LORD's leading,we are getting rid of.My dad bought a tape many years ago with Michael Card,I am putting that out along with books and so forth .I feel that I am being betrayed if I read or listen to what these people say,because if they are changing from what they knew as the TRUTH,how can I trust them now. Awaiting the Shout!!!!

Ontario, Canada

All Scripture Given by Inspiration

I have often been disappointed in 'Christians' when I hear them say that The Holy Bible was written a long time ago and does not apply to this day and time. In my reading, The Holy Bible states, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." 1 Timothy 3:16-17 And at the end of Revelation, "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." Revelation 22: 18-19. My beliefs tell me that we take the whole Word of God, not just the pieces that fit into our! daily lives. All scripture is beneficial to a healthy Christian life. Too many times 'believers' concentrate their lives on the world and try to fit their life into what The Holy Bible says, not fit The Holy Bible into the life they lead for Christ. Thank you for your site. We enjoyed hearing you and Deborah speak on TruNews Tuesday night. We look forward to you bring more worldly things to LIGHT.


Husband Had to Resign

I love your site; I find it to be insightful and discerning. It is not an easy task to be a minister in this current age with all that has crept into the church the last 10 years (Purpose Driven, Emergent Church, etc..). In fact, because of our convictions against such "materials" in the church, my husband had to resign his Assembly of God credentials. We just could no longer go "along" with what we knew was not of God. Now we pastor a non denominational church and desire to lead this body into understanding the importance of discernment and understanding the things of the Spirit. We have found that even those in the church for many years do not really know truth from lies. I am thankful for a site like this that has done it's Homework and is led by the Lord.

Do you have any information on Karen Wheaton and her youth ministry, " The Ramp?" I have concerns and wondered what you all knew.


The Day of the Lord

We are truly in the days that Paul warned about so long ago. In Timothy 4 verse 3 & 4, this was a warning to Timothy that this would happen within the church. To see people Like David Jeremiah fall for this heresy is so very sad. Also in Timothy 3 verse 5 & 6 again is a clear warning of these false teachers. Truly we are closer to the day of the Lord. I for one truly hope so. I hope that more Christians would become like the Bereans and verify through Scripture what is being preached. Thank you for bringing to light the dark forces at work within the Christian community.



A Thank you

Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus! Pastor Dana here, I just wanted to say thank you, for your wonderful research and a big God Bless you, for all that you do to make prophetic preachers (such as myself) lives easier. I do a lot of biblical research and preaching regarding the End Times, and your site is a God send. Please keep up the good work. May the Peace of the Lord Jesus be unto you always!

Pastor Dana Bohanske
Streams in the Desert Ministries & House Church

"Positive Christianity"

I saw Rick this morning [12/24/06] on meet the press. He states that Hitler was not christian. I would like to point out that on every Nazi belt buckle were the words inscribed "Gott Mit Uns" "God is with us". I would also like to point out "to get the history right" that the nazi's used "Positive Christianity" to convert regular christians into extremist nazi christians.


Rick Warren and jesus

My son directed me to your site, and I am so happy he did. It's wonderful to know there are other Christians who see the truth too. It was a tiny thing that made me stop reading the Rick Warren book. And to doubt what he was about. When referring to Jesus, (as He)...Warren never once Capitalized the word He. This said to me the man has no real respect for Jesus Christ and does not feel He is our Savior. Silly maybe, but it turns out it was a good indicator. Keep up the good work. May God Bless and protect you and yours.



Sagacity, sagacity
Where art thou sagacity?

Are you sleeping?
Are you on some drug?
Are you infected with some nasty bug?

Have you fled the brethren?
Taken a journey these many long years?
Has naivete become most dear?

Sagacity, sagacity
Where art thou sagacity?

Are you gone forever?
Are you lost in deception?
Are you forlorn in Babylon?

Have you left your senses?
Complacency filled you with worldliness?
Fear you not, eternity?

We're calling, "Come back!"
We need you, "Come back!"
We perish as the people of God without you!

Sagacity, sagacity
Where art thou sagacity?

Sagacity: n. The quality of being discerning, sound in judgment, and farsighted; wisdom. American Heritage Dictionary

Irene Guthrie
© 2006

Seattle Pacific University View in Israel

He, like MANY Christians, don't give one hoot about Israel and what negative effect any action might have on her. Tim Dearborn, who used to be dean of chapel at Seattle Pacific University, a "Christian" school" now works at World Vision. When he went back to speak at SPU he told the young impressionable people in attendance that Christians have more in common with Muslims than anyone else in the world!!!!!!!!!!! He also said something to the effect that we share with Muslims a view of the future kingdom!!!!!!!!! When he was dean of chapel he brought it pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel speakers. There are many, many more like him in the "church." The only difference is that Rick Warren has a bigger stage on which to say and do these things than a lot of the others do.


350 Leave Purpose Driven Church

I am writing to thank you for sharing the Truth about P.D., R.Warren. We, like many others, left a Southern Baptist Church about 1 1/2 years ago. My husband was a Deacon. He is a builder and spent about 2 years remodeling 7,000 sq. ft. of our old sanctuary into Pre School dept. We were leaders of the Senior Adult ministry and very involved. We were hand picked with several others to study Purpose Driven Church. Blindly following. Then P.D.L. was presented to the church. Do Pastors think R.W. is god? We didn't like the direction of liberalism the pastor was directing us. We questioned several things and were told if we didn't agree find another church. Several times from the pulpit our pastor said, "I have a list of churches and I will be glad to help you find a new one." We left. As did many others since. About 350 in fact. One group of about 200 hundred have started a new church. We have joined a Nazarene church in our area. Our pastor preachs God's Word, not man's word. We are growing, serving God and having great fellowship with others. We are seeing lives transformed, souls saved and true growth. I forward your email to several who are still not seeing or seeking truth. God bless you and again I thank you. Remember~~You can't beat the Real Thing!

Retired grandmother of 22

Rick Warren and Neville Chamberlain

So...you folks are having difficulty with Rick Warren...I am not very astute in world news, however it has become obvious as of late that there are some spiritual/christian/biblical issues with Rick Warren. He appears to have taken off into new frontiers that have little to do with evangelical/need meeting Christianity. It appears someone is being used as a tool to further the cause of him who would destroy what God has created. It appears to have slipped on out to sea-the aspect that true enough we are to meet genuine needs of humankind, but that takes a back seat to bringing forth salvation through Jesus Christ. The funding utilized to promote Rick Warren/Saddleback's new and worldly agenda sure could be better utilized in creating church/missionary/clinics, etc. in areas of the world where Christianity is allowed. Sadly Rick Warren reminds me of Neville Chamberlain in 1939. Rosy eyed, happy, thinking what he had done blessed the world, but in reality what he did was give Satan/Hitler the go ahead. I realize I am being hard on Rick Warren, but his governing board/board of elders or leaders bear responsibility for this just as Rick does. To play with totalitarian/Satanist governments is tantamount to suicide. To reach and assist the population of those governments is a horse in a different race. I must now assert great caution in any printed matter that comes out of Saddleback/Warren, because the level of trust that was there, no longer is for a growing number of us. Rick Warren sold my respect for him to the enemy and he who supports my enemy is no friend of mine, yet still will I love him.


Had to Leave Her Church

I am one of those Christians who had to leave their church because of the teachings of Rick Warren and also much 'new age' practices coming in. The newly elected Elder of the Church is a Chiropractor who is practicing Reiki and applied kinesiology, among other things. I am just sick and heart-broken about it all, as a lifelong member. I talked to the pastor and he treated me like I was one of those who is trying to cause trouble in the church and needed to be talked to 'twice' and then ignored. I have never caused trouble or made a scene or anything . When my concerns became so great and my discernment was screaming at me, I had to leave. I am now feeling so distant from any group of believers. I think I need time to rest and pray. Thank you SO much for your newsletters and information. It has been very helpful to me and I don't feel so alone. God Bless you,


Loving the Lord and Studying His Word

Thank you for your work. I have been greatly grieved recently by the "contemplative" and "emergent" infiltrations of the church of Jesus Christ. Seems people are "bored and tired" with simply loving the Lord, studying the Word, and keeping out the trash and false gospels of the "emergents." I appreciate the work that you do in keeping the simple truth of the Word of God free of the extras others have been deceived into (emergent, Purpose driven, etc.). Your website has been a refreshing light of truth in the midst of a confused time for Christians. I thank the Lord for you!


John Michael Talbot

I just read your piece on John Michael Talbot and his "practices". I would like to make a few comments and pray that it helps a brother or sister: I saw John Michael on a concert video and the first thing I noticed was his passionless, lack-of-emotion, flat affect. That seems to be common trait, (I'm sure there might be exceptions) of people who engage in altered states of consciousness on a regular basis-peaceful looking, but lacking fire, zeal and excitement. It reminds me what Screwtape told Wormwood-(paraphrase from the Screwtape Letters), "that the road to hell should be as quiet and peaceful as possible with no bumps.". By the way, that video made its way to the dump. The reasons? It wasn't Christ centered, it wasn't true worship, there was no outreach to the unsaved, etc. Yours in Christ,


AFA Bringing Deception

BRAVO! for pointing out the AFA's duplicity in their calling for a boycott of WalMart while they (and many others) continue to push unbiblical publications that are far more dangerous to the church. WalMart is a pagan corporation. Just as shouldn't expect lost individuals to act as children of God, we should not hold up pagan corporations to the same standard as those that claim to be Biblically based. On this basis, AFA is a worse offense and more danger than WalMart. I have written WalMart to chastise them for going beyond the act of marketing to homosexuals to embrace and promote homosexual behavior. That line does not need to be crossed by any organization unless they want to destroy our culture. But for any group to claim Christ and bring subtle deception into the church - I do believe the Lord has judgment reserved for such. Press on Debra and team. Grow not weary in well doing for in due season ye shall reap, if ye faint not.

Stuart L. Brogden
1 Thessalonians 5:21
Brogden's Muse

Rick Warren in Syria

What a timely article on Rick Warren and his visit to Syria.... But then again he would have gone with the blessing of USA State Department? 3 years ago a controversy erupted in our church over using Purpose Driven in our Congregation....I voiced my concern....I was told " but he is a million best seller".... Many authors have sold many books....even in Christian circles.... A little bit of Leaven!. Biblical Truth must come before our constant cry for Unity. If you reviewed his books and the various Bible Translations used you will find the Message Bible is front and center.... The Gospels were meant to be applied in simplicity and not from a " performance based / works based position".Praise God today that we have yet in our country " freedom of expression " and can say this " doctrine is not for our family " and we can move on. We have every right and accountability as " believers " to be Berean in our Christian walk. When we disagree with doctrine! ne fully examined under the Light of God's Word we must continue to do so with Love, Compassion and a prayer that God's enduring Grace will take care of the current issue in His perfect timing. As Believers let us continue to encourage one another and Lift up the name of Jesus Christ, Who has all Power and Authority. We are so blessed to have Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour this day. Bless you folks in your Ministry for being Berean.
In His Service


The Mystical Slide of American Family Association

Thanks for pointing out the mystical slide of the American Family Association. It's interesting to see how supposedly solidly Christian-based family values can be used as bait to lead unsuspecting seekers of truth to philosophies that ignore Christ and make truth irrelevant. AFA's frequent postings to my email address will no longer be accepted.


Rick Warren in Syria

The latest article on Rick Warren's meeting with the president of Syria makes me ask, "Pastor or Impostor?". Not only is he the Pied Piper of post-modern Christendom, he could also be considered a traitor to his country. Openly kissing up to a country that not only wishes to see the downfall of the West and the annihilation of Israel but also is a bitter enemy of the Cross reveals Warren's true colors. He is looking more antichrist every day.


Former Saddleback Member

I am a former "member" of Saddleback Church. Although I've tried many times to remove my name from their mailing lists, I still receive announcements. I thought you folks might be interested at some of the speakers that Saddleback has lined up for a conference on their campus. I have to say your alerts on Rick Warren and his associations are very accurate. My wife and I became very disturbed by some of the teachings lead by pastor Rick. When we tried to tell our small group about our concerns, we were told that perhaps we should find another church. Although heartbreaking to hear, it did not surprise us. When only a handful out of thousands bring their Bibles to church, it's easy to see why discernment is MIA. Thank you for all you are doing. Stay strong. God be with you and yours.


Downpour Conference

James MacDonald's downpour event is coming to MN, so I went to their site (www.downpour.org)and followed links to learn more about Harvest Bible Chapel's positions. I was shocked to see that their list of "100 Books Every Christian Should Read" includes books by Brother Lawrence (The Practice of the Presence)and Richard J. Foster (Celebration of Discipline). http://www.harvestbible.org/Content/4/15378.pdf


David Jeremiah and Bruce Wilkinson

Thank you for your interesting and enlightening Newsletters. I am so disappointed to learn that great ministers of God's Word, i.e., Bruce Wilkinson and Dr David Jeremiah have been caught up in this 'Contemplative Prayer' deception. Bruce Wilkinson was a member of the church I attend whilst he was in South Africa and he was much respected for his ministry and work in the planting of gardens for the poor in Swaziland. He left quite suddenly to return to the USA and to this day I have not heard the reason for this. I supposed it was a form of "burn out" and that he needed to retreat and recuperate from all the hard work he had committed himself to here in SA. As for Dr Jeremiah, well I was a dedicated listener to his radio ministry, especially "Escape the Coming Night" based on the book of Revelation. May the Holy Spirit guide these good men back to the Word and not let them lose their reward.


Hypnosis and the Dangers of Contemplative Prayer

Several years ago, I learned to do self-hypnosis. I was told and taught it was the way to lose weight as well as relax. So I tried it. It did work a couple of times to relax. I tried to tell myself what I should and should not eat and to just relax. I could probably write a short novel about it, but I won't, instead I will tell you just what happened to me. Today this is called contemplation right? Well I sat and prepared for my quiet time and the more I got into it, things began to change. I had started out in a bright sunny field, then floating on a cloud, and then eventually into a large dim tunnel. The tunnel became darker and smaller. I did see a light at the end, but the feeling was no longer light and free and happy. I can only assume that God stopped me from my travel, because I was suddenly seized with a fear that I had not known before. Somehow things just did not feel right and I knew that something was wrong. I felt as if I was fighting and was not really lifting a hand, but still the fear became stronger. I felt certain that if I continued on the path I was traveling, I would be lost forever and I began to try to fight to wake up and climb back out of the darkness. I don't know what kind of name they give that these days, but I never want to go through it again. I have never been that afraid except as a child, when I saw the evil one and I don't ever want to know it again. To this day I have to Praise God for waking me up to the danger that was ahead of me before I was sucked in. Remembering my Bible, it says that even the elect would be fooled if that is possible so what chance do we, the "everyday-I'm-looking-for-something-fast,-easy-and-special people," have when we are not willing to go the extra mile to just trust God's word rather than seeking someone or something to give us a fast track easy way out. I have also been told to repeat one word, "Hallelujah" in order to accept and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Am I just naive or isn’t that the same thing?

Mary from Indiana

Ode to the Watchers on the Wall...

They are the watchers. Tirelessly they stand on the wall and watch ... sometimes blowing their horns to warn of danger and creeping dragons. The people shake their heads and just walk away... "Don't believe everything you see, foolish watcher!" they say, even though the watchers can see what they can't. Foolishly, the people naively open the gates and welcome the dragons in now. Proudly they walk by flaunting their green guests. "See, this is a good guest," they sneer, oblivious to the puff of smoke wafting behind them. The watchers know that it's only because of their swords that the dragons don't devour the whole village at once. Watchers are never well liked ... they don't apply for this job, but the King grants such a position only to those He chooses. They must accept the honor ... it's not that they are worthy, but they have each been rescued from the mouth of a fierce dragon ... so they know the stench and recognize the sounds of a dragon ... and now they watch for them ... because they owe their lives to the King and his family.

Carla from BC, Canada

(To the tune of Amazing Grace)

Alone, adrift, I hit the deck and prayed upon my knees
And then I heard and felt God's breath upon the coming breeze. The sails, once limp, did luff and pop and harden on the wind
And timbers groaned against the tide upon a sea of sin.
At last, my vessel gathered speed and crashed upon the waves Of hate and pride, of greed and lies pushed up where evil bathes Then rushed across the darkened troughs of guilt, dispair and shame
Until the foam did fly in fear.
The lanyards sang His Name. She plowed ahead, the compass true, the helm was now unmanned,
But someone set my course toward some distant promised land.
I looked ahead and thanked my Savior, who just set me free From glassy waters full of doom, upon His gracious breeze.

Richard D. Givens

PDL - Much Bigger and More Serious Than People Believe

Recently, as I was surfing the radio dial, I found out that a very popular Spanish Christian Radio station (Radio Vision Cristiana) was conducting the 40 day PDL and this "on air"! This radio station airs in several Latin American countries. Needless to say, it has a huge listening audience. I'm amazed at the lack of discernment and good judgment that a great deal of "leaders" have. A thought came to mind when I heard this, "Could they be directly benefiting from Rick Warren by airing his PDL course?" Anyway, PDL is not over, it is much bigger and more serious than many people believe. May the Lord give His people discernment! Sincerely,

New York

40-Days of Purpose Sounding Too New Age

May God bless your discernment and efforts to proclaim His truth and expose all the rest. Our church (Southern Baptist) just went through Rick Warren's 40-Days of Purpose, and I stopped reading his book when he got to Brother Lawrence and contemplative prayer. I thought that sounded too "New Age", so I dropped it like a bad habit. Since then, I discovered members reading Peterson's "The Message." That is when I started a bit of research and discovered your excellent website. I think I have read EVERYTHING. The more I read, the more I discovered where our church seems to be heading. We are considering another service on top of the three we now hold; we have Believe, Belong, Become banners in the auditorium (and I need some more proof that that comes from Rick Warren) and we have a covenant that we recite, which is very biblical, until it gets to the phrase "whatever it takes." We have people planning a trip to Africa (sounds like Africa Watch/P.E.A.C.E. Plan) I have presented our Youth Director a lot of info, as I wait to get a meeting with our pastor on where this is going. I am very encouraged by his support, as he wants our kids to have a deep Christian faith and foundation, not just a shallow "belief." Please keep us, and other churches in your prayers as I try to explain that it is not a numbers issue, but a salvation issue and we need to get back to God's Word and be obedient, instead of Purpose-Driven. Thanks.


New Spirituality Coming into Evangelical Church

I am so grateful to find out about this "New Spirituality" teaching that seems to be coming rampant in the evangelical church. I was just recently alerted to this by a relative and friend. It makes my heart ache and saddens me so very much that so many of these Christian leaders in the church have taken on these false ideas and have become deluded by them as well as deluding others on the way. I have listened to many of these "great" men of God and learned from them and now to think this is happening is unthinkable. I am in a state of shock how these leaders of the faith can be so deceived. It is frightening to see how the enemy is working so hard today. I am so thankful for people like you who still believe in the unadulterated word of God and are not white-washing or making it out to be something it isn't. Please, please carry on and I pray God's blessing upon your ministry. I will be in prayer for you and would like to send a donation by mail. Please send your mailing address to me. Thank you so much once again.


United Methodist Churches Teaching Contemplative to Kids

I praise God every day for you, your website and all the information published on it. Also for the books that you publish. Today I gave away the last of the books that J. and I purchased from you. I'm especially excited because last Sunday one of the ladies who is big time into the Purpose Driven Life/Church came into my office in church and asked me to explain what New Age is. I just happened to have The Light That Was Dark, which I'd brought to give to one of the ladies in my Bible Study group. Instead I gave it to this lady to read. Today she returned it and I gave her A Time of Departing, which is hers to keep.

When our church did the PDL two years ago, our congregation didn't like it at all. Since starting to implement PDC last fall, there's been nothing but chaos and confusion with all the changes the PDL group has tried to make. They're still having their "Transitions" meetings.

A Lay Speaker from the neighboring town said that at a recent seminar they were teaching contemplative prayer and they're also teaching it to the kids. She has warned congregations where she speaks of the dangers of cp. Every spring the UM Churches have a huge gathering for high-school kids. They have 27 workshops, which includes a workshop called "Meditation 101:Breath Prayer, Centering Prayer, Body Prayer and Guided Imagery"; another, "Experimental Prayer: learning how to pray different ways." One by one, God is, at the right time and place, giving me an opportunity to witness to what is going on in the churches, including ours, and to give one of the books published by Lighthouse.


Getting Close to God—Through Meditation or the Word?

I see some in the guest book who are very defensive about their practice of meditation (altered state of consciousness). Someone asked, Where is the love? It is in trying to protect people from principalities and powers that prey upon those who open themselves up to the spirit world. The love is in taking flak from people they are trying to help when it would be easier to just let people go to hell. According to the Bible, the way to get close to the Lord is to saturate yourself in the Word. After we are saved, God begins sanctifying us, conforming us to the image of His Son. This transformation takes place by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2). We discover the mind of Christ by what He says to us. When we read the Bible, the Holy Spirit illumines our minds and teaches us. Trying to interface with God directly in the spirit world is forbidden. God forbids us to contact the spirit world (Deut. 18:10-12) because He didn’t make us able to discern who we are dealing with. We can’t tell whether it is God or Satan appearing as an angel of light. How would we know? Satan is a liar. God bless Lighthouse Trails!! Thank you for all the research, hard work and sacrifice.


The Church Cannot Out Perform the World in Cultural Entertainment

I've been reading a couple excellent books* that have sent me to the great I AM for counsel. Here's what I believe. Check Acts chapter 2 and following, as well as all the other epistles that talk about the church and "test all things."

The problem with the "seeker sensitive" church is that it tries to compete with the culture on the culture's terms and values, neglecting the Biblical mandate that the church be "salt & light" - different from the sin saturated culture. Competing with MTV and other cultural icons will leave the church feeling defeated - and well deserved that feeling will be.

We cannot out perform the lost world in cultural entertainment methods or styles. And we will not win souls for Christ nor make disciples of those who have been called by Him if we look to the culture rather than the Bible for success and the pathway to it. The church is made up of believers for the spiritual growth of the believers and the praise and worship of our Lord who saved us from our sins.

Nobody ever was saved by "spiritual entertainment" nor funny or gripping stories from the pulpit. A service that only provides such - which is what many seeker sensitive services do - never has nor ever will bring a sinner to repentance and the salvation that comes from being truly reborn in and by Christ Jesus.

Those who are saved in what seeker sensitive types call a "believers' service" are saved by God's Spirit by His Word. According to Scripture - all church services are to be "believers' services". Lost folk are to be welcomed, but not made comfortable in their sin. Let each believer search the Scriptures for His guidance on all of life - including how we "do church." After all, life and church are His creations and Father really does know best!

*The Empty Pulpit by Mike Oppenheimer, available at www.LetUsReason.org and The Call by Os Guinness, available at www.CBD.com

Stuart L. Brogden
1 Thessalonians 5:21
Brogden's Muse

Church Leaders Unwilling to Look at the Facts

Several months ago I was asked to serve on a committee for the denomination of our church. Believing I could serve in this capacity I accepted the position. When the time came for us to meet I was informed of time, place, etc. and given a web-site to read prior to the meeting. The site contained things that I could not share with other churches in our denomination...Rick Warren & the PDL, Brian McLaren & his teachings, spiritual formation and the teachings of the so called "Christian mystics." Immediately I talked with my husband & pastor and we prayed. Our pastor encouraged me to share my concerns with the leader from the denomination,and giving them the sources from which I was learning so much. I received an e-mail back stating that my sources were very negative & critical of these authors & practices. It was not necessary for our leader to even read their findings/research. I was told I would not fit in with the plans of the committee, which I already knew. I am very thankful our local church has remained true to the Word of God and to Biblical salvation, but am very concerned for our denomination as a whole. What has happened to make them stray from the truth? What will happen when our local church is in need of a pastor? Serving faithfully until He comes.


Young Son Wants to Know Why This is Happening

Thank you again for listening so long to our story. This is the second church in the denomination that we have had to leave because of apostate teaching. The neo-prophetic movement came into the first church and now the contemplative movement has come into the denomination. It has been difficult battling these apostate doctrines, as we have lost some friends and left others behind. Tonight it became even more difficult. At bedtime my son, 10-1/2, asked his mother why we were going to another church tomorrow and of course she brought him to me for an answer. I had to tell him the denomination was teaching things not found in the Bible. He listened intently and realizing it would not be long before he had to leave his friends. He cried. We prayed together as a family and he went to bed feeling better. Thank you for your kindness in listening that day on the phone and for the books you sent. They may help us convince a few others of the situation. I've read similar stories on the net. I am sure you have heard this story many times, and will hear more. I'd bet listening to all this, time and again, is a big part of your personal ministry. God will help us find a safe place. With kindest regards,


Rick Warren and the Fundamentals of the Faith

Rick Warren says that these are "a very legalistic, narrow view of Christianity." We are just wondering which ones of these five he feels that way about. Remember it is not being a Fundamentalist that makes you extreme, it is the ideas you hold to. Anyone who holds to and believes in certain "fundamentals" about healthy living can be said to be a fundamentalist in healthy living. As Christian we believe in certain teachings that are essential to our faith. One being the resurrection of Christ and our own bodies. (1 Cor. 15:3-5,14-19) This is one of the fundamentals that Rick Warren wants to call "very legalistic, narrow view of Christianity " as in those who hold to this view are below average in their spirituality. Rick is calling the Apostle Paul (by implication) a legalist for Paul said if their was no resurrection then our faith (hope) is in vain.(1 Cor. 15: 14-19) This type of assault on the doctrines (teachings) of the church is exactly why the early church had to continue in coming out with new creeds so as to make clear those who would try to redefine the core teachings of the Apostolic Fathers (the twelve and Paul). It appears that Rick Warren's problem is not with Fundamentalist, but with the fundamental teachings of the church.

John Cogdill
Florida USA

Celebrate Recovery

I am quite concerned that this program [Celebrate Recovery] is not scripturally sound. A friend invited me to a "CR" meeting to see what they were about (actually I believe that if I ever need help of this sort I will first seek it from the Lord, not their group or Rick Warren) but I did attend one time. I was horrified! It was downright creepy. It was a self-centered 12 step program, with a few Message or NLT Bible verses thrown in if they happened to fit the statement of that particular step. I definitely did not get the sense it was God-centered. It has weird rules, too. For instance if someone is sharing and begins crying, you are not to offer them a tissue, or even push the box closer to them (but apparently a box of tissues is always available in the middle of the circle of chairs)—they must reach for it themselves. And no one is allowed to respond with a kind word or a touch when someone is pouring their heart out. That's pretty hard when we want to reach out to someone in love! Very bizarre. My friend is so devoted to the Lord Jesus, and it shocked me to see how this program has wormed its way into her life and into her church in a conservative, mainline denomination. They have taken down all the banners that praise God and have left the walls bare except for one big banner that proclaims "40 days of purpose." Very sad and scary.



I just read "Trapped in Hitler's Hell". The story of amazing protection by God and unshakeable faith are truly inspiring, but what struck me most was how monstrously hateful **the average person had become** in such a short time. Once a demonic leader is in power, the people sink rapidly into cold-blooded animals, gleefully causing the suffering of innocent people. I used to wonder how the whole world could be brought to the point of hating their family, friends, and even children during the Tribulation to come, but now I know. People you know today who are unbelievers but fairly nice can turn into bloodthirsty predators tomorrow. All the more reason to pray for their salvation now!


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