May 17, 2006 
 Coming From the Lighthouse Newsletter
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Each week we are bringing you information that we hope is helpful. There may be times you would like updates on particular stories, such as the Calvary Chapel book episode, in which founder Chuck Smith Sr.'s book, When Storms Come, was tampered with. We will send out updates as they become available to us. In the case of Focus on the Family and the recent report we released about their promotion of contemplative spirituality, we were sent a letter by someone in Dr. Dobson's office, as you may remember, stating that they saw no problem with traditional contemplative prayer or their promotion of contemplative Gary Thomas.

Many have asked us if there is an update with regard to Calvary Chapel. While we have heard from many concerned Calvary Chapel pastors, we have not heard anything from either Pastor Smith or his office. Though we do not necessarily expect or wish to be contacted by such parties, it is our deepest hope that strong public statements will be made to clarify these ministries' stands on contemplative and emerging spirituality. It is for the multitudes of people who are being confused or led astray where our concern lies, not in receiving personal responses.
As you seek to defend the gospel message of Jesus Christ, we pray God's blessing and protection upon you. We hope we have been of some assistance to you in your efforts.
World Vision Promotes Emerging Leader,
Brian McLaren

 Recent issue of their magazine, Child View, carries article by emerging leader Brian McLaren - WV editor tells us they have no problem with his viewpoints.

World Vision has long been considered an organization that helps the needy and the hungry. They also represent themselves as a Christian organization. Their mission statement says: "World Vision is an international partnership of Christians whose mission is to follow our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ ..." No doubt, there are thousands of sincere believers giving financially to World Vision, who assume that not only are their dollars going to help towards the physical needs of poor children but also the spiritual needs of the children through the gospel message of Jesus Christ.

However, there is reason for great concern. In the Summer 2006 issue of World Vision's magazine Child View, there is a full-page article by emerging church leader, Brian McLaren. McLaren, who was named by Time magazine as one of the most influential evangelicals today, has promoted a New Age spirituality for some time now. He has endorsed interspiritualists such as the Rev. Alan Jones (author of Reimagining Christianity) who says things such as: "I don't believe that what we can know of Jesus is confined by the New Testament.... There is no such thing as 'what really happened.1

Brian McLaren also has stated that the doctrine of hell and the Cross are "false advertising for God," and he writes of a "radically, scandalously inclusive" Christianity that includes those from "[all] religions" to "participate in this network of dynamic, interactive relationships with God and all God's creation."2 This language is the very essence of New Age spirituality, which is built on the premise that God is in all things and all things are united as one, including all the world's religions at the mystical level. In other words, Creator and creation are co-equal and share the same identity. McLaren's books, A Generous Orthodoxy, The Secret Message of Jesus, and A New Kind of Christian permeate with this belief system. On McLaren's own website, he recommends books by Buddhist sympathizer, Peter Senge, pantheist and mystic, Ken Wilber, and others who fall in the category of New Age and/or mystic.

Is this really the direction that World Vision wants to go? And is Brian McLaren really someone they wish to promote? We contacted Jocelyn Bell (of World Vision Canada) who is an editor for Child View and was involved with the McLaren article. We shared our concerns with her about McLaren being in the World Vision magazine, relating to her specific information about McLaren's theology. Ms. Bell responded with, "We don't have a problem with Brian McLaren's viewpoints."

This is the very same Brian McLaren who is scheduled to be speaking this summer at the interfaith Center for Spiritual Development with Marcus Borg. The underlying theme of the conference is re-shaping Christianity. Borg openly rejects the view that we are justified by the blood of Christ. In his book, The God We Never Knew: Beyond Dogmatic Religion to a More Authentic Contemporary Faith, he says:

I learned from my professors and the readings they assigned that Jesus almost certainly was not born of a virgin, did not think of himself as the Son of God, and did not see his purpose as dying for the sins of the world."3

This statement by Borg is an accurate representation of his view of Christian theology. And yet, McLaren is not at this conference to refute Borg but is there as a co-sympathizer and even more significant, a co-mystic. Furthermore, in a recent interview, as well as on McLaren's website, he revealed his glowing admiration for Marcus Borg, saying he has "high regard" for him.

Jocelyn Bell also told us that a weekly devotions group, which includes World Vision leaders and workers, was currently studying McLaren's book, A Generous Orthodoxy. Ms. Bell told us that World Vision represents both Evangelicals and Protestants as well as Catholics. We asked her if it also included New Age Christians, of which McLaren is in that group. Of course it is impossible to really be a New Age Christian—this is an oxymoron, for you can be one or the other, but you cannot be both.

Unfortunately, World Vision's connections to contemplative/emerging do not stop with their promotion of McLaren. They also have a seat on the Board of Directors of the very contemplative Spiritual Formation Forum (Richard Foster and Dallas Willard) and are a Ministry Partner of the contemplative/emerging promoting Church Communication Network (originators of the Be Still project).

We hope and pray that World Vision will not continue to head in the direction of the Spiritual Formation (i.e., contemplative spirituality) movement, as this movement leads to a dangerous spirituality that negates the message of the Cross. While World Vision's efforts to feed the hungry are very needed, unless the hungry can be offered the true gospel message of salvation that comes through Jesus Christ then they will be deprived of the spiritual food that nourishes the soul and offers a living relationship with the Lord.

"And Jesus said to them, 'I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.'" John 6:35

"For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, And hewn themselves cisterns—broken cisterns that can hold no water." Jeremiah 2:13

It seems incredible that while so many Christian leaders and apologists are spending enormous amounts of time and money in efforts to refute the Da Vinci Code, contemplative spirituality and its proponents are being virtually ignored even though the damage will most likely be broader and more enduring than a fictitious novel and a Hollywood movie.

1. Running Against the Wind, 2nd ed. p. 203.

2. "Who Defines the Kingdom of God," Berit Kjos.

3. The God We Never Knew, Marcus Borg, p. 25.


For Related Information:

Brian McLaren - On Christianity and New Age Thinking

More on Church Communication Network

More on Be Still DVD

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 Benjamin Warfield (1851-1921) and Contemplative Spirituality
 Devout Theologian Saw Contemplative Spirituality Nearly a Century Ago.

An Essay by Pastor Larry De Bruyn

"There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." Proverbs 14:12

As endorsed by various leaders and authors, the "Be Still" DVD indicates that evangelicals are promoting and embracing mystical religion. Because parachurch ministries and local church pastors encourage it, contemplative spirituality, with its practices and disciplines, is being naively engaged by increasing numbers of Christians. These devout souls desire to draw closer to God by using spiritual techniques they hope will provide experiences that will open new doors and vistas of spirituality.

In keeping with postmodernism, the current and popular philosophy of life that denies truth on the one hand while affirming "personal" spirituality on the other, the emergent or emerging church movement is also merging with contemplative spirituality. In keeping with the spirit of the postmodern age, contemplative, or mystical, Christianity promotes itself to be a way in which to cultivate a personal and experiential walk with God.

In the face of this growing "super-spirituality," significant questions arise for Bible believing Christians. Does contemplative spirituality originate from below, from the flesh, or from above, from the Spirit? Are the experiences of contemplative practices self-induced or Spirit-inspired? Absent mediation by the Holy Spirit as He witnesses to Jesus Christ through the inspired Scriptures (John 15:26; 5:39), do the methods of the new spirituality leave room for the influence of evil spirits in the lives of those who engage those practices? Do contemplative exercises such as meditating into "the silence," Prayer Labyrinths, lectio divina, Taizé worship, etc., belong to the paradigm of works spirituality as opposed the paradigm of grace spirituality?


 Walk to Emmaus/Upper Room Ministries Promotes Mantras

Mantra Meditation Promoted at Upper Room Ministries through "Alive Now":

"Mantra -- The word comes from Sanskrit. Its two-syllabus mean: man or mind and tra or deliverance. A mantra is sound vibration that is intended to deliver the mind from distractions and a focus on the material world. A mantra is repeated like a chant and has a spiritual effect associated with the physical vibration. A mantra can be as simple as one syllable 'OM' or as more complicated such as, 'OM SRI RAM JAI RAM JAI JAI RAM'." From the Upper Room website.

More on the Walk to Emmaus 

The Divine Miss Winfrey?
 According to USA Today: Over the past year, Winfrey, 52, has emerged as a spiritual leader for the new millennium, a moral voice of authority for the nation.

"After two decades of searching for her authentic self - exploring New Age theories, giving away cars, trotting out fat, recommending good books and tackling countless issues from serious to frivolous - Oprah Winfrey has risen to a new level of guru." Read entire article from USA Today, "The Divine Miss Winfrey?"

What does A Time of Departing say about Oprah?

"Somewhere during her career, Oprah read a book titled Discover The Power Within You by Unity minister Eric Butterworth. In line with Unity teaching, the book expounded on the Divinity of Man as perceived through mystical practice. Oprah embraced these views so earnestly that she advocated:

This book changed my perspective on life and religion. Eric Butterworth teaches that God isn’t "up there." He exists inside each one of us, and it’s up to us to seek the divine within.

Her talk show has launched many New Age authors into national super-stardom." Read more from A Time of Departing and Oprah Winfrey.

Contemplative Prayer and I-Pod Teams Together
 Canada's S-Vox Brings "Contemplative Prayer Exercises" to Christians.

"Users can sample the service on a free trial basis at, and then sign up for a full subscription. Subscribers will receive up to 40 minutes of daily devotional readings, sermon segments, Bible readings and contemplative prayer exercises, as well as readings from Christian books and songs by Christian recording artists. They will also enjoy complete access to the myGodPod archives."

Read: Contemplative Prayer and I-Pod Teams Together 

Global Day of Prayer: Sunday 4th June 2006

"God’s people need to be alerted to the hidden, unbiblical agenda that is being pursued around the world through these 'Global days of Prayer'" Cecil Andrews, Take Heed Ministries, Northern Ireland

Read more: Global Day of Prayer: Sunday 4th June 2006 

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We are working hard to make all of our articles available in Printer Friendly Versions. If you find an article you wish to print, but it does not yet have that feature, please email us and we will add the printer friendly version as quickly as possible.



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