We have written this newsletter as a service to the body of
Christ. It is our hope that the work and research we
have provided will help you in your own efforts to defend
the gospel. We pray that while we seek to bring light
to areas of darkness, we may speak the truth with an
attitude of humility and love.
It is only by the grace of God that we are able to stand
with you and contend for the faith. May the Lord bless
and strengthen you and keep you in the shadow of His
Psalms 57:1 "For my soul trusts in You; And in the
shadow of Your wings I will make my refuge."
Ken Blanchard Listed Among New Age Gurus |
Tirtha Swami lectured and wrote extensively
on topics ranging from mysticism and bhakti-yoga
to leadership for the modern age. Ken Shelton,
editor of the professional journal Executive
Excellence said of Swami, his 'work on leadership
sets a new standard, expressly because it explores
the spiritual dimension in ways that popular
gurus like Stephen R. Covey, [New Age/ Mormon]
Kevin Cashman [New Ager], and Ken Blanchard
have not done." The Honorable Pierre Admossama,
retired Director of the International Labor
Organization for the United Nations, called
Swami "an example in the truest sense of global
principle-centered leadership.'"First
African-American Vaishnava Hindu Guru Passes
David Jeremiah to Join Ken Blanchard
at Lead Like Jesus |
Age sympathizer Ken Blanchard is including David
Jeremiah in this year's Lead
Like Jesus conference. Blanchard, a proclaimed
Christian since the mid-eighties, has a twenty-year
history of endorsing and promoting staunch New
Agers and Buddhists. You may look at these
endorsements and promotions more closely
on our web site.
As for David Jeremiah, anyone who knows him
or has a way of getting in touch with him, should
let him know that this is one conference he
doesn't want to attend.
Buddha have anything to offer non-Buddhists
in the workplace? My answer is a wholehearted,
'Yes.'-Ken Blanchard, co-author of the One
Minute Manager, from the foreword and front
cover of What Would Buddha Do at Work?
to David Jeremiah:
PO Box 3838
San Diego, CA 92163
info@turning pointradio.org
Brian McLaren Equates Absolutism with Totalitarianism |
the recent Emergent
Convention, in which Brian McLaren (emerging
church leader) was one of the speakers, he used
a PowerPoint
presentation. He now carries the presentation
on his
web site. If you really want to know what
the emerging church and Brian McLaren are all
about, check this out. Below are a few quotes
from that presentation.
- "We
embrace historic spiritual practices such
as prayer, meditation, contemplation, study,
solitude, silence."
- "We
are committed to honor and serve the church
in all its forms - Orthodox, Roman Catholic,
Protestant, Pentecostal.
- "What
if the dominant method [of]knowing truth is
being replaced by a new methodology ...
- ""Fundamental"
Beliefs are established by research (doubt).
They must be "incorrigible" and universal
- which means non-subjective, and absolute."
- "We
name the disease: Excessive confidence ...
Universal systems ... Totalizing metanarratives
... Absolutism"
Upholding the conviction (a) that one single
explanatory system or view of reality can
account for all the phenomena of life and
(b) that conceptions of truth and moral values
are universal and timeless, not relative to
the persons or groups holding them.
PowerPoint Presentation Continues:
Or ... An embracing mega-narrative this is beyond
both absolutism and relativism?"
McLaren attempts to take us beyond absolutism
(the belief that there are absolutes and definite
truths) and beyond relativism (the belief that
each person has his own valid truth). According
to McLaren, what is beyond those two? Only one
thing - - Interspirituality!
From His Presentation:
"Accept the coexistence of different faiths
... willingly, not begrudgingly. Christian mission
must be dialogical."
seven formative factors in theology ... experience,
revelation, Scripture, tradition, culture, reason
... (Macquarrie, 1977) and dialogue with other
realize that each religion is its own world,
requiring very different responses from Christians."
"old, old story" may not have been the "true,
true story," and so we must continually rediscover
the gospel."
NavPress - Whatever Happened to the Navigators? |
History of the Navigators
Various Ministries
NavPress - A Far Cry From the Original Navigators:
Today, NavPress has become a leading publisher
for contemplative spirituality books. Here are
just a few titles:
Lighthouse Watch
NavPress - Teaching Kids to Practice Contemplative
Prayer |
following are quotes
from an issue of the NavPress kids magazine, Pray Kids. (Loads a bit slow.)
"Going to the next level with Jesus in contemplative
prayer really can be more exciting than your
favorite video game. Why not take a God-break
right now and discover what's at the next level?"
Be still before God. Get a picture of a sunset
in your mind . . . or something else He has
made that amazes you. Wait quietly to let Him
tell you about Himself. Now contemplate God
the Father, or Jesus, using Lectio Divina with
these passages: Exodus 15:11; Psalm 145:13;
Ephesians 1:18-23."
you've picked a topic for your time with Jesus,
find something to hold that will remind you
of it. For instance, if you are contemplating
His many thoughts about you, hold a cup of sand
(Psalm 139:17-18, New Living Translation). If
you are thinking about His tender care, hold
a strand of your hair (Matthew 10:30)."
Amazing Quotes |
rediscovering Christianity as an Eastern religion,
as a way of life."-- Rob Bell, Teaching Pastor,
Mars Hill Bible Church from "The
Emergent Mystique," Christianity Today,
November 2004
hardly think that the statement you quote is
sufficient reason not to discuss the great body
of powerful and spiritual nourishing works that
he (Henri Nouwen) leaves as his legacy. Is there
any author with whom we can agree on every possibly
point and is such complete agreement necessary.
--From a professor at Trinity International
University when asked about Henri Nouwen's following
quote: "Today I personally believe that
while Jesus came to open the door to God's house,
all human beings can walk through that door,
whether they know about Jesus or not. Today
I see it as my call to help every person claim
his or her own way to God." (Sabbatical
Journey, Henry Nouwen)
is born a mystic and a lover who experiences
the unity of things and all are called to keep
this mystic or lover of life alive." -- Matthew
points to the path and invites us to begin our
journey to enlightenment. I ... invite you to
begin your journey to enlightened work."-Ken
Blanchard, foreword What Would Buddha
Do at Work?
in neighborhoods people who are Catholic and
Presbyterian and Lutheran are praying together.
They go to Bible studies together. And an amalgam
of all kinds of religious ideas has taken hold
of the grass roots. Whereas denominational leaders
are increasingly saying, "Well, we've got to
stand for our distinctives." ... Well, those
denominational leaders are going down the wrong
path! "-Leith Anderson, pastor of Wooddale
Church, Minneapolis, MN Interview
Christian Leaders Help to Usher in Interspirituality |
increasing number of well-known Christians have
been endorsing the writings and ministries of
New Agers, false teachers and cult members.
For the most part, such involvements have caught
the attention of very few Christian leaders.
What would have been considered incredulous
and practically unheard of twenty years ago
has now become common place, no big deal, and
is now thought of as positive steps in dialogue
and unity. Below we have listed a few of these
Warren endorses Henri Nouwen's book, In the Name of Jesus:
Kay Warren - "[I]t hits at the heart
of the minister ... I highlighted almost every
Nouwen - "Through the discipline of contemplative prayer, Christian leaders
have to learn to listen to the voice of love
... For Christian leadership to be truly fruitful
in the future, a movement from the moral to the mystical is required" (In
the Name of Jesus, p. 6,31-32).
professor Biola University and Vice President
EMNR ( Evangelical Ministries to New Religions)
endorses the recently released book (by Mormon
author, Robert Millet), A Different Jesus?
The Christ of the Latter Day Saints:
Craig Hazen - "Robert L. Millet has done
us all a great service with this book. He communicates
contemporary Latter-day Saints thinking on Christology
with remarkable clarity and charity. His years
of open, bold, and authentic dialogue with traditional
Protestants of all stripes have certainly given
him a special vantage point. This work sets
the stage for a whole new level of robust dialogue
between the LDS and evangelical Christian communities"
[click HERE for source].
McLaren, a leader in the emerging church
movement endorses Alan Jones' book, Reimagining
Christianity. Alan
Jones is a member of the Living
Spiritual Teachers Project along with Marianne
Williamson and other New Agers. Brian McLaren says
of the book: "Alan Jones is a pioneer in
reimagining a Christian faith that emerges from
authentic spirituality. His work stimulates
and encourages me deeply."
Alan Jones: "The goal of the converted
life is to find God in all things and is based
on the conviction of the unity of reality. Everything
is connected." p. 200 "Jesus and Buddha have
this in common with all great spiritual teachers--
to make human beings more conscious of themselves"
(p. 194).
See more
on this topic.
Rick Warren
and the Emerging Church |
Rick Warren support and endorse the emerging
church movement and its leaders, including Brian
McLaren? According to his pastors.com website,
the answer would have to be yes. The following
emerging church leaders are written about, endorsed
and promoted on the web site:
(Mentioned 5 times on pastors.com)
Interview with Sally Morgenthaler
by Spencer Burke and David Trotter of The Ooze
Quote from that interview on The Ooze web site:
"I don't want to just say communicate the Gospel.
I'm so tired of hearing that, because in the
evangelical world we believe that the Word is
the printed word. It is not. Jesus never said
that this printed word is the Way, Truth, and
Life. John 1 does not say that what we read
about in this book is the Word. The Gutenberg
press was not even invented yet. Jesus is the
Word, but we have such a hard time with that."
Kimball (author of The Emerging Church)
(Mentioned 4 times on pastors.com)
Example: "Rick Warren says, 'This book is a
wonderful detailed example of what a Purpose-Driven
church can look like in a postmodern world.
My friend, Dan Kimball, writes passionately
from his heart, with a deep desire to reach
emerging generations and culture.'" The
Emerging Church on pastors.com
McLaren: Endorses Alan
Jones book, Reimagining Christianity
(Mentioned 7 times on pastors.com)
Example:"Brian is a prominent voice on postmodern
thinking and church growth. He is also the author
of several books including The Church on the
Other Side and the revolutionary book, A New
Kind of Christian." pastors.com
Pagitt, pastor of Solomon's Porch in Minneapolis
- Mentioned 2 times on pastors.com
Emerging Church is mentioned over a dozen times
on pastors.com. Example
For More Information on Rick
Warren and the Emerging Church
Rick Warren and the Aspen Institute |
Aspen Institute is a globalist, new thought think tank that is "dedicated to fostering
enlightened leadership and open-minded dialogue"
and seeks common ground between all peoples."(See
July 5th - 10th this year, the Institute will
hold the Aspen's
Ideas Festival. Speakers
include New Agers, contemplatives,Buddhists,,
homosexuals and well-knowns such as Jane Goodall
and Colin Powell and Arthur Schleissinger. Joining
this open dialogue of ideas is Rick Warren.
Rick Warren will be speaking and sharing the
platform one morning with another speaker--Rev.
Peter Gomes. the two men will be talking about
the American Experience: The Problem of Evil.
Peter Gomes is the out-of-the-closet homosexual
minister for Memorial Church at Harvard University.
Gomes endorses Alan
Jones book, Reimagining Christianity as
does Brian McLaren.
Ministry Spotlight |
Ministries is an excellent resource, providing news and
updates on issues such as the New Age, Purpose
Driven, the emerging church movement, Harry
Potter, mysticism, interspirituality and much
more. There are also over a dozen charts that
are definitely worth looking at such as the
Cultural Paradigm" chart.
Purpose Driven Catholics? |
In Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren makes
several favorable references to well-known Catholics:
page. 88 (Brother Lawrence, a Catholic mystic),
pg. 108 when he mentions Catholic priest, Henri
Nouwen and also St. John of the Cross, and
twice he mentions Mother Theresa, p. 125 and
While the above references certainly would not
be evidence that Rick Warren plans to help bridge
the gap between Catholicism and Evangelicalism,
the Purpose
Driven Catholics program on the Purpose
Driven web certainly does.
One can only wonder if Purpose Driven Mormons,
Purpose Driven Hindus and Purpose Driven Buddhists
are awaiting the Purpose Driven Kingdom.
C. S. Lewis Summer Institute Invites Rick Warren and
Richard Foster |
C. S. Lewis Summer Institute,
will be held in England this summer. Both Rick
Warren and contemplative Richard Foster will
be guests. Contemplative prayer will be one
of the topics discussed at the Institute.
two years ago, Lighthouse Trails Publishing
contacted the C. S. Lewis Institute after learning
that they were featuring Richard Foster on their
web site. They agreed to receive a complimentary
copy of A Time of Departing by
Ray Yungen, which we sent to them at that time.
look at the Institute's Recommended Books list
explains why Richard
Foster and Rick Warren are on the speaker
list this summer. Authors on this book list
can only hope that the board of directors at
the C. S. Lewis Institute will read A
Time of Departing and finally understand
our concerns.
What is Contemplative Spirituality and Why is it So Dangerous?
by John Caddock |
Note: John Caddock wrote this article long before
most of us had ever heard of contemplative prayer.
The message Mr. Caddock gives is as important
now as it was then. If you know very little
about contemplative spirituality, the article
is an eye opener. If you are quite familiar
with this belief system, the article will confirm
to you and remind you of why contemplative prayer
negates the message of the Cross:
"Little did I know when I began to read The
Signature of Jesus the time and effort that
would be involved in understanding it. I am
not a theologian by training. My background
is in technical management in electronic component
manufacturing. However, I stumbled onto something
that I became convinced was very dangerous and
little understood.
One reading was not enough for me to understand The Signature of Jesus. I found that
it was like reading a book in a foreign language.
I read many new expressions like contemplative
prayer, centering prayer, centering down, paschal
spirituality, the discipline of the secret,
contemplative spirituality, celebrating the
darkness, mineralization, the Mineral Man, practicing
the presence, the interior life, intimacy with
Abba, the uncloistered contemplative life, inner
integration, yielding to the Center, the bridge
of faith, notional knowledge, contemporary spiritual
masters, masters of the interior life, shadow
self, false self, mysterium tremendum, existential
experience, and the Abba experience.
I also encountered many writers I have never
read before, including Kasemann, Burghardt,
Merton, Van Breeman, Brueggemann, Moltmann,
Nouwen, Küng, Steindl-Rast, Rahner, Bonhoeffer,
Kierkegaard, and Camus.
I had to read the book three separate times
before I was confident that I understood what
Manning was saying. I even read it a fourth
time for good measure.
Reading this book led me to read a number of
other books and articles by and about leading
mystics/contemplatives. I learned about the
heart of Manning's message, centering prayer."
Caddock, Winchester, Oregon; Read entire article.]
The Way, the Truth and the Life |
4, 2005 |
April 20th, Lighthouse Trails Publishing issued
a press
release showing the connection between Rick
Warren and New Age/Buddhist sympathizer Ken
Blanchard. One month after the press release
went out we received an email
from Rick Warren. Within hours of sending
us the email, Rick Warren made the email public.
Needless to say, it traveled wide and far. Two
weeks later we made a public
response and explained that while Rick Warren's
email to us was full of erroneous
and misleading statements there was virtually
no explanation as to why his connection with
Ken Blanchard was taking place and how such
actions might affect the church.
Since then, we have received two phone calls
and one email from men at Saddleback. We have
also been sent numerous emails and statements
that Saddleback Church and National Director
of 40 Days of Purpose, Marty Cutrone, have issued
to many people regarding our April 20th press
release on Ken Blanchard. In no uncertain terms,
the message to us from Rick Warren and Saddleback
is clear--they want us to stop. In an email
and a follow up phone call we received from
Frank Cate, a Saddleback layman, we were told
we were "damaging the kingdom." Mr. Cate said,
"[A]s I read some of the crude statements you
make regarding Saddleback, Rick Warren, PDL,
etc., one is moved to ask to what end you are
sitting up in beautiful Oregon lobbing grenades
southward. Certainly the God you claim to believe
in, cannot be pleased." Cate continued, "Let
me say clearly to you-no one proclaims the Gospel
more clearly than does Rick Warren and Saddleback.
I feel sincerely that if you stopped lobbing
dead cats over the wall from Oregon, and came
down to see firsthand, you might well agree
with that statement."
The reason we tell you these things is not to
linger in the situation of these emails and
phone calls but to let you know that since the
day we released the information about Ken Blanchard
there has been no public acknowledgment by Rick
Warren or Saddleback that a New Age promoter
should not be helping to train believers or
those looking for truth. And to make matters
worse, the evidence that Rick Warren is promoting
and endorsing contemplative spirituality grows everyday.
As we have watched in wonder the assault on
a small Christian publisher who has minimum
impact compared to Rick Warren who continues
to spread his views to literally millions of
people around the world, we cannot help but
wonder why such a reaction is taking place.
With so much attention now placed on us many
others have also become curious.
And yet, Ken Blanchard continues speaking to
and training Christians at events around the
Leadership Summit 2005 with Rick Warren,
Bill Hybels and Ken Blanchard in 100 US cities
and several other countries around the world.
(Summer 2005)
2.Lead Like Jesus with Christian leaders such
as David Jeremiah (2005).
With the recent endorsement by Ken Blanchard
for a book called In
the Sphere of Silence by Vijay Eswaran and
with the continued
working relationship between Rick Warren
and Ken Blanchard, we believe these recent emails,
phone calls and other Internet postings are
a mere diversion to get the attention off the
real matter.
While we realize that any continued efforts
we put forth to expose the New Age infiltration
into the church puts us at risk of many different
scenarios, we are compelled by the Lord to press
on. The gospel is worth defending because of
I John 5:12, which says, "He who has the Son
has life; he who does not have the Son of God
does not have life." That Son John speaks of
is Jesus Christ, and as believers, we have been
commissioned to spread the Good News and to
maintain its purity. But it is exclusive
Good News. Life is only offered to those who
have Jesus Christ. Buddha and the New Age cannot
give that life. They can only give death. That
is why, as we hear daily reports of apostasy
entering the church, we have no choice, like
you, our brothers and sisters, but to speak
up and defend the words of our Lord, who so
beautifully said, "I am the way, the truth and
the life. No one comes to the Father, except
through me" (John 14:9).
While we are sorry to see such discord among
those who claim the name of Jesus, we also believe
Scripture when it tells us that in latter times
some will fall away from the faith and in fact,
there will be great delusion coming upon the
face of the Earth. As we watch in shock and
dismay the falling of many Christian leaders
to false teachings, we realize we too, because
of our sinful nature like all of mankind, could
fall and thus, by faith, we cling to the old
rugged Cross and the Word that was given to
The apostle Paul made it very clear that even
if he himself stopped preaching the gospel,
he should be condemned. We too have that same
responsibility and are compelled: "But even
if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other
gospel to you than what we have preached to
you, let him be accursed. As we have said before,
so now I say again, if anyone preaches any other
gospel to you than what you have received, let
him be accursed. For do I now persuade men,
or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I
still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant
of Christ" (Galatians 1: 9, 10).
Paul was eventually martyred for his faith.
How can we, who have never lost blood for our
faith, look at ourselves in the mirror if we
are not willing to "count all things loss for
the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus,"
and count them as rubbish in order that we might
gain Christ and share this Good News with the
Lighthouse Trails Publishing
For Further Information