August 29, 2011
In This Issue - click choice

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Note: Because we are a research ministry, we do post articles from various secular and Christian sources along with our own in-house articles if we believe our readers can benefit from the information.

This entire issue is devoted to the "new" sexuality and child sexual abuse in both the world and in the evangelical/ Protestant church. If you have children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews,or friends with children, or if you work with children, this issue is for you. With Lighthouse Trails' motto, "bringing light to areas of darkness," we have been reporting on these sensitive areas since the beginning of Lighthouse Trails. Some may feel that sex abuse and the "new" sexuality do not fall within the parameters of exposing spiritual deception, but we believe it does. Why are we doing this? It's quite simple, really. What is sown today will bear fruit tomorrow. In other words, what we do for or against the younger generation (children, teens, and young adults) today will be evident in how they function as Christians tomorrow. If we give them sexual abuse, deceit, sensuality, mysticism, pride, arrogance, carnality, lust, surely we must realize what this will reap in the future.

There are many facets of child sexual abuse in the church that we won't be covering in this issue, such as predators who claim to be Christian but are not and who infiltrate churches for the mere purpose of abusing children. But even that is still ultimately the responsibility of the local church wherein they should be screening children's workers and by all means, not covering up abuse and then allowing perpetrators to continue working with children, either in their church or in another associated church.

The "new" sexuality that has been brought into the church through emerging contemplative advocates has paved the way for even more abuse to take place because of the carnal, sensual nature of the "new" sexuality and the "new" spirituality. One of the things that is very troubling about that is while the emerging church movement says they are wanting to reach out to the young people of this culture (blaming fundamentalist Christians for not doing that satisfactorily), many of these young people have been sexually abused as children, then they come into an emerging church where homosexuality is becoming more widely embraced, and they come into a contemplative church where things like tantric sex are being subtly introduced. And they come into a carnal church that abuses children and then covers it up.

While the "new" evangelicals boast that they are helping young people far more than the previous generation did, with their updated methods and ideas, the opposite is true. What young people need today is the Word of God AND a pure church.

Now we know that the church can only be pure as it submits itself to Jesus Christ and allows His purity and His life to dwell within us as believers in Christ. We cannot have this purity apart from Him.

The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes. Psalm 19:8

But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. James 3:17

By turning to false "gods," so to speak - contemplative mysticism, spiritual disciplines, new sexuality, social justice, purpose-driven, etc. - the church is doing more harm than good to these wounded young people.

God cannot and will not use a church that is arrogant, prideful, lustful, and deceptive. We call upon Christian pastors and leaders who have allowed these vices into their own lives and into their churches to repent, allow God to cleanse, and be truly used of God to help young people.

There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet is not washed from their filthiness. Proverbs 30:12

In the past several days, since our story about Calvary Chapel was released, we have heard from many people, a number who have shared their own or their children's personal accounts of abuse and cover up (not all are within Calvary Chapel). Why weren't these stories reported to authorities, some may ask. Anyone who knows anything about child molestation knows that the victim often feels too ashamed to tell about his or her abuse. And in the case where abuse takes place in a church, there is often coercion to "deal" with the matter privately within the confines of the local church. But sadly, often the abuse is NOT dealt with and the molester is moved to a new location. We saw this tragedy happen in the Catholic church. But it is happening in the Christian church as well. We know there are many churches who do protect their children - for this you are commended. But there are too many that don't.

The majority of people who contacted us after our article last week were extremely supportive of this story coming out. But a few were angry and upset. Some of those felt that the story should not have been released as this is a "private" matter for the church, not for the world to see. New believers will stumble, they say, by this coming out. This is nothing but gossip and so on. Basically, what they are saying is that this shouldn't be talked about publically. But that poses a problem because it isn't being dealt with within the church. Children are being abused, and adult leaders are covering it up.

Today, a lot of Christian figures talk about "revival" and a "new" reformation taking place. However, we should note that whenever true revival has taken place in the past, it was a revival of repentance. People would be humbly confessing their sins. This is a sharp contrast to today's "revival" mentality where sins are pushed under the rug, never dealt with - or worse yet, they are no longer called sin. A "new" reformation or revival that is fleshly, devilish, and sensual is not a reformation from God at all.

by Catherine Brown

May kids be brave enough to tell
Parents be strong enough to believe
The Church, Christ-like enough to support
America, wise enough to judge
May offenders be sorry enough to stop

[If you are someone who has in the past sexually abused a child, the "new" evangelicalism cannot help you. Only by repenting and putting your full trust and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ can you be helped. Wash yourself in the Word of God daily, make restitution to those you have harmed, be accountable to a godly person, and do not put yourself in temptation's way. And remember sexual abuse against a child is a crime.]

Note of Apology: We apologize that some of the material you read in this week's newsletter will be difficult to read and view and perhaps feel offensive. But these things need to be brought out of the secret corners, and in so doing perhaps some children will be saved from abuse. With statistics showing that a very high percentage of boys and girls are molested by the time they are 18, we cannot ignore what is happening in the church, as painful as it may be to all of us.

Obama Administration Declares Children as ‘Sexual Beings’

By Richard Swier
Red County News

Indiana University Zoologist Dr. Alfred C. Kinsey shocked the nation in 1948 with the publication of Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, followed in 1953 by Sexual Behavior in the Human Female.

Since the publication of these two reports Dr. Kinsey and his research have been scientifically debunked.

However, he lives on in the hearts and minds of the gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgender movement as a sage. Gays, when confronted with their behaviors, always say the person confronting them is gay also. This has most recently been used against Republican presidential candidate and Texas Governor Rick Perry who has been called gay.

According to Robert H. Knight, “[T]his comes from Kinsey stating that 95 percent of men committed sexual crimes such as rape, sodomy, incest, homosexuality, adultery, public exposure, fornication or other offenses. If most men were sexual criminals of one sort or another, Kinsey reasoned, then society should redefine what is ‘normal’ and reduce penalties for sex offenses.”

It appears that the Obama administration and the U.S. Department of Health and Human services agree with Dr. Kinsey. Time to redefine “normal”, especially in children. Click here to continue reading.


Obama Administration Declares Children as ‘Sexual Beings’
Feedback on Article about Calvary Chapel and Child Sex Abuse Case
Mental Health Group Looks to Remove Stigma From Pedophilia – American Psychological Association’s Role in These Efforts
Where Predators Hunt
‘Gay’ pedophilia and Obama
Deaf victim of sex abuse is suing pope, and going public with his story for the first time
Myths about Abused Boys
Is This America?
What Being Molested Cost Me by Gregory Reid
Presbyterians in Mexico to break with apostate PCUSA on homosexuality
The Unforgettable Face of Eva
What’s Sex Got To Do With It?
Other Related Articles and Resources
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Feedback on Article about Calvary Chapel and Child Sex Abuse Case

Regarding our article from 8/25/11, Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa named in Child Sexual Abuse Lawsuit,  Lighthouse Trails received many responses. We have decided to post some of them as we think it is important for our readers to see what is being said by others. We have included the negative comments we received also.

Thank you for this e-mail and for your stand on truth. Even though I am a Calvary Chapel pastor and choose to continue to be affiliated, things like this do need to be exposed. No denomination or affiliation is perfect, and it’s my prayer that I and all the other CC Pastors and leaders would take a closer look at these kinds of things (doctrine as well) that are taking place within the Calvary Chapel fellowships, and repent. May the Lord have mercy on us all. Only By His Grace, ( John, not real name, a Calvary Chapel pastor)

I am stunned, shocked, sickened and grieved by this article. As a survivor of child abuse within my own family, I know the after affects of this type of abuse. And as a member of a CC church in ________, it grieves me to be aware that such a thing can go on within the CC movement and not be condemned from the highest platform. As difficult as it must have been for your organization to report this, I, for one, thank you for having the courage to report it; and pray your organization can stand strong against what will probably be strong resistance to this report. May God continue to bless you. My prayers are with you. (Joyce, not real name, a Calvary Chapel church member)

Dear Friends, Thanks for ALWAYS REPORTING THE TRUTH. Keep up the great work your doing. (Pastor K.)

Truth is Truth no matter where it leads you. We understand this is like Ezekiel 8 all over again. (G.L.)

It just sickens me as to how bad everything is getting out there. Pastor Raul Reis is one that I always recommended to people to listen to and now this! I do attend a Calvary Chapel and from the time I first walked in the doors, I have continuously kept my eyes and ears open. But I do have to say, that it was not because of everything that I have learned about C.C.’s over the last year. It was just because I came out of a Word of Faith church and I am very careful as to what they are teaching or endorsing. Yes, I have noticed some things and have asked questions about my concerns but I am needing to get some more information/documentation. . . .  Once I can get my hands on what I need, then I need the courage to step up again and present what I have. Yes, you did the right thing, I believe, in sending out this message. It is ‘scary’ where everything is going. If I have to leave this church, I seriously do not know where I will go. Oh, there are plenty of churches in the area but . . . I can point out where they are embracing the Emergent/Contemplative movement. (R., a Calvary Chapel church member)

Very sad indeed….God help us! (J.)

 Thank you for having the courage to send this out. We attended the local Calvary Chapel a couple of times.  We discovered that they supported Rick Warren’s 12-step program “Celebrate Recovery”, and the Dominionist 2000AD program. Then they advertised a special speaker.  A man who was coming to speak on the topic of “All religions have truth”.  I didn’t bother to go. We only went a few times after that.  On one of the Sundays we were there, they had ”The Shack” promoting Gayle Irwin as a speaker.  (This was shortly before it was publicly known that he was doing this.) The last straw was after we talked to the assistant pastor about the heresies of Rick Warren and were met with skepticism. I thought, ”Why would I want to sit in a pew where I know more than the pastor about what is going on?”  We left with sorrow. (S.)

I would like to translate this into Swedish, because I believe this is important. Here in Sweden there hasn’t yet been any of this kind as far as I know, but I am convinced we will soon have reports on this here too. (from Sweden)

Sorry, but I feel this is a travesty being played out by lighthouse trails. We have been under the teaching of Raul Reis and Calvary Chapel for almost 30 years. I don’t believe for a moment that it is CC habit or intent to place pedophiles around children. I do believe that there are those who would and do target CC and other worthy ministries as tools of the enemy as told to us by scripture. Of course this accusation must be investigated and any guilty removed. As of now this is only a suit not a decided court case. I have no doubt that CC will fully cooperate with the investigation. But the self righteous gloating and the judgment of guilt of CC on the part of lighthouse reminds me of the Pharisees that were rebuked by Jesus. Why is it incumbent upon lighthouse to publish this and in doing so fracture the faith of many young believers? What is lighthouse trying to accomplish? Is their commission different then the rest of ours? Is John 13:19 and Gal 6:9 their commission? This is heresy.  Why don’t they spend their time and money in spreading the Gospel and let God separate the wheat and the chaff. The court system and liberal media is more then able to shoot all the fiery arrows with out the likes of lighthouse. (a Calvary Chapel associate pastor)

After reading the court record (that you provided) it was more apparent than ever that you fairly and honestly represented the facts (allegations) in the case. In addition your correlation of the sad situation (I feel so deeply for the young victims) with the policies of CCCM et al, is a warning to us all that tampering (misinterpreting, etc.) with God’s Word is fraught with danger. At the same time we can’t forget there are many good people who worship at CCs. We pray for all involved. Shalom, (S.)

Just to let you know how much I appreciate your publishing this horrendous act.  Shame on them for allowing this to happen to innocent children.  Come quickly, Lord Jesus! (Karen)

I don’t understand how the Calvary Chapel case below is an apostasy? It sounds more like you’re a bearer of gossip rather than expositor of truth and apostasy. Does Calvary Chapel have problems with leaders? Yeah, sinful men not always submitting to the will of God and doing what is right. Their biggest fault and what I always dislike about Calvary is their refusal to apply proper church discipline and even common sense and their strong stance on defaulting on the side of grace even to a their own demise. One would not put an alcoholic to guard wine, by the same token a person struggling with sexual sin should not be placed in this situation. . . . But this amounts to little more than gossip. Is it egregious? Sure. Did the whole body need to know about it? I am not so sure. . . . You should have prayed a little more before releasing these documents. . . . They need to rid the church of the perpetrator, in this case the molester. Does it mean the entire church should be discarded? I say teach people how to spot the lies. . . . This is not a doctrinal error, this is men not following the rule of law. They should step down they obviously don’t know what the qualifications of leaders are. I will have to stay home and not fellowship if I were to avoid every church where sinful men make dumb decisions. This newsletter was not really necessary and it really has nothing to do with apostasy. Mores over, it has to do with moronic leaders. (C.S.)

Take me off your list. Don’t send this trash to me. God will deal with whoever He needs to. This trash tends to damage the whole church.  Bad decision to send out this e-mail. (Anita)

We are glad you chose to bring this to the light on Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa.  We have seen similar examples from churches in our area, one of them being a 12 year old girl in the past being told by the “pastor” that he would teach her the proper way to have “sexual intercourse.” It is not just the false Catholic system involved with this wretched sin, but sadly a number in the so called Protestant church as well.  I do not know if you had seen this article on pedophiles that recently met an hour away from here in Baltimore: It stands to reason, when sodomites are allowed in “man’s” eyes to be “married” that pedophilia would be the next thing to consider as “normal” possibly being followed by bestiality… I do not see these past two earthquakes and hurricane Irene as coincidence but judgment from the Almighty for a nation that for the better part is trying to bite the Hand that feeds it…. Psa 2:1-5: “Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure. ” (Luke)

 You did exactly the right thing in bringing this to the attention of the Church. Jude is quite clear that Christianity would be in this sad state of affairs. My husband and I have consistently fought for the past 35 years to ward off this evil day. Very few listen. Very few. This is a time for humility and repentance … neither of which is in evidence in these last days. Keep up this necessary work. Your reward is in heaven (and WE appreciate you right now). May the Lord bless and keep you until His soon coming. (C.M

What a heart breaker. Thanks for publishing this news and providing such excellent  documentation of the facts. Our family was also touched by early child sexual abuse. The Lord  knows the terrible, far-reaching impact of this sin. I still pray for my daughter’s abuser, who was (at that time) a 12  year-old girl who was also being abused by her step-father… No doubt you will get a huge backlash…. Thanks for being willing to  take it. (C. from Oregon)

Considering the last article written by Lighthouse Trails, the reader would certainly reconsider association with Calvary Chapels. I believe this is completely intentional on your part. This agenda is not helping the cause of leading lost souls to Christ. Look at what is happening in our world today! The end is surely near, lawlessness is everywhere, including among people in all kinds of churches, denominational or otherwise. Calling out all Calvary Chapels on the carpet when the issue is ONE Calvary that is dealing with a tragic situation is not beneficial to our collective cause of evangelism. You have gone too far. I pray you will use your site for the glory of the Lord and not for harm. I’m unsubscribing and I’m going to encourage others to not participate in this needless and nasty propaganda against those in Calvary who are following the Lord. Time is running out and we don’t have time to play into the enemy’s hand. (Samantha - a Calvary Chapel church member – not real name)

Thank you so much for having the fortitude in writing this article. You were absolutely right in doing so. For too long sexual abuse crime has been covered up by the churches.  I have a son who has disabilities and who was sexually abused whilst he was in care. He had a massive, what I will call, “breakdown” and has never really recovered. He was 19 yrs at the time, and is now __ yrs. Life for him has been a very difficult road to tow. The last two years he has been in a melt down mode but is recovering slowly. PTL. The churches, in my view, need to be made aware that this abuse is a CRIME, and needs to be seen in this light, and be immediately reported to the police.  When we hide sin, it will be found out and become very public, which gives people the impression that all Churches are alike.  Will leave you now – am going to visit my son and take him out for the afternoon. So, keep up the God work and expose these scoundrels for what they are. Yours in Christ Jesus, (Rachel, not real name, from Australia)

Thank you for breaking the silence and publishing this.  I personally know one of the accused pastors, and Chuck Smith, this has been happening for at least 25 years and the Calvary movement, run by Chuck is corrupt and blind. I will pray for those who are abused by these pastors. (Lucy – not real name)

Thank you lighthousetrails for this article my heart grieved as I read. I am speechless but not prayerless God bless you all at lighthouse trails. (J. from California)

I read with distress and sadness your article about sexual abuse by a known pedophile within an Idaho Calvary Chapel Church who did so with the full knowledge of the pastoral leadership of that church. However, I take issue with the tone and judgment against the greater Calvary Chapel denomination.  This author is painting most if not all of “Calvary Chapel” with certain characteristics, implying that the denomination itself is structured in such a way as to be open to such abuse and is even intrinsically aware of and condoning sexual abuse of children.  Instead, there are how many CC Churches in the USA?  And how many of them have more than one pastor along with a senior staff or board?  This author makes it look like CC churches are led by power-mad dictators who wink at sin.  How many of them have excellent youth programs, helping their parents raise Godly children? vs. depraved/flawed programs that expose the children to dangerous predators? . . .   This writer and his broad brush should not go unchallenged!  Were those who committed these crimes correctly prosecuted and exposed?  Yes.  Should the entire church be condemned for their sin?  NO.  I urge you to avoid such broadly inclusive accusations and characterizations.  As a publication house of some stature, your editorial will be read by many as being wholly true and unbiased.  . . . Please exercise better judgment in your choice of words, depictions and characterizations. (A.W.)

Necessary reporting yet repugnant and a shame that sin was tolerated and covered with wide-spread consequences! (John)

I agree. This step was absolutely necessary. As CC is drifting more and more into the emerging field, its other problems become visible as well. Or, one could assume that those “other problems” are actually the basis and background for the doctrinal drift. That wouldn’t be too surprising.  Fully with you and your excellent ministry, and always thanking you for it. (J.H.)

Thank you for always exposing the truth! God bless you, Ephesians 5:11 (Susan)

I am so glad that you decided to send this to your readers.  If you would have not done this, we would be in the dark about this issue as no other Christian organization has sent out any information as to this problem.  I  will be praying about for the children involved in this sad situation. Thanking you for your faithfulness in keeping your readers informed. (G&S)

Wow, what courage you have.  It’s sickening, really, what you posted, but its MORE sickening NOT to expose this. I am in an emotionally abusive marriage, with such subtle deception, lies and denial that can break down the core of someone . . .  The church so just pushes this under the rug, over and over and over, crossing denominational boundaries.  I do not want to compare myself and my children to the sexually abused people in this case.  But the principle is, the church can not keep silent on these things.  Our God is a defender of the weak, the oppressed, those dealt with by the wicked.  He will not remain silent and if HE deems it worth dealing with, surely He would find it in order for the church to deal with it. . . . .  Still…. we MUST talk about these things….and THANK YOU for bringing up so often about the victims….praying for them. . . . Your stance is going to minister so much to those who are longing for the church to be a stable measure of truth when all around is crumbling.  THANK YOU on their behalf, many who will not vocalize their thanks to you. . . ALSO THANK YOU for using a disclaimer when quoting Chuck Colson!! THAT has been one of my big arguments when I see churches and leaders quoting authors who promote the emergent and/or ecumenicalism. I hated to write all this, but am thinking you likely will wonder if you have supporters on this, will likely wonder what others are thinking, will likely need encouragement in this.  . . . I hope to encourage you all in the midst of taking a strong and difficult stand.  May you all see an amazing support of the Lord in unexpected ways as He Himself would show His encouragement, not in a way to bring about pride, but just enough to allow you to feel you can maintain and move ahead in obedience to what He is calling you to do and say. Boldly and humbly, (Susan, not real name)

The criminal bankers own the churches.  They are part of the “beast” system.  Hang in there and never have a second thought about doing what is right according to the WORD. (C.H.)

Thank you so very much for having the courage to put forth the Calvary Chapel articles. Our prayers are with you as you are being used by God as TRUE WATCHMEN on the WALL. You guys are excellent writers that communicate TRUTH clearly. May your reward be great in Heaven. We LOVE YOU and appreciate who you are. (W&J from Oregon)

The same thing has happened in the Presbyterian Church USA (which has now jumped into Lake Apostasy).  A young minister . . . has been charged with having child pornography.  As of today, I can’t find out what has happened.  All of the Presbyterian publications have “shut down” as far as this piece of news goes.  It is because he is the son of a very well-respected author and minister, Dr. Donald Griggs, in the PCUSA.  And so it is not just Calvary Chapel or Roman Catholicism, but at least we are hearing about them.  No one seems to know what is going on with “the Reverend Dr. Mark Griggs”, son of Dr. Donald Griggs.  Wish you would investigate. I have left, and so I don’t know. (Janice, not real name)

It’s called ‘breaking the silence’ regarding talking about molestation, regardless of whomever committed (perpetrated) the act or acts. Have been involved in the counseling field, and have dealt with molestation victims for over 20 years. It’s the silence that kills the heart, the soul, the person. . . .  Thanks for breaking the silence re The Church and molestation. We must protect the children, as Jesus said to do. (G. from a women’s crisis center)

Thank you for the information.  I prefer to know these things.  God Bless your ministry . . .we appreciate you. (S&A)

I want to thank for printing the Calvary Chapel charges. I was a victim at a very young age and many people knew but kept quiet, and it never came to light for many years later. No help as I was left to wonder if I had caused it. I have read your books Laughter Calls Me. Keep doing what you do; I look forward to your every e-mail. (B. from Oregon)

Though I become devastated every time I hear of precious kids being maliciously and sexually abused, I thank God for all of you who diligently by the leading of the Holy Spirit expose the sin that is running rampant in various Calvary Chapels, as well as in other churches.  Like Roger Oakland and you, I never thought this day would come of observing the Calvary Chapel Movement slowly sinking into sin, as well as covering it up.  Thank God for His love and just position against sin.  You are so right, He will expose the terrible crimes (sin) if the church doesn’t do the job necessary to protect children and other sheep who need a reliable pastor to lead the flock. Sadly, [my siblings] and I were also victims of sexual/physical child abuse . . . when we were young. . . .  [We] purposed in our hearts not to repeat what our father sinfully committed.  By the grace of God, our kids have not suffered in that way as we did.  PTL! Because LHTR does its solid research with a loving spirit, please do not hesitate to keep me informed.  I will get the word out to pray for the four precious kids who were abused.  . . .  Many whom I know here will be praying. Continue to do what the Lord has called you to do without waiver.  No longer should the CC Movement be protected  from sin that is not repented of.  Cover up never pleases God.  And we could never hide anything from our God, as you know so well. May God continue to bless all of you for His purpose and glory. (Jeff, not real name, a Calvary Chapel pastor)

“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather [Expose] them”! Ephesians Ch. 5:11. P.S. You did the right thing, for I was a victim of mental child abuse, and how I wish someone like Lighthouse trails could have been around to shine God’s lighthouse into the darkness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! May God richly bless you all for having the moral courage to save the hearts and minds of these children from anymore Predator abuse! {Selah}! {Emphasis mine}. Sincerely Mark


Mental Health Group Looks to Remove Stigma From Pedophilia – American Psychological Association’s Role in These Efforts

LTRP Note: Last week, Fox News released an article titled ”Mental Health Group Looks to Remove Stigma from Pedophilia” [child sex abuse]. The article reports on a group of professionals who are making efforts to take the stigma out of pedophilia. While this group of people does not directly reflect the views of the APA, the American Psychological Association, we emphasize the word directly. What many readers may not know is that in 1998, the APA released a “research” report in their publication, Psychological Bulletin, which stated that sexual relations with children is not necessarily harmful to them. The report was nicknamed “The Rind Report.” Because of efforts by Dr. Laura Schlessinger and other child advocates, a bill was created and submitted to the House of Representatives, which in turn passed the bill and rejected and condemned The Rind Report. Dr. Schlessinger stated: “This study is the first step on the road to normalizing pedophilia – just as homosexuality has been mainstreamed to the point where tolerance is no longer sufficient: we have to “embrace” it.”

Now, thirteen years later, and now that homosexuality is so accepted that even many evangelical and Protestant mainstream groups have either embraced the homosexual lifestyle as being “normal” or at the least changed their views that it is sinful, we can see that efforts to normalize the sexual abuse of children is still underway. We find it tragically coincidental that on the same week we wrote our article about the alleged cover up of sexual abuse at Calvary Chapel, we learn of this mental health group hoping to change the public’s view on pedophilia.

In a 2002 WorldNetDaily article written by Dr. Schlessinger, she reiterates the efforts being made to normalize pedophilia. In that article, she states: 

Pedophiles are, under the best of circumstances, extremely difficult to convict. Often members of revered professions in the community, accused pedophiles appear in court in three-piece suits, as well dressed and well spoken as the judges themselves, who can’t bring themselves to believe that such upstanding citizens could be guilty of such heinous crimes. The terrified, violated children are no match for them.

Thus, we salute those young men in the Calvary Chapel abuse case for being brave enough to come forth. And we pray other children and young people who have been abused as children will come forth as well.  Remember, the power of sin lies in its secrecy.

If indeed child sex abuse (pedophilia) is “normalized” in our society, you can be sure that there will be no possible hope for any country that has given in to this atrocity. Throughout history, once a nation or society lowered itself to that level, that nation or society was no more. Those who have been abused know full and all too well that the sexual molestations committed against them did harm them; and thus those who have abused must be judged and kept from children.

As for Calvary Chapel, we pray that those who are truly guilty for any sexual crimes against children or for the cover ups of sexual crimes against children will humble themselves, come forth willingly, repent for either their abuse or the cover up of such, and in so doing receive forgiveness from God and contribute to the healing of the victims. Yes, those guilty who come forth may go to prison; but they can be set free from the guilt and reprobate direction they are going in and be made clean as snow because of Christ’s forgiveness. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).

God’s view of child abuse can be capsulated in the words of our Lord Jesus Christ: “It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones” (Luke 17:2).

And now the Fox News article:

A group of psychiatrists and other mental health professionals say it’s time to change the way society views individuals who have physical attractions to children.

The organization, which calls itself B4U-Act, is lobbying for changes to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, or DSM, the guideline of standards on mental health that’s put together by the American Psychiatric Association.

The group says its mission is to help pedophiles before they create a crisis, and to do so by offering a less critical view of the disorder.

“Stigmatizing and stereotyping minor-attracted people inflames the fears of minor-attracted people, mental health professionals and the public, without contributing to an understanding of minor-attracted people or the issue of child sexual abuse,” reads the organization’s website. Read more:

If you haven’t watched The Kinsey Syndrome, we recommend you do. Here below  is a YouTube preview clip of it. You can watch other clips of it there too or get the entire 3 hour DVD from us. If you can't see the video below, click here.


Efforts to Eliminate “Stigma” Against Pedophilia and Call it “Normal” Are Underway

Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa named in Child Sexual Abuse Lawsuit

Former Child Star Says Pedophilia No. 1 Problem for Children in Hollywood

72 charged in probe of child sexual abuse network

“A Slap in Face to Victims” – Catholic Priest Admits to Abusing Children; Refuses to Give Up Priesthood


Where Predators Hunt

By Greg Reid
(from The Color of Pain)

Predators looking for [children] and teens to molest want to be in situations of access or trust to the target kids. These are some of the most likely places predators find that access:

Schools as teachers, coaches, librarians, custodians, etc.

Boy Scout groups, Big Brother programs

Churches & youth groups

Libraries, bookstores, adult bookstores

Public parks

Health spas, YMCAs

Motels & hotels

Malls, movie theaters

Picking up hitchhikers

Beaches & lakes

Video arcades, Miniature golf courses

Dungeons & Dragons & Other fantasy related setups

Bowling alleys & skating rinks

Daycare centers

Internet chat rooms, news groups, kids’ websites and forums

(from chapter 4 of The Color of Pain)

‘Gay’ pedophilia and Obama

From our 2008 archives, still a relevant article

LTRP Note: Lighthouse Trails is posting the following WorldNet Daily article by Linda Harvey because we believe the rise in pedophilia and the acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle are two inter-related issues that need to be brought to light in our spiritually darkened society. These are signs of the times and indirectly connected to occultism.

“‘Gay’ pedophilia and Obama”

By Linda Harvey
WorldNet Daily

I’d been wondering what Kevin Jennings was doing these days. Jennings is the founder and long-time head of the radical homosexual group GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network. GLSEN’s mission has been to plant “gay” clubs and training programs in as many schools as possible. GLSEN now claims 4,000 “gay-straight alliances” exist, although this number is doubtful.

Certainly, there are way too many. The group’s target has been to place these clubs in all U.S. schools, K through 12. If you think a kindergartner signing up for a “gay” club is ludicrous, you are not alone.

But Jennings has moved on to better things. He’s now the Obama campaign fundraising co-chair for the “LGBT” community - that’s “lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered.” You can listen to Jennings lay out the rights-oriented rhetoric in two interviews with Joe Solmonese of the Human Rights Campaign, on the website “LGBT for Obama.”

Their conversation, reviewing Jennings’ record, dwells on preventing bullying of “gay” kids. Jennings constructed this Trojan horse for access to schools despite the ability of every community to punish school bullying without accommodating the “gay” agenda. This smokescreen hides the pornographic reality of GLSEN’s “support” for kids under Jennings’ leadership. Click here to read this entire article.

Related Stories:

Homosexuality and the New Age

Ted Haggard Story Will Raise Serious Questions For All

Baptist Press Reports: Obama: If elected I will use the bully pulpit for gay causes

Deaf victim of sex abuse is suing pope, and going public with his story for the first time

From our 2010 archives

By Scott Bronstein
CNN Special Investigations Unit

MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin – Terry Kohut has kept a dark secret for nearly 50 years. Now he is breaking his silence, becoming a key figure in the sex-abuse crisis in the Catholic Church and the growing controversy over what Pope Benedict XVI did about it.

When Kohut was barely a teen, and for years afterward, he says, he was sexually molested and assaulted by the headmaster and priest of the school where he lived, St. John’s School for the Deaf, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. What occurred there is one of the most notorious cases of sex abuse in the Catholic Church.


Kohut was not alone. From 1950 to 1974 the headmaster of St. Johns, Father Lawrence C. Murphy, raped and molested as many as 200 deaf boys, according to court and church documents.

Kohut has now filed the first sex-abuse lawsuit against the Vatican actually naming Pope Benedict, previously known as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, as a defendant.
Ratzinger was once head of the Vatican’s powerful CDF, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, charged in certain circumstances with investigating the sexual abuse of minors by priests. And though church records show the abuse by Father Murphy was brought to the attention of Ratzinger and the CDF years ago, a church trial against the headmaster was stopped and he was allowed to remain a priest.

The Vatican’s “policy of secrecy” in abuse cases, and its “directives to conceal the sexual abuse of children” by priests, the lawsuit says, helped bring about the abuse of Kohut and others by Father Murphy.

Kohut has never before gone public or spoken about what Father Murphy did to him. He has remained anonymous in the suit, listed only as “John Doe 16,” one of dozens of men alleging abuse.

In an exclusive interview with CNN, Kohut, 60, spoke with his hands and through an interpreter, describing how the abuse by Father Murphy started.


“I went into his office, the door was closed,” he said. “And Father Murphy said, ‘Take your pants down. And so I did… you know, he was always in his black attire with a white collar, and you know … I was questioning why he would ask me to do that. Here he is, a priest, and – I have to obey him. And he proceeded to touch me.”

What happened to Kohut and the other deaf boys -– and the handling of the Murphy case by Ratzinger’s office – are central issues in a widening examination of the church’s role in covering up sexual abuse by priests. Did that approach reach as high as the man who would become the pope? Click here to continue reading.


Myths about Abused Boys

By Gregory Reid
Author of The Color of Pain

Myth: It is not a widespread problem.
Fact: One in every ten men & boys, and some say one in six has possibly been molested in some form.

Myth: Most molesters are dirty old men.
Fact: Most predators are highly intelligent career people with community respect and a good income.

Myth: Most predators are stranger to the child.
Fact: Stranger molestation is the exception, and most boys know their molesters well, as relatives for whom trust comes naturally or family friends or people in authority who have pursued the child to seduce them over a long period of time.

Myth: Abuse must be forced or violent to be called rape.
Fact: Any time an adult lures a child to sexual acts it’s rape.

Myth: If the abuse was pleasurable for the boy, it was not rape.
Fact: Sex is a biological stimulus. Feeling pleasure may be a natural, but it is still a crime that a powerful, older person took an underage child or teen and used them for their own gratification and the psychological and emotional damage done to the child is still just as real.

Myth: Most victims become abusers.
Fact: This is largely a jailhouse excuse for predators. Some do go on to abuse: some become violent but most just live self-destructive, miserable lives until they get help. But the fact is most boys who were molested do not grow up to molest. Furthermore, when a victim of abuse commits himself to the Lord and God’s Word as a born-again Christian, an avenue for true healing is opened.

Myth: Non forced abuse makes the boy responsible.
Fact: No child is ever responsible for being raped.

Myth: It happens to other people’s kids.
Fact: Molestation of boys is one of the most unreported crimes that exists. It COULD be your child. Communication, unconditional love, and acceptance is the only way to keep the door open to your son if something does or did happen.

(From The Color of Pain by Gregory Reid)

Is This America?

Some “experts” have surprising ideas about children and sexuality. Right here in America there are some psychiatrists and professors who want to “normalize and decriminalize pedophilia (child rape and molestation).”

Does that seem “unthinkable”? Well, in these post-modern times, “unthinkable” things are happening fast. In Germany, the government is actively promoting pedophilia. The German Federal Health Education Center has published booklets recommending that fathers give sexual massages to daughters aged one to three, and that parents give explicit sexual instruction to children aged four to six. These booklets are being used to train nursery workers, kindergarten teachers, and elementary school teachers.

By Mary Ann Collins
Kjos Ministries Writer

We live in a world where multiculturalism, secular humanism, and occultism are rising like a monstrous tsunami in opposition to God’s ways and moral guidelines. Compromise has become the norm, and God’s unchanging Truth is dismissed as an obstacle to solidarity. Rarely has it been more difficult for Christian parents to pass their faith and values on to their children.

Public schools have long been undermining the Biblical faith and morality of Christian children. Through sex education using manipulative techniques such as “values clarification”[1] and facilitated dialogue, they expose children to sexual lifestyles that God’s people were warned never to imagine or experience.

The same mind-changing techniques are used to promote all kinds of spiritual alternatives to Christianity. Classroom projects making Hindu gods, New Age rituals to a mystical Mother Earth, interpretations of Tarot cards, and “worry dolls” that supposedly ward off evil spirits are merely four examples of today’s promotional blitz of popular occultism.[2]

In addition, today’s children live in a world that is filled with movies, music, toys, and video games that promote a worldview that is diametrically opposed to Christianity. Click here to continue.


What Being Molested Cost Me

By Gregory Reid
From The Color of Pain: boys who are sexually abused and the men they become

The cost to a kid who gets molested is higher than most people know. It’s too easy to minimize the damage by saying, “It’s just one of those things,” or “Get over it.” Sexual violation is a violent thing even when it’s not violent. It takes so much inside. After many years, I’ve taken notice of the losses (much of which has been healed and restored), and I want to tell you about it so you’ll know.

It cost me my childhood. Repeated molestation blocked my memories, and what I did remember was covered with a haze of physical illness, stalking fear, repeat nightmares, and deep loneliness.

It cost me my ability to trust. I resented authority and feared adults so much I wouldn’t go anyplace like a public rest room or swimming pool locker room because I’d get sick from the fear of what might happen.

It cost me my ability to be spontaneous. I kept such rigid control over my emotions, my body and my mind, that I couldn’t laugh, I couldn’t play, and being around kids who could made me feel sullen, angry, depressed, alone, left out.

It cost me my sanity. Shortly after the initial abuses, I was in a complete emotional dead zone; and one night, as I sat alone in a chair, my mind filled with filth and blasphemy, and tears streamed down my face, because I loved God and I couldn’t stop this mental rape, and I just snapped after several days of this, and I started cursing, and smoking, and drinking, and I told God to give up on me because I was evil.

I was eleven.

It cost me my education potential. I was a brilliant child. Being molested cost me my ability to think without confusion, trance outs, and frustration. I couldn’t concentrate. I could have been a straight A Valedictorian. Instead, by the time I finished High School, I was taking four basic classes and barely passed.

It cost me my identity. Being molested created such sexual and emotional confusion that I was an old man before I was fifteen and still a boy at thirty. I felt numb and removed, like I was not there, just a piece of property for others to use and discard.

It cost me my adolescence. Being molested made me afraid of adults, men, women, crowds, public places, challenges, fights and almost everything else including being scared to death I was gay and scared of all my emotions including anger and joy. I couldn’t date, I didn’t go to the prom, and alcohol was my only “friend.” Being a kid is screwed up and scary enough, but I carried enough guilt and fear to take down ten normal adults.

It cost me time. Being molested started me running, and I ran and kept going until I crashed in my late twenties, and then it cost me time in recovering, facing hard truth, and healing.

It cost me family. Being molested crippled my heart enough to destroy any potential marriage or children.

God has restored most of what was taken, and more. But you need to know being molested is not a “get over it” thing. It’s an evil robber whose damage goes deep and keeps taking until we can face it and start to heal.

(chapter 14, The Color of Pain)

Presbyterians in Mexico to break with apostate PCUSA on homosexuality

By Gay Christian Watch

The church’s sexual civil war is going global. Thankfully, there’s good news to report from the Mexican front via the Washington Post as the Presbyterian Church (USA) suffers another loss because of their ungodly support of homosexuality.

Presbyterians in Mexico are breaking ties with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) because of differences over homosexuality.

The theologically conservative National Presbyterian Church of Mexico voted to stop working with the U.S. denomination. U.S. Presbyterians voted last May to remove barriers for ordaining people in same-sex relationships. The churches share a 139-year history and a network of social service ministries that spans the Mexican-U.S. border.

Presbyterian leaders in the United States said Wednesday they are saddened by the decision and hope to find a way they can continue helping the needy in Mexico and along the border.

The vote by the Mexican church was announced as a group of theologically conservative U.S. Presbyterians meet in Minnesota to debate whether they should break with the denomination, which is based in Louisville.

Presbyterian leadership in the US (like several other mainline US denominations) have been steadily bleeding memberships after capitulating to homosexual religious activists entrenched in the organizations. Click here to continue reading.


The Unforgotten Face of Eva

Note: The following is a short excerpt from Laughter Calls Me by Catherine Brown. In this section, Catherine is in the office of the Child Exploitation Division of the Los Angeles Police Department. She is sitting at a table looking through confiscated photos to find pictures of her own children. One photo she came across remained implanted in her mind forever:

"One girl’s picture kept popping up in various magazines, different pictures of her but the same girl. Her name was Eva. Her voluptuous, blond, curly hair hung softly over her bare shoulders and chest. She wore heavy eyeliner, ruby red lipstick complemented with lots of bright blush. Eva sat naked, hands folded in front of her, her legs crossed seductively. She could have easily passed for a woman posing for Playboy or Penthouse, or a woman of the streets standing on her corner, easily that is, except for one thing ... Eva was five years old! Eva wore no smile on her young face, no light shining out of her eyes. What light she had been born with had faded long ago."

There are millions and millions of children and teens who are exploited by child pornographers. Child pornography is a multi-billion dollar industry. If you don't believe that, just call the Child Exploitation Division of any major city.

What’s Sex Got To Do With It?

The Bible says we live in a “crooked and perverse” world and that as believers we are to “shine as lights in the world” (Philippians 2:15). The closer we move toward the “end of the age” (Matthew 24), the darker and more perverse the world becomes. Global peace plans, inter-faith movements, emergent spiritualities, and other carnal-induced plots will not help the world’s woes. Jesus said, “I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness.” (John 12:46). As the world moves further away from Jesus Christ, the darkness only grows. A person can never escape that darkness without Jesus Christ living in him or her … all these other attempts are futile.

The New Age movement has now permeated all areas of our society: the business world, healthcare, education, religion, and entertainment. Virtually nothing has been untouched by the tentacles of this occultic, meditation-driven spirituality, and it has entered the Christian church through contemplative prayer (i.e., spiritual formation). But there is another area that mysticism has united with … and that is the sexual realm. The marriage of the two is referred to as tantra (or tantric sex), and before you stop reading this article, thinking “What has sex got to do with exposing contemplative and the New Age?” we must tell you will all soberness, this mystical sexuality is growing faster by the day, and it may ultimately affect the lives of countless Christians. Why? Because Christianity at large is going in a mystical direction, thanks to countless Christian leaders, and within the realms of these mystical states, many will be introduced to tantra.

We decided to write this article on tantra after a Christian woman contacted us and told us (after seeing tantra mentioned in a description of For Many Shall Come in My Name) that her Christian husband (who is in leadership in a large Christian movement) was being enticed with tantric sex.

Ray Yungen explains about tantra and its relevance today:

Tantra is the name of the ancient Hindu sacred texts that contain certain rituals and secrets. Some deal with taking the energies brought forth in meditation through the chakras and combining them with love-making to enhance sexual experiences.

Once completely off-limits to the masses of humanity, tantra, like all other New Age methodologies, is now starting to gain increasing popularity. A google search on the Internet shows 6,600,000 entries for the word tantra! This union of sexuality and Eastern spirituality is a perfect example to illustrate just how much the New Age has permeated our society as it has affected even the most intimate areas of people’s lives.

The potential to impact a very great number of people, especially men, was brought out in an article by a sex worker who incorporates “Tantric Bodywork” into her services. She paints a very sad portrait of the dynamics of the “enormous sex industry” in which millions of stressed and unhappy men seek out “erotic release” from women who are just as unhappy and stressed as their clients. She observes that there is a “culturally rampant phenomenon that spouses are disconnected from each other.”

To remedy this tragic interplay of exploitation, she has turned to Tantric Union to give her clients what she feels is not just sex but “union with the divine.” After she read a book called Women of the Light: The New Sacred Prostitute, she turned her erotic business
into a “temple.” Of this temple, she says it is:

…dedicated to being a haven of the sacred, a home for the embodiment of spirit, filled with altars, sacred objects, plants, art, dreamy sensual music, blissful scents. My space is home to Quan Yin [a Buddhist goddess], crystals blessed by the Entities of John of God [a Brazilian spirit channeler].

Now the “multitudes of men” who come to her get much more than they bargained for. In the past, wives and girlfriends needed only to worry about sexually transmitted diseases from cheating husbands and boyfriends, but now their men may instead bring home spiritual entities!

Most readers might think that tantra is something exceedingly obscure that would never attract average people. But the movie industry thinks otherwise. In a 2003 movie, Hollywood Homicide (starring Harrison Ford, one of the industry’s leading men), viewers were presented with a brief snippet of tantric sex in one scene where fellow police officers opened the locker of Ford’s rookie detective partner and out falls a book (which the camera focuses on) about tantra, revealing the side-kick’s spiritual/sexual affinities (incidentally, he also teaches yoga in the film). (For Many Shall Come in My Name, 2nd ed., pp. 115-116)

If Christians begin to incorporate their contemplative proclivities with their sexual lives (a Christian version of tantric sex), the results will be devastating to the church, and we predict sexual perversion will be more rampant than ever. Why? Because if the altered states of consciousness are truly demonic realms (as we believe they are) then tantric sex is another venue of the hidden darkness that Jesus spoke of.

These assertions may sound absurd and far-fetched to some readers, but evidence of the truth of this does exist. For instance, Henri Nouwen (who along with Thomas Merton is one of the top icons of the contemplative prayer movement), in his last book The Sabbatical Journey, favorably revealed how he listened to audio tapes on the seven chakras which is the basis for tantric sex (p. 20). Also in Nouwen’s book, he makes mention of his encounter with a homosexual mystic named Andrew Harvey, whom Nouwen referred to as his soul friend (spiritual mentor) and how much Harvey’s mysticism had touched him (p. 149). And yet Harvey’s mysticism includes the tantric element. In a 2007 conference (The International Conference on Sacred Sexuality), Harvey led a workshop called “Sexual Liberation, Tantra, and Sacred Activism” in which Harvey:

… show[s] that sexual liberation and Tantra are vital parts of the Divine Mother’s plan for the birth of a new humanity, since they make possible a profound and ecstatic contact with what Andrew calls Divine Eros – a tender passionate dynamic love-connection. True Tantric sexuality gives its’ practitioners access to extraordinary and unified energies which will form the base of a commitment to Sacred Activism.

As believers who are to “shine as lights in the world,” we must flee the deeds of darkness and “become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation.” We cannot do this in our own strength, but Jesus Christ living inside us will enable us through His mercy and grace: “For it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13). (this article originally from our 2007 newsletter archive)

Further information on this topic:

Hindus critical & dismayed of “Hollywood types” describing Tantra as just sex

Trinity Western University Professor Promotes Tantric-like Spirituality – Serious Implications for Christianity

Other Related Articles and Resources

GLSEN and the Hitler Youth by Dr. Judith Reisman (WND)

A Pastor Speaks Up: Mark Driscoll and the New “Sexual Spirituality”

Sexuality in the New Reformation by Roger Oakland

Trinity Western University Professor Promotes Tantric-like Spirituality – Serious Implications for Christianity

“Sexpert Pastor Mark Driscoll is Told, ‘Enough is Enough’”

Today is World AIDS Day – I Am Free From Homosexuality While Homosexual Activists Continue To Glorify The Sin That is Leading Cause of AIDS in U. S.


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