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LT Author Patrick Crough Awarded “Law Enforcement Officer of the Year” for His Fight Against Human Trafficking

I can’t help but think that Jesus weeps for those little ones who fall into the hands of child predators. I also believe Jesus weeps over the despair and hopelessness we experience as communities because of the crimes committed against our children.—Patrick Crough

In September, Lighthouse Trails author Patrick Crough was awarded the Florida “State Law Enforcement Officer of the Year” for his invaluable service in fighting against human trafficking “in Florida and across the globe.”

Special Agent Supervisor Crough is the author of Seducers Among Our Children, a book published by Lighthouse Trails that chronicles many of the cases Officer Crough worked on while a law enforcement sergeant in Rochester, New York for twenty years.

Officer Crough has been committed to protecting children and other exploited and abused individuals during his career as a law enforcement officer. We at Lighthouse Trails applaud him and thank the Lord for this servant who has given his life for the sake of children.

Leading up to the Award given, the nomination narrative said this about SAS Crough:

Special Agent Supervisor (SAS) Patrick Crough joined FDLE [Florida Dept. of Law Enforcement] in 2012.  Prior to working at FDLE, SAS Crough completed a career in Rochester, New York where he was a violent crime and narcotics investigator.  It was in Rochester where SAS Crough honed his skills in investigating horrific criminal acts against children.  . . . In 2013, SAS Crough began his first FDLE investigation of human trafficking in Southwest Florida.  For approximately two years, SAS Crough worked tirelessly to successfully dismantle the group by arresting 15 members of the criminal organization and rescuing numerous victims of human sex trafficking.   

Human trafficking is an enormous and utterly horrible industry where perpetrators make millions and millions of dollars in the sale and exploitation of humans. And unbeknownst to many, victims (women, children, and young men) also originate from the United States. If your family members are not adequately aware of what is taking place, we urge you to bring them up to speed. Recently, Lighthouse Trails began carrying books by a Christian author named Kimberly Rae, who has written several novels focusing on and warning about human trafficking. Some of her books are geared for children, written in a sensitive way but help to educate young people on this issue. Others are written for adults.

In Officer Crough’s book Seducers Among Our Children, while the cases he describes of child sexual abuse are heartrending and difficult to read, we, as parents and grandparents need to be informed and should never think that “it won’t happen to my family” because statistically, it very well could.

There is a very important section in Seducers Among Our Children which provides practical and biblical advice on how to protect our children. That section includes topics such as: Common Risk Factors for Sexual Abuse; Protect Your Children with Prayer & the Word; Safety Check List; Potential Signs of a Sexually Molested Child; Safety Tips for Churches & Community Organizations; Discerning the Voice of a Child; and Consequences of Abuse in Our Homes, Churches, & Communities.

While people like Patrick Crough have committed their lives to protecting children, let’s make sure we do our part in protecting our own children and grandchildren. Below are a few poignant quotes from Officer Crough’s book:

Parents should be showering more positive attention on their children than anyone else does.

The loving shepherd must chastise the animal and teach it not to wander away from the safety of the flock.

Once a man gets hooked on pornography, it is like being hooked on crack.

The young victim was no match for this cunning and manipulative seducer who had led him to believe there was no way out.

As your church or organization changes in size and staff turns over, you should re-evaluate your policy and make the needed modifications to keep it effective.

And finally, the Word of God’s stance on protecting children:

And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea. (Mark 9: 42)

Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy. (Proverbs 31:9)

But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea. (Matthew 18:6)

[F]or the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7)

Related Articles and Resources:

From an Investigative Sergeant—Helping Sexually Abused Children: A Calling, A Ministry, and a Mission

Powerful Radio Interview: – Children Who Fall Victim to Sexual Predators & the Story of One Boy

A Special Commentary: Recent Events Show America’s Children in Grave Increased Danger of Sexual Abuse

Resources from Lighthouse Trails on Protecting Children

Note: Lighthouse Trails currently is offering Seducers Among Our Children at a special discounted price so anyone who wants a copy can afford it. However, if for some reason you cannot afford to get a copy, please write to us at, and we will send you a free copy.

California School District Pushes “Systemic Racism” Agenda After a Rope Swing Was Mistaken for a Noose
LTRP Note: The following news story is posted for informational and research purposes.

By Jordan Davidson
The Federalist

A California school district announced that what “appeared to be a noose” was found hanging from a tree in front of home within the district. Local police concluded it was not a noose, but a rope swing for children. The school district swiftly responded, not by closing the investigation and moving on from the non-incident, but by instead imposing race education and “anti-racism” goals on students and staff.

The principals, assistant principals, and superintendents from both high schools in Piedmont Unified School District in Piedmont, California sent a message to parents, students, and staff in mid-September notifying them that although the intent of local rope swing was “innocuous,” the district would be discussing “systemic racism” and “identity privilege.”

The district’s statement used inflammatory language such as labeling certain identities as “dominant,” and informing families that they must “apologize” for the rope swing non-incident and others of its kind. Click here to continue reading.

Related Reading:

Public School or Homeschool?—How Public Schools Are Corrupting Children’s Values

S is for Social Justice The Language of Today’s Cultural “Revolution”

Critical Race Theory, Southern Baptist Convention, and a Marxist “Solution” That Will Not Work

(photo from the cover of Maria Kneas’ and Berit Kjos’ new booklet, Public School or Homeschool; photo is originally from; used with permission

LT Author Patrick Crough Awarded “Law Enforcement Officer of the Year” for His Fight Against Human Trafficking
California School District Pushes “Systemic Racism” Agenda After a Rope Swing Was Mistaken for a Noose

Steve Berger and Other Church Leaders Calling for “Repentance” and “Revival” May First Need to Repent Themselves

A Street Evangelist Speaks Out on Persecution, Black Lives Matter, Kingdom Now, and Playing With the Devil
Letter to the Editor: Concerns About September “Revival” Event in Washington, DC—The Return With Readers Comments
The Berean Call Answers Questions About Anti-Semitic “Theories”
How Well Will the Church Survive in This End-Time Turmoil of “Tolerance” and Apostasy?
Passion of the Christ Sequel May Be Coming—First One Promoted Roman Catholicism Amid Immense Evangelical Support
Announcing Warren B. Smith’s New Book—The Titanic and Today’s Church: A Tale of Two Shipwrecks
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Steve Berger and Other Church Leaders Calling for “Repentance” and “Revival” May First Need to Repent Themselves

A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land; The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof? (Jeremiah 5:30-31)

Today, a growing number of Christian leaders are holding public events calling for national repentance and church revival. With Christians deeply concerned about the state of our nation, it is understandable that repentance and revival would be on the hearts of many in the church. But sadly and alarmingly many of the figures who are calling for revival today have been promoting false and dangerous teachings, and we must ask the question, how can those involved with serious false teachings lead the way to true revival without first repenting themselves of those false teachings? In Warren B. Smith’s new book, The Titanic and Today’s Church (published by Mountain Stream Press), he asks this same question and challenges many of these leaders in their roles of possibly bringing about a false revival based on faulty foundations.

A case in point is Pastor Steve Berger. On September 26th, Berger spoke at The Return, an event in Washington, DC (hosted by author of The Harbinger, Jonathan Cahn) in a session called Prayers for Blessing, the Spirit, and Revival. Earlier this year, Berger also spoke at a Promise Keeper’s event (and he is on their Advisory Board*) in a talk titled “A Call to Repentance“; and in 2016, he gave the opening prayer as guest chaplain at the U.S. Senate. It appears Steve Berger has become a major spokesperson in calling for repentance and revival in America. But there is a problem, and it is a serious one.

As Warren Smith documents in The Titanic and Today’s Churchchapter one, Steve Berger promotes communicating with the dead (i.e., necromancy). Smith explains:

In 2010, Steve Berger, head pastor of the Grace Chapel megachurch in Leiper’s Fork, Tennessee, wrote a book with his wife Sarah titled Have Heart: Bridging the Gulf Between Heaven and Earth. The book described how they claim to be in spiritual contact with their deceased son Josiah. . . . the Bergers wrote that their deceased son Josiah has been directly communicating with the two of them, their children, and some of their friends. . . .

The Bergers cited [an] incident in detail, telling readers that the visit proves that departed loved ones can communicate and interact with those on Earth. (pp. 31-32)

Two very popular Christian leaders, Pastor Greg Laurie and television host James Robison, have endorsed Have Heart (endorsements which still sit on the inside front pages of both the print and digital editions) even though such a practice is called an abomination in the Bible (Deuteronomy 18). Incidentally, both Greg Laurie and James Robison were contacted about their endorsements by Chris Lawson, director of Spiritual Research Network, as noted in Warren Smith’s book. Out of concern for both the Bergers and the body of Christ, Lawson also contacted Steve Berger and politely asked him about Have Heart. Berger told Lawson:

God has made an exception at this time in history for the Berger family. We are indeed in communication with our son Josiah. (source)

Warren Smith also documents in his book that on a Calvary Chapel Pastor’s Perspective radio program (23:50-29:02 min. mark),** a caller asked the two hosts (Don Stewart and Brian Brodersen) if talking to the dead was a serious issue. Smith writes:

Stewart said if the living are spoken to, it originates from one of only two sources—a “demonic spirit” or from some type of “charade” working through “a medium.” (pp. 33-34)

In Brodersen’s reply, he referred to Deuteronomy 18 and said, “This could cause real problems in the church.” Smith adds, “Program director Pastor Josh Turansky said that what had been discussed on the program was “dangerous” and “bizarre.”

The Berger situation is just one of many examples Smith provides in his book referencing Christian leaders whose request for repentance and revival are disconcerting and problematic.

While we should, as Christians, be praying for repentance and true revival in our country, we hope that discerning believers will realize we cannot sacrifice biblical truth in order to “save our country.” The only way America (or any country) can truly be helped is by Christian believers remaining faithful to God’s Word and by proclaiming the Gospel faithfully so that individuals will repent (i.e., change direction and turn to God) and receive Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. The New Testament does not speak of “national repentance” but rather teaches people are personally saved when they believe on and put their trust in Him (“whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16).

The Bible clearly indicates that apostasy will abound in the end times. In 2 Corinthians 11:4, the apostle Paul speaks of those who bring “another Jesus,” “another spirit,” and “another gospel.” There are many false teachings going on within Christian leadership today. Before these leaders ask the church and the country to repent, isn’t it time they do this themselves? As Warren Smith points out, so many of these leaders have been promoting heretical and dangerous concepts such as “God’s dream,” “oneness,” “God in all,” “contemplative prayer,” “holy laughter,” and “quantum spirituality”—and these very same leaders are now calling for revival when it is clear, they don’t really understand what that means.

While many of these leaders do talk about Jesus and what He has done on the Cross to save man from his sins, the mixture of truth and error can be more dangerous than straight error in that it is less recognizable and therefore more deceptive. Theologian Harry Ironside pointed out:

Error is like leaven of which we read, “A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump” (Galatians 5:9). Truth mixed with error is equivalent to all error, except that it is more innocent looking and, therefore, more dangerous. God hates such a mixture! Any error, or any truth-and-error mixture, calls for definite exposure and repudiation. To condone such is to be unfaithful to God and His Word and treacherous to imperiled souls for whom Christ died. (source)

The church is in danger today, perhaps like never before; and just like the Titanic, which received six warnings about the ice field ahead, church leaders are disregarding the warnings that Scripture gives, and the result will end with countless spiritual victims.

In The Titanic and Today’s Church, Warren Smith warns:

Today’s church is being told to overlook denominational differences for the sake of . . . “revival”—that we must come together in “unity” for the purpose of the “great awakening.” However, the late researcher and author Tamara Hartzell warned that spiritual deception and spiritual disaster arise when truth is sacrificed on the “altar of unity.” (p. 95)

It is ironic that in Pastor Steve Berger’s talk at Promise Keepers, he states:

While the Titanic of the United States of America is sinking, we are channel surfing . . . Friends, why is it now then that we don’t have the insight and the courage to say we are clearly under the judgment of God? Can’t we see the signs? Don’t we know how they conflict with the character, nature, and purposes of God? Are we so blind, are we so deaf that we’ve lost touch with who God is and what His will is all about. These are perilous times, friends, and we’ve got to wake up. God is requiring us to make a decision. Are we going to repent and turn from all of the things that are contributing to the peril and turmoil in our country and in our churches, or are we too busy channel surfing to even care or to recognize what’s happening in our land? Friends, we’ve become so addicted to offending one another and being offended by other people I don’t hear anybody asking the question, hey do you think we’ve offended God? (starting at 17 minute mark)

Will Christian leaders turn and look at themselves (as Berger suggests) and ask these questions? And will they turn from their false teachings and stop offending God and leading the sheep astray? If not, the revival they are calling for may indeed be a false revival with disastrous results.

For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God. (1 Peter 4:17

*On the Promise Keeper’s website, it states that “The pastoral advisory board is intended to provide guardrails on doctrinal issues to Promise Keepers. It will provide wisdom around how the PK board and leadership are to respond to biblical questions and on controversial and political issues. . . . The pastoral advisory board are leaders who bring deep biblical knowledge and insight.

**This particular YouTube video can take about 30 seconds to load.

(photo from; used with permission)



A Street Evangelist Speaks Out on Persecution, Black Lives Matter, Kingdom Now, and Playing With the Devil
Gregory Reid

By Gregory Reid

This is a time when everything is being shaken. One of the difficult parts of this time is that it is almost impossible to talk about anything that is happening without it being politicized; and you risk being misunderstood if you take a stand on an issue. But it is clear to me that we are witnessing one of the greatest wars in the heavenlies (in my lifetime). And why should we be surprised? If we know we are in the final hours, it makes sense that Satan would unleash every power in Hell against believers. It is so much bigger than politics. The answer is Jesus. The answer is transformed lives in Jesus. But we have entered a unique time where the hostility to Jesus and believers is so visceral in the media and in the streets that it is shocking.

Increased Hostility and Hate Toward Christians

I’ve been in street evangelism for most of my life. And you expect some negative reactions. I was with brother Wilkerson in San Francisco, and we hit every subculture in the city in a week. Some welcomed us. Some were mocking. Some were indifferent. And only in one place did I experience raw hate, and that was in the gay district. I got punched hard in the mouth. By God’s grace, I did not react but was able to give a Holy Spirit, loving response. Mostly, people considered street evangelists like the cartoon guy with the sandwich board that says, “The End Is Near,” and they are ignored. That has changed. Now believers are being targeted like never in our history as a nation.

In this extremely incendiary time, we cannot forget that our first call is to bring people to Christ. When people start to attack us, how will we respond? The devil will taunt through people, blaspheme, mock, and even assault. We must learn to speak truth in love. Truth will pierce the hearts of those who are unsaved. Some it will pierce to repentance, some to rage. But we must still speak it plainly and boldly. We forget that Paul was most often not welcomed but was severely persecuted wherever he went. Since we have become a post-Christian pagan society, the rage is going to be palpable and sometimes violent in days to come. They are already burning Bibles. They are already gunning for believers to punish them for centuries-old crimes they had nothing to do with.

Watching a black Canadian street preacher, David Lynn, has been jarring and insightful into how the plain preaching of the Gospel actually causes some of these crowds to enter a frenzy of demonic attack. (I urge you to see some of his videos under his YouTube Channel Christsforgiveness. I believe they show how the plain preaching of the Gospel is being reacted to in these days.

Part of the strategy of the enemy is to provoke us to human anger. Is there righteous anger? Absolutely. But remember that “the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God” (James 1:20). We must respond according to the Spirit of God. There will be times we may call out someone and pronounce a judgment of sorts. (Read Acts 13:8-12 where a sorcerer is judged.) And there will be other times when we entreat as Paul did to Felix and the Roman soldiers on the ship he was on. But it’s never been more important to respond with godly words and not human pride and anger. As one person said, we have to keep our heart rate below the ones to whom we are speaking. Unfortunately, my perception is that there are few believers with the boldness to speak truth to the lost in love. I am afraid we have raised a whole generation of “leaders” who are still stuck in seeker-friendly mode and think that’s working. It didn’t work then, and it won’t now. We are at a precipice and if you want to reach unbelievers, you have to be walking, speaking, and witnessing in the power of God and the love of God. And you must be willing to say what He says, even if it goes against your training of thinking more games and fun and social activities will reach the world for Jesus.

Make no mistake; believers are being corralled. And frankly, I have gone beyond the point of pretending that some of these attending issues don’t matter. Abortion matters. The LBGTQ issue, and where we stand on it, matters. (And yes, of course, poverty and injustice matter as well, and we need to be tending practically to those things as the church.) California has just passed a bill making it easier on pedophiles in the court system, which the organized pedophile groups like NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association and MAPS (Minor Attracted Persons) are rejoicing over. (By the way, I recently got “fact-checked” by Facebook for “false information” for a post about that. The “independent” fact-checker was USA Today, a newspaper that has been radically biased for thirty-something years. “Independent fact-checkers?” Not a real thing in Facebook Land.

Speaking of pedophiles, Netflix recently released a series called “Cuties” which is as close as you get to child pornography as you will see outside the criminal world, exposing nearly naked little girls in sexual dances for talent shows. Where are the court systems? Where are the PARENTS? I am afraid that so many parents just let kids watch whatever they want. Netflix even has a series that includes a hard-core sex scene in the opening first 5 minutes, and if parents don’t have control of what their kids watch, this is what they will see under a series that has a completely innocent name! Netflix is satanic and hypocritical. (They just released a series on the crimes of Jeffrey Epstein, then they put out this trash.) It’s time to lose your subscription to Netflix, folks.

Black Lives Matter

The next thing I need to mention will likely lose me some friends and perhaps support, but the truth must prevail. I will start by first stating the obvious—black lives matter. Any Christian who doesn’t get that is probably not even saved or needs to repent. But we shouldn’t HAVE to say it; it’s in our Jesus code and should be in our actions toward ALL. Those who know me know my heart. I don’t operate in racist circles, and I never have or will.

But the recent racial divide is seeking to force believers in a corner. And I am sad that so many believers have simply signed on to the BLM movement without a clue who they are or what they want or stand for. It isn’t a social-justice movement. That is a cover. It’s a tool being used to upend the nation from top to bottom. I will not bow the knee to anyone but Jesus Christ, and neither should you. I will and have joined hearts, arms, and ministries with my black brothers and sisters across the nation since the first time I preached at a black church in Arkansas in 1976. In Christ, there is no black or white. Are there racial issues? Do people do terrible things? Yes. But in Christ, He has made one blood those who are His. One family.

The racial issue is seeking to divide even the body of Christ. I have stepped back and stayed quiet on this issue because of the political traps attached to it, but I have seen many Christians, and even young believers I at one time helped to raise up, fall for the guilt-trap of supporting Black Lives Matter because they want to be seen as accepting and relevant.  Again, as believers, these matters of justice are clear and things we should be doing.  But the BLM Movement and its founders are rooted in ungodliness and occultism. Most believers don’t have a clue.

For my millennial friends, the best way to show that “black lives matter” is to actually reach out to those who are black, invite them to church, go to theirs, get to know them, help and encourage when there is a need. Just going to a rally is not just a (possibly) well-intended but useless gesture (virtue signaling), but it associates you with an organization that is founded and rooted in Marxism and LGBTQ radical causes.

When you see BLM going into a site where someone died and pouring out water and saying, “Say his name!” or “Say her name!” people think they just want to have people remember the name of people killed by police. Not so. It is a ritual of the Yoruba religion. (Yoruba is very close to what we know as “Santeria.”) It is called Ase. (Pronounced A-she). If you have heard them saying that word after saying, “Say his name,” it is literally calling on the dead victim to help them in their cause. Saying “Ase” is a ritual that is spoken to “conceive the power, make things happen and produce change.” (Or, “Power, authority, command.” )

When you understand the roots of BLM, no Christian should have anything to do with it. It is not uncommon now to see BLM, Church of Satanic Liberation, radical LGBTQ and Antifa all wrapped up together. And while I appreciate some people’s attempt to support legitimate causes to better people’s lives, it is crucial that you understand that, at its root, this is about destroying our nation, and as they say on their website, “We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement.” (Note: Since this CLEAR goal on the BLM website has gotten so much attention, they have since removed it. But make no mistake – it is foundational to them!)

I have taken a huge risk laying all this out, but I am required by God to tell the truth and do so no matter what the risk. I never indulge in politics, and this is not that. This is to forewarn you about the spiritual poison underlying what we see on the streets. As believers, we must pray for the people, but you cannot align yourself with anyone who proclaims a different god. I hope this is clear.

The Kingdom Now?—A Dangerous Teaching

The church, in this hour, is getting further and further away from its understanding of the prophetic times in which we live. In fact, I am seeing that this pandemic and the racial unrest and violence is pushing the “Kingdom Now” movement to the forefront. Kingdom Now is the idea that Jesus is not going to return for His people before or in a time of tribulation (according to your time view) but rather, we are going to invade and infiltrate and eventually take over all the centers of society—then Jesus will return when it’s all under our control, and we will just hand it over to him.

This is a dangerous teaching, and so many are caught up in it. But Jesus was clear that the time of the end would be a time of such tribulation that the world had never seen and never would see again (Matthew 24:21-22). He said unless He shortened the days, there would no flesh be saved.

Does that sound like “church in charge over the world”? No! And we are not called to that! We are called to preach the Gospel in a time of darkness and save whoever will come. God is calling the church to radical evangelism in this hour.

Playing With the Devil

I am concerned, as we are distracted by the awful things around us, that we are still letting our guard down and letting deception grow in our midst. Zondervan (remember when they were a Christian company?) is about to release a movie extolling the healing virtues of the Enneagram, a highly occultic and occult-based “tool” being used in churches everywhere, whose leadership and members wrongly think it is just a helpful tool to figure out who we are and how to navigate relationships.

Even more disconcerting is to watch several leaders from one of the signs and wonders churches [Bethel] gathering to do a “declaration” to stop racism, which involved imitating Galdalf the Wizard in Lord of the Rings when he faced down a terrible demon called a Balrog, took his two staffs, pounded it into the ground, and said, “You shall not pass!” These leaders recreated this scene in a bizarre ritual meant to stop racism. How have we fallen into such a state of disconnection from spiritual reality that we think this is acceptable?

Then after that, I saw a huge “prayer conference” with well-known Christian leaders in which worship was a Native American rain dance by someone in full Native regalia. They explained that the Native Americans used the rain dance to expel dark forces, and we would use it to expel demons! How desperately we need to return to the truth and house-clean all this deception!

Not Caught Off Guard

We need to look at all we are seeing right now through scriptural eyesight, and realize all of what we are seeing is written in the Word. As Peter said, “this is that which was spoken . . . ” (Acts 2:16). If we know the Word, nothing will catch us off guard. Gird up your armor. Pray fervently. Work while it is yet day. In patience, possess you your souls. And remember that the choices we make in the days ahead may well determine how much time remains for us to do the work of the Lord with the freedom to do so that we have had. God help us to make godly decisions in every area in the coming days.

I am reminded, in these difficult times, of Jeremiah, who in his whole ministry really only had two people respond: his scribe Brauch and a eunuch who rescued him. His times were much bleaker than ours, yet in the midst of it, God told him to buy a piece of land from a relative. Hope. Investing in the future. We don’t know how much time we have left, but we must not despair, and we must invest in the Kingdom, our kids, and whatever future lies ahead.

Every day, I try to write something, play music, thank God for everything I have been blessed with, watch a spectacular sunset, and remember that God is still in control. Hope fills my heart. Stay in hope, beloved!

Thank all of you who continue to support this work in the wilderness. I am deeply grateful for every gift and every prayer!

My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less

My hope is built on nothing less
than Jesus’ blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
but wholly lean on Jesus’ name.

On Christ, the solid rock, I stand;
all other ground is sinking sand,
all other ground is sinking sand.

When darkness veils his lovely face,
I rest on his unchanging grace;
in ev’ry high and stormy gale,
my anchor holds within the veil. [Refrain]

His oath, his covenant, his blood
support me in the whelming flood;
when all around my soul gives way,
he then is all my hope and stay. [Refrain]

When he shall come with trumpet sound,
O may I then in him be found,
dressed in his righteousness alone,
faultless to stand before the throne

In His grace,

Gregory Reid

Box 370006 El Paso TX 79937

Letter to the Editor: Concerns About September “Revival” Event in Washington, DC—The Return

LTRP Note: On September 25th and 26th, an event took place in Washington, DC called The Return in which this letter to the editor below addresses. While sincere Christians undoubtedly long to see revival in America, many of us have deep concerns about false revival that will appear to be true revival. As believers in Christ, we need godly discernment more than ever in these days in which we live. In Warren B. Smith’s new book, The Titanic and Today’s Church, Smith warns:

Today’s church is being told to overlook denominational differences for the sake of . . . “revival”—that we must come together in “unity” for the purpose of . . . “great awakening.” However . . . spiritual deception and spiritual disaster arise when truth is sacrificed on the “altar of unity.”*

Dear Lighthouse Trails Editors:

“THE RETURN: A National and Global Day of Repentance”—not just a day of prayer but originated based on co-chair Jonathan Cahn’s book: “The Harbinger II: The Return.”

Having watched bits and pieces of “THE RETURN”: A National and Global Day of Repentance, (Sept.26), I was deeply concerned as I watched (via simulcast) those gathered at the National Mall in Washington D.C., to take part in this “sacred assembly.” This was advertised as for “all believers from all denominations and backgrounds.”

Jonathan Cahn and Kevin Jessup (Strageic Prayer Alliance) had “declared” this weekend as the “time” for the “Return” (see Mar.2020 advertisement video for the main reasons behind the choosing of the year and dates of “The Return”–

So, despite the large number of speakers, lots of excitement, and various calls to “repent” for “revival,” “awakening,” “declarations,” and “proclamations” that the kingdom of the Lord reigns in the land, calls to renew, what is supposedly our nation’s “covenant” with God (with no scriptural explanations or definitions of what any of those terms mean biblically), and lots of loud proclamations for revival, revival, revival . . . must have revival, not just political change…the mantra was “return” and “revival.”


Fri. Sept.25:

Jonathan Cahn (Co-chair of “THE RETURN”): “We’ve witnessed the darkest year. A year in which the world and specifically America has been shaken,” said in his opening address. “This is not a rally, it’s not a seminar, it’s a sacred assembly. This is an appointed gathering at an appointed place at an appointed time.”

Sat. Sept.26:

At 9:19 am (PST), Kevin Jessup (co-chair of “THE RETURN”, President of Global Strategic Alliance) said: “As the ship is turning, this “Kairos” moment has come. He (God) can bring revival to this land..”

At 9:21 am (PST), Jonathan Cahn (co-chair of “THE RETURN”) lifted up the paper with his so-called “Prophetic word” in his hand, and said: “As I lift up this proclamation of “The Return”, bring “Return” to America. Move upon this nation, until revival will touch this land…”

In the background you could hear Kevin Jessup praying loudly in an unintelligible language, standing next to Jonathan Cahn.

Jonathan Cahn said at one point: “This is the window of time for RETURN, AWAKENING, and REVIVAL . . . ” According to Cahn, there MUST BE REVIVAL (not defined theologicially, or explained), or the U.S. is doomed . . . Cahn exhorted the people to “lead revival in their homes, lead revival wherever they are”. . . He prayed: “lead your people into revival . . . ” RETURN and REVIVAL . . .

“The Return” and Jonathan Cahn’s book: “Harbinger II: The Return”

Jonathan Cahn said Sept.26, 2020 marked: 1) 400th Anniversary of the sailing of the Mayflower (marking the days of America’s founding and dedication to God); 2) 19 year anniversary of Sept.11, 2001 Tragedy (significant because according to Cahn, 2020 is 19 years from the Sept.11, 2001 World Trade Center Tragedy. Why does that matter?)

According to Cahn’s Sept.10, 2020 video (see link:, Cahn says the 19 year span is significant because Israel apparently was invaded by Assyria in 605 B.C. But, greater calamities came in 586 B.C. This is a 19 year span. So, Cahn asks: when was the first “strike” for America? Sept.11, 2001. So, when is the 19 year mark/span for America? 2020. Cahn claims in that Sept.10, 2020 video (see link above) that for years after writing “The Harbinger” he was looking to 2020.

So, that is why Cahn says in that Sept.10, 2020 video:

I believe this Sept.2020 will be critical for America. So, I finally wrote the sequel to “The Harbinger” (Harbinger II:THE RETURN) . . . I knew it had to come out to warn America. It is Sept.10, 2020. If you are seeing this before Sept.26,2020 then buy the book (Harbinger II: THE RETURN). I have called for the “RETURN.” 2 Chron.7:14 The time is now. The future of America is at stake. So, I invite you to join me in this crucial undertaking during the month of Sept.2020. Also, beginning of the Feast of Trumpets and ending on the Day of Atonement (10 days of Awe–Sept.18-28). Sept.26 will be a prophetic and historic event. Come. Bring your church. If you can’t come in person, devote that day to “THE RETURN” in your homes, devote that day. I will have more prophetic messages to give you in this hour, as the Lord designates. Be strong. God bless you. Shalom.”


On their website (, co-chairs Jonathan Cahn and Kevin Jessup (President of Global Strategic Alliance) say the moment is dire and the hour late:

“We stand at a pivotal moment in American history and world history.  A juncture, that can permanently seal our nation’s course and the course of world history, for bad or good, for calamity or redemption.”  “The Return is for all believers who love the Lord from all denominations and backgrounds, black, white, Spanish, Asian, men, women, youth, children, Jew and Gentile, everyone.”  “The movement begins now – then in September, we set forth ten days, known from ancient times as the Days of Awe, of September 18 to September 28, as a special time to intensify our prayers, intercession, repentance, and revival.  It all begins on the Feast of Trumpets and concludes on the Day of Atonement, the Day of Return, on Saturday, September 26.”  “In view of the moment before us, let us rise to that call, let us take God as His Word, let us do what He has called us to do, let us believe for great and mighty things, and let us each return and seek to live in revival and become messengers of revival – It is time to break up our fallow ground – It is time to seek the Lord as never before.  The moment and chance we have before us now may never come again.  It is time to return.” 



“THE RETURN” this weekend (September 25th and 26th) was a dangerous event, in that it could have drawn in unsuspecting, sincere Christians, who may have watched/participated, and organized events in their cities, simultaneous with “THE RETURN.” There were probably many Christians who participated who do not know who Jonathan Cahn is. And, “THE RETURN” may have introduced them to, and drawn them into, following Jonathan Cahn. That is deeply troubling and concerning.

Below are links to 3 articles from The Berean Call where Jonathan Cahn’s books: “The Harbinger,” “The Mystery of the Shemitah”, etc., are discussed:

Standing in God’s grace,


*”altar of unity” quoted from Tamara Hartzell, In the Name of Purpose: Sacrificing Truth on the Altar of Unity (Xlibris, 2007).

A few comments from our readers about this Letter to the Editor on The Return:

Thank you for posting this letter. I had read all the Berean Call articles years ago on this issue of Cahn and the false parallels he draws between America and Israel. This is perilous and beguiling deception to say the least and it is being led and dominated by the NAR/Dominionists who are leading fake christianity into the one world religion. The enemy cleverly uses the current events and the desire to see things “turn around”, in America to ensnare unsuspecting christians into this delusion. Heidi

I tried to read The Harbinger (the original book) when it first came out, but couldn’t. However, several years later, I saw Jonathan Cahn on TV talking about his book The Paradigm, and knew I had to read it — because everything he was saying about it, was what the Lord had been speaking to me during my prayer time as I read through the Bible, for several years. (I did not buy the book but was able to check it out through a local library.)

The Paradigm was not like The Harbinger to me — it was truly a blessing to me. The Lord confirmed a number of things and also explained something to me which I had never understood about a serious life-changing event in my life years ago.

I watched the Prayer March event and also The Return. I honestly saw MUCH MORE call for prayer and repentance of sin during The Return than I did during the other event.

All of this is just my view and my experience, of course. My hope and trust is in the LORD alone, in His Word. I know I am 100% dependent on His Holy Spirit to lead me through every moment and every hour of every day. As He says in His Word — “It’s not by might, it’s not by power, but by My Spirit, says the LORD.” CW

Didn’t watch.
Didn’t want to.
I am praying for souls to see their personal need for a savior and for the Lord to give us strength for the day. Mike

. I hope the "leaders" of the sbc read this. Larry

Jonathan Cahn is a troubling figure--his "revelations" smell of numerology...a practice Christians should not engage in. Further to that, the dominion theology he appears to support is unbiblical as well. I pray for those who look to Mr. Cahn for any sort of reliable "prophecy." The word of God is entirely reliable; keep looking up! Sigrid



The Berean Call Answers Questions About Anti-Semitic “Theories”
photo: A Jewish family being taken by Nazis during the Holocaust.
(photo credit: U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum)

LTRP Note: As our editors and authors have expressed clearly for 18 years, Lighthouse Trails loves the Jewish people and believes that the nation of Israel has significance in Bible prophecy. We are grateful for The Berean Call’s answer below. Over the last six years, four different sets of people (Lighthouse Trails Readers) have shown up at the Lighthouse Trails facility (from various regions of North America) who shared with us a disturbing “theory” (which is discussed below). We knew from the things they were saying it was an anti-Semitic view. One of the parties expressed outright hate for the Jews. It is hard to fathom how professing Christians would believe something that is so contrary to Scripture. We are thankful that most of the readers who contact Lighthouse Trails love the Jews and believe what the Bible says about the nation of Israel and her significance in Bible prophecy. For those who would like to know more about what Lighthouse Trails believes on this matter, read our article, “What Lighthouse Trails Believes About Israel and the Jews.”

Question Put to The Berean Call:

There seems to be an increasing belief among many Christians that the Jews in Israel and most of those around the world today are not real Jews descended from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but descendants of the Khazars who adopted the Jewish religion. Is this true? And also, didn’t most of Israel disappear when the ten tribes were lost, and weren’t the rest of the Jews lost through intermarriage?

Answer From The Berean Call:

No. It is true that the Khaganor ruler of the Khazars adopted Judaism for himself and his people in the eighth century, but these “Jews” by conversion were never confused with the ethnic Jews living among them. Furthermore, when the Khazar state was overthrown in 965, the Khazars fled and soon disappeared as a people through intermarriage. The last vestiges of the Khazars in the Crimea were wiped out in about 1016 by the Greeks and Russians. There is no evidence that the Khazars intermarried with the Jews to such an extent that Jews were lost as a people. Such a theory is unreasonable because only a small fraction of world Jewry was living among the Khazars.It is the Khazars who disappeared, and to suggest that all of the Jews all over the world were somehow absorbed by them or that they became known as Jews is neither logical nor supported by history. It is a myth that the Ashkenazim Jews of Russia and Europe are not real Jews but Khazars who migrated there when their country was overrun by invaders.As for the so-called “ten lost tribes,” that is another myth. They were not lost. We dealt with this question in the November 1992 newsletter . Both of these ideas are a form of anti-Semitism. Rather than putting the Jews in the ovens, they are exterminated by simply denying that those known as Jews are the descendants of Jacob.

No historic research is needed to recognize that all theories are false which deny that the Jews in Israel and around the world are real Jews from all twelve tribes. The Bible promises that Israel shall not cease from being a nation forever (Jer:31:35-36) and that Israel’s scattered survivors will return to their promised land where the Messiah will reign over His chosen people from the throne of His father David. We have the choice of believing the promises in God’s Word or these anti-Semitic theories.

Related Resources on the Jews and Israel from Lighthouse Trails


Map of Middle East. Green indicates Muslim countries; Red is Israel

How Well Will the Church Survive in This End-Time Turmoil of “Tolerance” and Apostasy?
By Mike Oppenheimer

The great rebellion is upon us; we see this in both the world and the church.

If we are in the middle of an apostasy—“the great apostasy”—as many of us believe, the only ones who survive are those who adhere to the Word, who love the truth (2 Thess. 2).

These are called the remnant. So who are the remnant?

Those who hold to the Word of God and try to live by it through the power of the Holy Spirit. It’s not about how successfully they do this, but it is a matter of their hearts and their willingness to press forward and resist the spirit of deception that is gaining strength in the world.

We are also told that at this time the love of many will grow cold. It’s many, not all. We see this taking place in every facet where people no longer have care for each other. They don’t listen to other people’s views, what they are going through. They have their minds made up before you say a word (this is especially seen in politics, a religion unto itself). Respect is gone as Paul wrote in his list in 2 Tim. 3 of what will be lacking or changed.

Love also contains within it doing good. That takes effort; doing sin and evil take no effort because it comes naturally to man.

True love protects; it takes action; it speaks out when it sees something is wrong. It does not turn away. Love that sacrifices the truth is not real love. It pretends to care, having kindness and compassion, but it is only “tolerance” disguised as love—a fake substitute.

Saying good is evil and evil is good will be indicative of the end times. It’s not like this has not happened before, for it has many times. As Isaiah says:

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!(Isa. 5:20-21)

Ye have wearied the LORD with your words. Yet ye say, Wherein have we wearied him? When ye say, Every one that doeth evil is good in the sight of the LORD, and he delighteth in them; or, Where is the God of judgment? (Malachi 2:17)

And perhaps that is what “tolerance” is really all about. We can sum up this matter of tolerance as, seeing wrong but doing nothing about it. It’s like watching a crime taking place right in front of you, and you do nothing to lift a finger or say anything. Why? Because tolerance protects self. It allows one to make excuses that can be harmful to others. Those who hold to this philosophy of life believe they are acting in love in that they see themselves as accepting others.

How did we get to this point of mass confusion and having evil accepted and good scrutinized as bigoted and evil? Tolerance.

Today’s ecumenical tolerance in the name of love has caused many to depart from the truth, which has subsequently left it with little strength.  One has to first be aware of what is taking place to be part of the solution. What the Lord said to the church in Sardis is applicable:

Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die. (Revelation 3:2).

We may not be able to bring some things back to life, but we certainly can concentrate on what is left and protect it.

In a human body, each organ is dependent upon the others. If one organ gets unhealthy and shuts down, the other organs are affected. If left alone, not only will that organ shut down, but death many be imminent. Then, it becomes an emergency situation. It could have been treated earlier, but it was neglected. We are to defend Christ, protect His body (His church) from attacks without and within.

Mankind was created in God’s image and was therefore intended to bring this likeness to God into the family unit and to be a cohesive to the society that would be built around the family. But it did not make it past the first family as Cain killed his brother Abel.

The Dark Against the Light

Christianity, as a belief and as a way of life, is strong. It has lasted through the persecutions. It has endured what the enemy has used against it for centuries. There is always a remnant that withstands. Though fragile as individuals, they stand up against the enemy though they may lose their lives. As said, the seed of the church is built on the blood of the martyrs.  For those in the faith, the world presses against them to acquiesce to not doing things God’s way; this is why so many of the faithful are facing suffering and death today.

There are so many open minded “believers” who say we can do other religious practices and still be “followers of Jesus.” Tolerance. They do not know that they have transported themselves onto the broad road. This is not like choosing to try a new ethnic dish of food from another country. Tolerance is like a sweet poison to one’s palate. We are to spiritually eat from the book God gave us—our bread of life is the Word. Not adhering to it makes one wishy washy—as the Bible says, lukewarm.

We live in the days of shadows where both light and dark mix, cold and hot as in the stream of Laodicea. This is what tolerance does to those who adopt its ways.

Tolerance brings compromise, which changes us.  To be “tolerant” means one cannot hold to absolutes and must accept the statements of all others as valid. Tolerance synthesizes all beliefs as legitimate. This disengages one from truth, which is absolute. For worldly peacemakers, it is the way of least resistance in order to avoid any conflict in life.

As in the beginning, it will be in the end. Jesus said it will be like in the days of Noah for the second world judgment (the Tribulation) to occur. As in Noah’s day, all but one family was in rebellion to God and His ways. In like manner, first comes the apostasy.

As Paul writes:

Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him. . . . Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. (2 Thessalonians 2: 1, 3-4)

This falling away has begun, and as Paul describes, it will escalate until its zenith in the Tribulation when the Antichrist goes into the temple declaring himself God. In the meantime, we can choose whom we will serve. As for your house, whom will you serve?

Mike Oppenheimer is the author of several books and booklets as well as numerous lecture DVDs. You can read and order his materials on both and his site,

(photo from; used with permission)


Passion of the Christ Sequel May Be Coming—First One Promoted Roman Catholicism Amid Immense Evangelical Support
Scene from “The Passion of the Christ” taken from a 2-second clip of a YouTube video

A September 22 article by The Christian Post titled “Jim Caviezel on ‘Passion of the Christ’ sequel: ‘It’s going to be the biggest film in world history'” reported that a sequel to the 2004 highly popular film The Passion of the Christ is being planned.(1) Many evangelical churches, pastors, and leaders got behind and praised The Passion of the Christ without reservation. However, a few years after the initial release of that film, it became clear that the motive behind The Passion of the Christ was “to promote a Roman Catholic agenda that would introduce viewers to the Roman Catholic ‘Mary’ and the Roman Catholic ‘Jesus.” Roger Oakland of Understand the Times ministry and author of Another Jesus: The Eucharistic Christ and the New Evangelization, explains:

The newly released [2007] “Definitive Edition” of Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ confirms the film was produced with the specific purpose to promote a Roman Catholic agenda that would introduce viewers to the Roman Catholic “Mary” and the Roman Catholic “Jesus.”

Understand the Times has been sounding the alarm since the film was released in 2004, stating that The Passion of the Christ was not the dynamic witnessing tool that many Bible-believing Christians were touting it to be. With the release of this “Definitive Edition,” it can be clearly seen what the true objectives of the filmmakers were and what these “artistic images” were intended to portray—namely the Roman Catholic view that Mary plays a key role in the redemption of mankind and that the Sacrament of the Eucharist is the heart and core of what Rome considers true Christianity.

One of the many special features in this “Definitive Edition” is a “Theological Commentary” with remarks by three Catholic theologians and producer Mel Gibson running concurrent with the film. Among those selected to participate in this discussion were Father William Fulco, professor of antiquity at Loyola University and translator of the script into Latin and Aramaic; Father John Bartunek, theologian, priest and scholar; and Catholic apologist (former Protestant pastor) Gerry Matatics.(2)

In a commentary Roger Oakland wrote titled “Passion Evangelism,” he states:

Some have asked the question: was it Mel Gibson’s intention for the film to focus on the Catholic Eucharist and Mary? In an interview given on EWTN, while explaining the “very moving and emotional and efficacious” aspects of the Catholic Latin Mass, Mr. Gibson stated his goal and intention for making this film:

“The goal of the movie is to shake modern audiences by brashly juxtaposing the ‘sacrifice of the cross with the sacrifice of the altar – which is the same thing.'”

This interview was broadcast around the globe on EWTN – the world’s largest Catholic television broadcasting organization. Of course, all Catholics are required by Rome to believe that Christ is repeatedly sacrificed on Catholic altars at every Mass. Might this movie influence others to embrace this unbiblical belief?

Though the lasting affects of this movie will not be known for some time, it has already had a profound influence on the cast and crew. Jim Cavaziel – the actor who played Jesus, explained how those involved in the film were changed. In the following statement made by Carl Limbacher taken from an article titled “Mel Gibson’s ‘Christ’ Reveals Crucifixion,” written January 25, 2004, we are told that many in the crew converted to Catholicism:

“In his first media interview anywhere about his starring role in Mel Gibson’s much anticipated film “The Passion of the Christ,” James Cavaziel – Gibson’s Jesus – detailed on Friday the ordeal of filming the Crucifixion scenes, noting that the overall experience prompted many in the crew to convert to Catholicism.”

Further, Cavaziel stated that the filming of Christ’s story “really changed people’s lives.” According to the interview, Cavaziel also told Gibson, “I think it’s very important that we have Mass every day – at least I need that to play this guy.”

Then one further statement that focuses in on the heart of the issue. Cavaziel said: “I felt if I was going to play him I needed the sacrament in me. Gibson provided that.”

Of course, the “sacrament” Cavaziel was referring to, is the Sacrament of the Eucharist. This is the heart and core of the Roman Catholic faith. As we have shown in [Another Jesus], the Eucharistic Christ is not the biblical Christ. We also know that having “the sacrament in me” is of no spiritual value. [3]

To read the transcript of the “Theological Commentary” where the true motive of The Passion of the Christ is revealed, click here. Revealing quotes are highlighted in yellow.

If indeed a sequel to The Passion of the Christ is released, we urge you to ask your church pastors and leaders to read Roger Oakland’s book Another Jesus or Ray Yungen’s book Simple Answers: Understanding the Catholic Faith before encouraging their congregations to watch that movie. If you have a pastor who you feel may not understand the unbiblical teachings of Roman Catholicism, we would be happy to send him a free copy of one of those books. Just e-mail us at, and we will send one of the books. Please indicate which one you want sent. We will include a note with the book but not your name.

Related Articles:

Booklet: The Catholic Mary & Her Eucharistic Christ

Booklet: The New Evangelization From Rome Or Finding the True Jesus Christ

Christian Leaders – A New Openness . . . to the Catholic Church

Announcing Warren B. Smith’s New Book—The Titanic and Today’s Church: A Tale of Two Shipwrecks
Lighthouse Trails is pleased to announce Warren B. Smith’s new book, The Titanic and Today’s Church: A Tale of Two Shipwrecks. The book, published by Mountain Stream Press, has gone to press and is now available for pre-order through Lighthouse Trails. It will also be available to order through most major online book outlets and bookstores by October 8th.

Description From Back Cover:

At 11:40 p.m. on April 14, 1912, the RMS Titanic—the biggest, grandest ship of its time—collided with an iceberg on its maiden voyage from Southampton, England to New York City. Less than three hours later the seemingly unsinkable ship did the unthinkable—it sank to the bottom of the North Atlantic Ocean.

It has been well-documented how pride, false confidence, complacency, disregarded warnings, and general unpreparedness all played a part in the Titanic shipwreck. Those in charge had underestimated the physical danger in their midst. Sadly, today’s professing church shares many of these same characteristics as it similarly underestimates the spiritual danger in its midst.

The Titanic and Today’s Church is the story of two shipwrecks. One took place over a century ago; the other is in progress and is happening today. The similarities are astounding as they compel us to become more aware of our Spiritual Adversary’s schemes and devices (2 Corinthians 2:11), effectively “stand against” them (Ephesians 6:11), and “come out from among them” (2 Corinthians 6:17).

Book Information:

  • 264 pages
  • Photos and Illustrated
  • Retail Price: $14.95
  • Preview: PDF of Prologue and Chapter 1
  • Available now for pre-order through Lighthouse Trails (will ship around October 21st).
  • Also available through most bookstores and major outlets, including Amazon and Barnes & Noble by October 10th. Digital formats (Kindle, Nook, epub, and PDF) available by October 20th. For toll free ordering, call 866-876-3910.
  • Quantity discounts available through Lighthouse Trails.

Table of Contents:

1/ Dead Men Talking
2/ A Little Leaven
3/ Smart Ship, Smart Church
4/ Ship of Dreams /Ship of God’s Dreams
5/ The Launch
6/ Ark of Safety/Ark of Oneness
7/ False Confidence, Complacency, & Denial
8/ Wasted Warnings
9/ Racing Toward Disaster
10/ The Iceberg & The Antichrist
11/ Christianity & Anti-Christianity
12/ Rescue Operation
Appendix: Disaster Plan

Warren SmithWarren Smith

Author Bio:

Warren B. Smith (B.A. University of Pennsylvania; M.S.W. Tulane University)—A veteran who worked at the White House Communications Agency and later became a community social worker, serving as a program coordinator for people with special needs, directing several homeless programs, and working as a Hospice social worker in New Orleans and on the California coast. After leaving the New Age movement and becoming a Christian, he began writing extensively on the subject of spiritual deception.

Warren B. Smith
c/o Mountain Stream Press
P.O. Box 269
Fortine, MT 59918


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If you are a subscriber to the lighthouse Trails Research Print Journal, it may be time for you to renew your yearly subscription. To RENEW your yearly subscription ($14/year-USA), click here. You can renew your subscription at any time. Just indicate on the store which month you want the renewal to start. If you can't remember when you subscribed, we'll double check when you renew and make sure the renewal starts on the right date. If you have any questions, you can call us at 866-876-3910 or e-mail at You can also renew by mail (see address at bottom of page), by fax (406-889-3633), or by calling.

Note: This notice does not pertain to this e-newsletter you are reading. The e-newsletter is free and requires no subscription.

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To subscribe to the journal, click here.



Shepherd's Bible Verse Tea - Sampler BoxIn 2010, Lighthouse Trails began a small organic tea division as a way to help support the ministry of Lighthouse Trails. Thus the creation of Shepherd's Bible Verse Tea with six different organic blends (each our very own creation). Each tea bag has a string with a tag, and on each tag is a KJV Bible verse (95 verses used). Since the tea division began, we have had many people tell us how much they love our tea. We hope you will consider getting a box and trying it out. It is a wonderful gift too and helps to remind people about God's wonderful Word. Click here to see what others are saying.

(except with media rate, journals, and some smaller orders where it might change the shipping costs)

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A note to our Canadian readers: As many of you know, in 2019, we were informed by the Canadian government that some of our booklets cannot be sent across the border into Canada because they would be considered "hate propaganda" according to recent Canadian law changes on homosexuality, same-sex marriage,and transgenderism. However, we also learned that it is currently not illegal for Canadians to have possession of these booklets (we just can't send them across the border). Therefore, Canadian readers may call 866-295-4143, the number of our new Canadian distributor, to obtain copies of all of our booklets and several of our books. In time, we hope that all Lighthouse Trails books will be available through the distributor. To view a complete list of our current booklets, click here.



Lighthouse Trails Research Project | P.O. Box 908 | Eureka | MT |59917 | 406-889-3610


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Photos in newsletter header and footer from unless otherwise indicated| used with permission.