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“Charter, Private Schools See Growth During Pandemic as 1.4 million Kids Taken Out of Public Schools: Study”
LTRP Note: The following news story is posted for informational and research purposes.

By Michael Gryboski
Christian Post

Approximately 1.4 million students were taken out of public schools during the COVID-19 pandemic and transferred to alternative educational systems such as charter and private schools, according to a recent report.

The National Alliance for Public Charter Schools released a report Wednesday analyzing student enrollment trends in 41 states and the District of Columbia during the 2020-2021 school year.

The report noted that approximately 240,000 students were newly enrolled in public charter schools. Click here to continue reading.

Related Reading:

BOOKLET: Public School or Homeschool?—How Public Schools Are Corrupting Children’s Values

2016: Christian Homeschoolers Targeted by “Christ-Centered Energy Healing” Organization

(photo from; design by LT)

Sarah Young’s New Agey Mystical Moonlight Conversion
By Warren B. Smith

In the original introduction to Jesus Calling, Sarah Young described how it was a walk in “God’s glorious creation” that led to her mystical moonlight conversion—that her “heart” was “converted” to “Jesus” when she “felt” “enveloped” by the “warm mist” of His “Presence.” Her account is reminiscent of how many of us fell prey to deceptive spiritual experiences rather than heeding warnings from the Word of God about “another Jesus,” “another gospel,” and “another spirit.” (2 Corinthians 11:4; Galatians 1:6-7; 1 Timothy 4:1). Note how Young clearly transitions right from “it was God’s glorious creation that helped me open my heart to Him” into her walk in the “snowy mountains” with its “cold moonlit beauty.” It is a continuous flow from one paragraph to the next. Young wrote:

It was the intellectual integrity of Francis Schaeffer’s teaching that had drawn me to that pristine place. Though the quest that had taken me there was a search for truth, it was God’s glorious creation that helped me open my heart to Him.

One night I found myself leaving the warmth of our cozy chalet to walk alone in the snowy mountains. I went into a deeply wooded area, feeling vulnerable and awed by cold, moonlit beauty. The air was crisp and dry, piercing to inhale. Suddenly I felt as if a warm mist enveloped me. I became aware of a lovely Presence, and my involuntary response was to whisper, “Sweet Jesus.” This utterance was totally uncharacteristic of me, and I was shocked to hear myself speaking so tenderly to Jesus. As I pondered this brief communication, I realized it was the response of a converted heart; at that moment I knew I belonged to Him. This was far more than the intellectual answers for which I’d been searching. This was a relationship with the Creator of the universe.1 [emphasis added to indicate what has been removed from the most recent editions of Jesus Calling].

But after nine years of publishing the mystical conversion account above, this original account has been suddenly replaced by a different, more traditional conversion account that Young now claims to have had prior to her moonlight walk. Instead of “God’s glorious creation” transitioning into her mystical moonlight conversion, now it’s her new conversion account that transitions into her considerably toned down walk in the moonlight.  Click here to continue reading.

“Update on BC Father Fighting Medical Transitioning of 14 Year Old Child”
A photo of Rob and his daughter taken 9 years ago.

LTRJ Note: Lighthouse Trails has been following and reporting on the story of Canadian father, Rob Hoogland, since early 2020 when the case came to our attention. Mr. Hoogland was put in jail this past spring for attempting to rescue his young daughter from the hands of zealous Canadian doctors who have aided Hoogland’s teen daughter in “transitioning” into the male gender. Mr. Hoogland has shown tremendous bravery, and we commend his courage and determination to do the right thing.

Update from Go Get Funding (a group that is raising financial support for Rob Hoogland’s legal fees. Please consider supporting this father):

CD is appealing his “Guilty” verdict!

CD was released on bail from prison on April 30, 2021 after serving two months in jail for standing against the medical transitioning of our children. He still “owes” the Court four months in prison and a $30,000.00 fine. CD has now challenged the guilty verdict and is set to appeal with new criminal appeals lawyer Vincent LaRochelle. CD is challenging the entire conviction because he believes Canadian parents should not be charged criminally for standing by their God given, unalienable parental rights to protect their children. Please continue to support CD as he fights against this conviction which has set a legal precedent in Canada. This precedent will devastate parental rights not only for all Canadians, but will have far reaching effects on all parents and all children around the world. CD faces huge legal costs, none of which he can afford, as he is NOT represented by a pro bono lawyer offering free services. In contrast, the Attorney General of British Columbia has unlimited tax payer funds at his disposal in which to prosecute and persecute CD. CD is due back in the BC Court of Appeal sometime in the autumn of 2021. CD’s lawyer has promised some big wins!

Related Information:

“Father Ignores Publication Ban by Psychotic Judge—Ends Silence on Daughter’s ‘Transitioning’”

Interview with Rob Hoogland (this interview was banned from Canadian sites, but Lighthouse Trails carries it on our site.

Video Recap of Rob Hoogland’s Story

Lighthouse Trails Booklet: Transgenderism and Our Children

“Charter, Private Schools See Growth During Pandemic as 1.4 million Kids Taken Out of Public Schools: Study”
Sarah Young’s New Agey Mystical Moonlight Conversion
“Update on BC Father Fighting Medical Transitioning of 14 Year Old Child”
Contemplative Prayer or the Holy Spirit – It Can’t Be Both!
“Colorado Can Force Christian Web Designer to Create Same-Sex Wedding Site, Court Rules”
Commentary: Has Beth Moore Inadvertently Become a Proponent of Critical Race Theory (CRT)?”
Booklet Highlight: Rick Warren’s Dangerous Ecumenical Pathway to Rome And How One Interview Revealed So Much
Lighthouse Trails Research Journal Index of Articles (2013-2021)
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Contemplative Prayer or the Holy Spirit – It Can’t Be Both!

By Ray Yungen

Two authors from Great Britain portray a stunningly clear picture of New Age spirituality. They explain:

[T]he keynote of it appears to be a movement for synthesis derived from an understanding of the underlying unity behind all things and the sense of oneness that this brings.

This oneness of all life is the crux of the New Age movement.1

Catholic monk M. Basil Pennington defined the contemplative spiritual worldview in his book Thomas Merton My Brother. He related:

The Spirit enlightened him [Merton] in the true synthesis [unity] of all and in the harmony of that huge chorus of living beings. In the midst of it he lived out a vision of a new world, where all divisions have fallen away and the divine goodness is perceived and enjoyed as present in all and through all.2

The first viewpoint describes God as the oneness of all existence. In Merton’s new world, God is perceived as being present “in all and through all.” It certainly appears that the same spirit enlightened both parties. The only difference was Merton’s revelation worked in a Christian context just as occultist Alice Bailey predicted. Unfortunately, this context is now commonplace in Catholic circles, becoming so in mainline Protestant churches, and being eagerly explored and embraced by an ever-increasing number of evangelical Christians.

Evangelical leaders now debate whether such spiritual truths as resting in God are the same as contemplative silence. Based on documentations I have been presenting for many years, I believe contemplative prayer has no place in true Christianity. Scripture clearly teaches that with salvation comes an automatic guidance system—the Holy Spirit. Lewis Sperry Chafer, in his book Grace: The Glorious Theme, spells out this truth with crystal-clear clarity:

It is stated in Romans 5:5 that “the Spirit is given to us.” This is true of every person who is saved. The Spirit is the birth-right in the new life. By Him alone can the character and service that belongs to the normal daily life of the Christian be realized. The Spirit is the “All-Sufficient One.” Every victory in the new life is gained by His strength, and every reward in glory will be won only as a result of His enabling power.3

Show me a Scripture in the Bible in which the Holy Spirit is activated or accessed by contemplative prayer. If such a verse exists, wouldn’t it be the keynote verse in defense of contemplative prayer?

None exists!

I want to emphasize what I believe cuts through all the emotional appeal that has attracted so many to teachers like Richard Foster and Brennan Manning and really boils the issue down to its clearest state.

In his book Streams of Living Water, Richard Foster emanates his hoped-for vision of an “all inclusive community” that he feels God is forming today. He sees this as “a great, new gathering of the people of God.”4

On the surface, this might sound noble and sanctifying, but a deeper examination will expose elements that line up more with Alice Bailey’s vision than with Jesus Christ’s. Foster prophesies:

I see a Catholic monk from the hills of Kentucky standing alongside a Baptist evangelist from the streets of Los Angeles and together offering up a sacrifice of praise. I see a people.5

The only place in “the hills of Kentucky” where Catholic monks live is the Gethsemane Abbey, a Trappist monastery. This also, coincidentally, was the home base of Thomas Merton.

Let me explain this significant connection. In the summer of 1996, Buddhist and Catholic monks met together to dialogue in what was billed the “Gethsemane Encounter.”6 David Steindl-Rast, a Zen-Buddhist trained monk and close friend of Thomas Merton, facilitated this event.

During the encounter, presentations on Zen meditation and practice from the Theravedan Buddhist tradition were offered.7 One of the speakers discussed the “correlation of the Christian contemplative life with the lives of our Buddhist sisters and brothers.”8

For these monks and the Baptist evangelist to be “a people,” as Richard Foster says, someone has to change. Either the monks have to abandon their Buddhist convictions and align with the Baptists, or the Baptists have to become contemplative style Baptists and embrace the monks’ beliefs. That is the dilemma in Foster’s “great gathering of God.”

Mystic David Steindl-Rast once asked Thomas Merton what role Buddhism played in his going deeper into the spiritual life. Merton replied quite frankly: “I think I couldn’t understand Christian teaching the way I do if it were not in the light of Buddhism.”9


Thomas Merton

Did Merton mean that in order to understand what Christianity really is, you have to change your consciousness? I believe that is exactly what he meant. Once he personally did that through contemplative prayer, Buddhism provided him with the explanation of what he experienced. But again the catalyst was changing his consciousness. This is what I am warning Christians about. Contemplative prayer is presenting a way to God identical with all the world’s mystical traditions. Christians are haplessly lulled into it by the emphasis on seeking the Kingdom of God and greater piety, yet the apostle Paul described the church’s end-times apostasy in the context of a mystical seduction. If this practice doesn’t fit that description, I don’t know what does.

You don’t have to change your consciousness to grab “aholt” of God (as Brennan Manning insists). All you need is to be born-again. What Steindl-Rast and the other Gethsemane monks should have been telling Buddhists is, “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29).

In his book, Ruthless Trust, Brennan Manning mentions that once Baptist Sunday school teacher, now New Ager, Sue Monk Kidd eventually came under the mentorship of Dr. Beatrice Bruteau who authored the book What We Can Learn From the East. Since that title is self-explanatory, it’s easy to understand why Dr. Bruteau would write the preface to a book like The Mystic Heart by mystic Wayne Teasdale. In the preface, she touts that a universal spirituality based on mysticism is going to save the world.

It seems that all these people want a better world. They do not seem like sinister conspirators like those out of a James Bond film. Yet, it is their niceness that rejects the reality of the fundamental separation between Man and God. It is their sense of compassion that feeds their universalism. It is idealism that makes Manning so attractive and causes him to say that Dr. Bruteau is a “trustworthy guide to contemplative consciousness.”10

The irony of this is that Manning is completely correct in his statement—Dr. Bruteau is a reliable guide to contemplative awareness. She has founded two organizations, the Schola Contemplationis (school for contemplation) and the very Christian-sounding Fellowship of the Holy Trinity. With the latter, she is promoted as “a well-known author and lecturer on contemplative life and prayer.”11 Both of these organizations incorporate Hindu and Buddhist approaches to spirituality. This should come as no surprise because Bruteau also has studied with the Ramakrishna order, which is named after the famous Hindu swami Sri Ramakrishna.

The Ramakrishna order is dedicated to promoting the vision of Sri Ramakrishna. He was known for his view that all the world’s religions were valid revelations from God if you understood them on the mystical level. He was an early proponent of interspirituality. According to the book, Wounded Prophet, Henri Nouwen even viewed him in a favorable light and esteemed him as an important spiritual figure.

Sue Monk Kidd (author of The Secret Life of Bees) became enamored with contemplative spirituality while attending a Southern Baptist church. We could possibly dismiss that and say she was just an untaught member of the laity who was spiritually lacking in discernment. Maybe her spiritual dryness was a result of her not being grounded firmly enough in the faith. But what about the leaders and pastors whom so many look up to and who are considered trusted individuals in the church? Surely they are able to discern what is spiritually unsound. It seems safe to make this assumption. Right? Unfortunately, this is no longer the case.


1. Ursula Burton and Janlee Dolley, Christian Evolution (Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, GB: Turnstone Press, 1984), p. 101.
2. M. Basil Pennington, Thomas Merton, My Brother (Hyde Park, NY: New City Press, 1996), pp. 199-200.
3. Lewis Sperry Chafer, Grace, the Glorious Theme (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing, 1977 Edition), pp. 313-314.
4. Richard Foster, Streams of Living Water (San Francisco, CA: Harper, 1998), p. 273.
5. Ibid., p. 274.
6. Credence Communications Catalog, Gift Ideas Edition.
7. Ibid.
8. Ibid.
9. Frank X. Tuoti, The Dawn of the Mystical Age (New York, NY: Crossroad Publishing, 1997), p. 127.
10. Brennan Manning, Abba’s Child (Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress, 1994), p. 180.
11. Virginia Manss and Mary Frohlich, Editors, The Lay Contemplative (Cincinnati, OH: St. Anthony Messenger Press, 2000), p. 180.


“Colorado Can Force Christian Web Designer to Create Same-Sex Wedding Site, Court Rules”
By Michael Foust
Christian Headlines

The state of Colorado can force a Christian web designer to create a website for same-sex weddings under a new federal court decision that upheld the state’s anti-discrimination law.

At issue is a state law, the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act (CADA), that prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation in public accommodations.

Lorie Smith, a Christian web designer and the owner of 303 Creative, sued the state, saying she wants to use her gifts to “celebrate and promote God’s design for marriage” as “an institution between one man and one woman.” Under Colorado law, though, Smith must design websites promoting same-sex weddings if she designs websites promoting weddings between one man and one woman. Click here to continue reading.

(photo from; used with permission)

Commentary: Has Beth Moore Inadvertently Become a Proponent of Critical Race Theory (CRT)?
(photo from a 2-second video clip on YouTube; used in accordance with the U.S. Fair Use Act)

The CRT lie is that every white person is inherently racist (whether they know it or not) [and in] a “perpetual state of guilt and apology to people of color. . . . It doesn’t matter if they never felt or acted as if they were superior to others because they were white; they are white, and therefore, according to CRT, they are racist.”

By L. Sharp

Beth Moore Background

Beth Moore has been moving away from the Bible for a while now. Lighthouse Trails has documented over the years her becoming a proponent of contemplative prayer, “emergent” doctrine, and ecumenism (most notably with Roman Catholicism).

See link:

Beth Moore publicly announced on March 9, 2021 that she was “no longer a Southern Baptist”

See link:

Recently, on Twitter (July 21, 2021), she decided to vent her frustrations, specifically aimed at the fact 6 Southern Baptist Seminary Presidents had signed a statement in Nov. 2020, declaring that Critical Race Theory (CRT) was “incompatible with the Baptist Faith & Message”.

This Nov. 2020 statement was a shift from the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) 2019 statement calling CRT “insufficient to diagnose and redress the root causes” of societal ills, but could be used as an “analytical tool to aid.” Perhaps her criticism of the SBC has escalated, after the more recent June 2021 SBC Convention, where the SBC shifted very clearly toward non-support of CRT.

BACKGROUND OF SBC’s (Southern Baptist Convention) shifting statements regarding CRT
I thought it would be helpful to give you a background of SBC’s statements the last 3 years regarding CRT.

1) 2019 Statement:

In June 2019, the SBC affirmed the following regarding CRT:
WHEREAS, Critical race theory and intersectionality alone are insufficient [emphasis mine] to diagnose and redress the root causes of the social ills that they identify, which result from sin, yet these analytical tools can aid [emphasis mine] in evaluating a variety of human experiences;
see link:

2) No 2020 Statement:

No SBC Meeting June 2020 (b/c of COVID-19)

3) 2021 Statement:

In June 2021, the SBC affirmed the following regarding “race and racial reconciliation” in the passing of Resolution #2:

RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Nashville, Tennessee, June 15–16, 2021, affirm the sufficiency of Scripture on race and racial reconciliation; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we reaffirm our agreement with historic, biblically-faithful Southern Baptist condemnations of racism in all forms; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we reject any theory or worldview that finds the ultimate identity of human beings in ethnicity or in any other group dynamic [emphasis mine]; and be it further

RESOLVED, That we reject any theory or worldview that sees the primary problem of humanity as anything other than sin against God and the ultimate solution as anything other than redemption found only in Christ; and be it further

RESOLVED, We, therefore, reject any theory or worldview that denies that racism, oppression, or discrimination is rooted, ultimately, in anything other than sin; and be it further

RESOLVED, That, understanding we live in a fallen world, we reaffirm the 1995 Resolution On Racial Reconciliation On The 150th Anniversary Of The Southern Baptist Convention, which includes, “That we apologize to all African-Americans for condoning and/or perpetuating individual and systemic racism in our lifetime; and we genuinely repent of racism of which we have been guilty, whether consciously (Psalm 19:13) or unconsciously (Leviticus 4:27),” applying this disposition to every instance of racism; [emphasis mine]

see link:

4) Statement Beth Moore tweeted about:

On Nov.30, 2020 this statement was adopted by the Council of Seminary Presidents of the SBC:

“On this twentieth anniversary year of the Baptist Faith & Message (as revised and adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention in 2000), the Council of Seminary Presidents of the Southern Baptist Convention, meeting in its annual session, hereby reaffirms with eagerness the Baptist Faith & Message as the doctrinal statement that unites and defines Southern Baptist cooperation and establishes the confessional unity of our Convention. Our six seminaries are confessional institutions, standing together in this classic statement of biblical truth. All professors must agree to teach in accordance with and not contrary to the Baptist Faith & Message. This is our sacred commitment and privilege, and every individual faculty member and trustee of our institutions shares this commitment. We are thankful for the theological commitments of the Southern Baptist Convention, standing against the tide of theological compromise and in the face of an increasingly hostile secular culture.

In light of current conversations in the Southern Baptist Convention, we stand together on historic Southern Baptist condemnations of racism in any form and we also declare that affirmation of Critical Race Theory, Intersectionality, and any version of Critical Theory is incompatible with the Baptist Faith & Message.” [emphasis mine]

see these 3 links:


BETH MOORE’S July 21, 2021 Tweet in response to above Nov.30, 2020 SBC Seminary Presidents’ statement—

Here is Beth Moore’s tweet in full:

“I hope to write calmly and clearly this AM. In my estimation, the handwriting was on the wall that this witch-hunt was tragically inevitable when the 6 SBC seminary presidents signed the statement declaring CRT incompatible with the Baptist Faith & Message BECAUSE 1) It wasn’t made clear to many what qualifies as CRT & what does NOT. 2) Many people aren’t going to do the homework on how to differentiate between CRT & BIBLICAL priorities of justice & BIBLICAL mandates against injustice. If you don’t think God frowns on injustices committed or blessed by people who claim to belong to him, you simply aren’t reading your Bible. I don’t have to be a seminary president to suggest reading the prophets if you want to know what kind of hell there can be to pay, when we, the people of God, deal unjustly or stand by silently in its midst. 3) Because of 1 & 2, the moment someone preaches, teaches or speaks against racism or injustice, many church congregations, Christian organizations, students & faculty members of Christian universities & seminaries are now primed to see devils behind every bush and holler “CRT!!”

"I beg you to hear me here: godly people are losing their jobs and WILL lose their jobs by the hundreds over this witch hunt for simply teaching Biblical righteousness. They are no more proponents of CRT than they are horned toads. I am not a proponent of CRT but I will not for one second relent on stating the obvious fact that systemic injustice thrives in America. You have to have a blindfold on not to see it. Believing there is such a thing as systemic injustice does not equal CRT. Brothers and sisters we are spreading lies and it is harmful and sinful. And there is no lie as binding as the one we are willing to tell ourselves in order to protect our positions and power structures. When the church is driven by fear and lies rather than by love & truth, it may be some kind of church, but it is not Christ’s. I write in lay-person terms.

"I’m not an academic. I’m a Bible studying Jesus freak who loves the church. I’ll inevitably have said some of this poorly. I require a lot of grace and I ask you look to the heart of it and test the spirit. I have written these things in love and deep concern.”

Here is her July 21, 2021 Twitter thread documenting the above Tweet–


Regarding Beth Moore

1) It is not surprising that Beth Moore is angry towards SBC and their move away from support for CRT. She left SBC, so now she can freely criticize unfiltered. But, why is Beth Moore so angry at these “witch-hunter” SBC Seminary Presidents? Her anger against SBC and their recent stand of non-support of CRT, reveals her lack of understanding of CRT, and her lack of biblical discernment.

2) Lighthouse Trails explains CRT well. So, we don’t have to be confused about what it is all about.

The Lighthouse Trails booklet “Critical Race Theory” points out, on p.6:

Critical Race Theory, which was birthed in the 1980s by lawyers and social activists, has to do with seeing people from a critical perspective as belonging to specific identity groups (e.g. whites, blacks, lesbians, feminists, genders) whereby each group is categorized as either “oppressor” or “oppressed.” It is the creation of “cultural Marxism” wherein the two categories are pitted against the complete overturning of the present system.

Also, on p.7 the booklet goes on to say:

Critical Race theorists believe in institutional (or systemic) racism; that is, racism is so integrated into our American society
 that “the systems in place [e.g.,capitalism] . . . create and maintain racial inequality in nearly every facet of life for people of color.” Furthermore, they say that all white people, whether they think, talk, or act like it or not, are racist because they are privy to “white privilege” and should therefore be in a perpetual state of guilt and apology to people of color. . . . It doesn’t matter if they never felt or acted as if they were superior to others because they were white; they are white, and therefore, according to CRT, they are racist.

3) Beth Moore complained about the Nov.2020 SBC Seminary Presidents’ statement of CRT being “incompatible” with the Baptist Faith and Message.  She calls this the beginning of their “witch-hunt.” Merriam-Webster’s online definition of “witch-hunt” is: the searching out and deliberate harassment of those (such as political opponents) with unpopular views (see link:

Is the SBC on a “witch-hunt”? If so, against whom? “Godly” people who support CRT (Critical Race Theory)? In her tweet, Moore basically “warns” the SBC seminary presidents by saying: “I don’t have to be a seminary president to suggest reading the prophets if you want to know what kind of hell there can be to pay, when we, the people of God, deal unjustly or stand by silently in its midst.”

It appears that Beth Moore is accusing the SBC Seminary Presidents of “dealing unjustly” or “standing by silently in the midst” (midst of what? so-called “systemic injustice”?). And, according to Beth Moore, she accuses those men of not reading the prophets properly, because if they did, they would know “what kind of hell there can be to pay” for people like “them.”

Who are people like “them”? Does Beth Moore’s stereotyping of the SBC Seminary Presidents as “them” sound like divisive talk, pitting one group against another? For a self-proclaimed non-proponent of CRT, Beth Moore paints the SBC Seminary Presidents as “them” (the anti-CRT folks), and herself (along with “godly people”) as “us” (who see systemic injustice everywhere).

CRT is an anti-gospel/unbiblical worldview

What Beth Moore does not realize is that CRT, at its core, is an anti-gospel worldview. Why?

  1. CRT is a secular worldview, so it is inherently an anti-gospel/unbiblical worldview.
  2. CRT’s view of sin, humanity and redemption is anti-gospel.  
  3. Sin: According to CRT, humanity’s original sin is “racism”. According to the Bible, man’s original sin is disobedience to God’s command (Adam’s sin in the Garden of Eden). See Genesis 3.
  4. Humanity: According to CRT, humanity is ever trying to “better” itself. According to the Bible, humanity (individual people), can never “better” itself. Each person, because of his or her sin, can only turn to God, acknowledging his or her sin and disobedience against Him, and then God alone can restore God’s image in him or her. This is not becoming “better,” but becoming the man or woman God has created him or her to be (according to the Bible and its standard, not humanity’s standards). See Jer.17:9; Psalm 51:5; 1 John 1:10; Romans 3:23; 5:12,19; Eph.2:1-2.
  5. Redemption: According to CRT, there is no redemption. According to the Bible, there is individual, personal redemption in the cross of Jesus Christ. There is individual forgiveness and reconciliation with God (and with each other), through the death and resurrection (and shed blood) of Jesus Christ. God can redeem, and there is hope in His Son Jesus Christ alone and in believing the gospel. See Colossians 1:14; Ephesians 1:7; Heb. 9:14.

More specifically, according to CRT, there are only two groups of people: the oppressor and the oppressed; the victimizer and the victim; the haves and have-nots; the “us” and “them.” But, there is no redemption. There is no forgiveness. There is no reconciliation. There is no end to the “penance.”  The sin is not biblical sin (Romans 3:23), but the sin is “racism.”

The only solution offered by CRT is for the “oppressors” (whites) to pay perpetual “penance” for their “sin” of racism, whether conscious or unconscious, known or unknown.  CRT is an anti-gospel/unbiblical worldview that offers no hope of healing, restoration, or reconciliation (between one another, or with God).

Whether or not you agree with the SBC Seminary Presidents’ most recent statement (of Nov. 2020), they were making a statement of their stance regarding CRT. Did this statement of their beliefs start a “witch-hunt” (as Beth Moore alleges)? Even if that were true, who exactly were the SBC Seminary Presidents searching out and deliberately harassing?

Beth Moore and CRT
Beth Moore seems to be a proponent of CRT (based on her July 21, 2021 tweet), whether she knows it or not. Who is she defending? People of color? “Godly people” who are not opposed to CRT? She already is feeling guilty for America’s “systemic injustice.”  Look at the language in her tweet. She says:

I am not a proponent of CRT but I will not for one second relent on stating the obvious fact that systemic    injustice thrives in America. You have to have a blindfold on not to see it. Believing there is such a thing as systemic injustice does not equal CRT. Brothers and sisters we are spreading lies and it is harmful and sinful. And there is no lie as binding as the one we are willing to tell ourselves in order to protect our positions and power structures. When the church is driven by fear and lies rather than by love & truth, it may be some kind of church, but it is not Christ’s. I write in lay-person terms.

The most concerning statement in her tweet was her insinuation that anyone who does not support CRT is somehow “spreading lies” that are harmful and sinful. And she is accusing such Christians as telling lies, “in order to protect our positions and power structures.”  Sounds like CRT language to me.

She states unequivocally, that it is an “obvious fact that systemic injustice thrives in America. You have to have a blindfold on not to see it.” I agree that this is not necessarily “equal to CRT,” but it is a red flag that she is being influenced by CRT. CRT includes the pre-conceived generalized assumption that “systemic injustice” is already an inherent, structural, societal problem, and categorizes people of color as the “oppressed”, and whites as the “oppressor.” One of the basic assumptions of CRT is a blind belief that “systemic injustice” in whatever form (racism, oppression towards poor, etc.) does exist in society, period. The word “systemic” is used by CRT proponents to indoctrinate people into believing that all social structures and systems in America, are, at their core, full of injustice.

Again, Beth Moore appears to be a proponent of CRT, but doesn’t realize it . . .

What About SBC?

The SBC’s most current statements regarding “race and racial reconciliation” and CRT reveal they still are believing the basic lie of CRT: specifically, they are still “repenting” and apologizing for their history of racism, whether it was conscious or unconscious, aware or unaware. The CRT lie is that every white person is inherently racist (whether they know it or not). The Lighthouse Trails booklet “Critical Race Theory” on p.7, describes this as a “perpetual state of guilt and apology to people of color. . . . It doesn’t matter if they never felt or acted as if they were superior to others because they were white; they are white, and therefore, according to CRT, they are racist.”

Final Comments

Let’s pray that CRT gets exposed as a secular, and thus anti-gospel/unbiblical, worldview.  Let’s pray that those who loyally follow Beth Moore and/or SBC have their eyes opened to CRT as a demonic deception, leading believers down a dark path.

Colossians 2:8: Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

1 John 4:1: Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

1 Thessalonians 5:21: Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

Romans 12:2: And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Booklet Highlight: Rick Warren’s Dangerous Ecumenical Pathway to Rome And How One Interview Revealed So Much

rp_BKT-RO-RW-2.jpgBy Roger Oakland

In 2014, Rick Warren (called “America’s Pastor) was interviewed by Catholic T.V. network host Raymond Arroyo. The interview took place at the Saddleback Church campus and was posted on YouTube by EWTN in April of 2014. Because I had written previously in 2013 about Rick Warren’s connections to Rome and to the Catholic convert Tony Blair (former prime minister of Britain), I was very aware that Rick Warren was heading down the path toward Rome. But not until I saw this interview did I realize just how far he has gone in that direction.

When I wrote the 2013 commentary titled “What is Next for Rick Warren?,” I provided evidence to show that Warren and Britain’s prime minister Tony Blair were partnering together with the Roman Catholic Church to form a P.E.A.C.E. Plan that would lead toward the creation of a global religion in the name of Christ. While many who read that commentary were skeptical that such a Warren-Rome connection existed, the 2014 interview clearly reveals it does.

EWTN made this statement about the interview on their YouTube station:

Part II of our exclusive interview: Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church in Southern California. Rick talks about the expansion of his ministry abroad, the Vatican delegation that recently came to Orange County to study his church’s style of evangelization, and which television channel he finds himself watching most often and the show that draws him.1

If you have access to the Internet, I highly recommend you watch the entire thirty-minute interview as it is filled with information that provides further insight into Rick Warren’s pathway to Rome—one he has actually been supporting for quite some time. For instance, in 2005, Warren created the Purpose Driven Life Catholics program. And in his best-selling book, The Purpose Driven Life (released in 2002), Warren makes several favorable references to well-known Catholics: page 88 (Brother Lawrence, a Catholic mystic); page 108 (Catholic priest and contemplative mystic, Henri Nouwen and Catholic panentheist St. John of the Cross); and twice he mentions Mother Theresa (pages 125 and 231).

But in this EWTN interview, Warren takes his views of the Catholic Church to even “greater” heights and admits he is in favor of the Roman Catholic New Evangelization program (set up to win the “lost brethren” back to the Mother Church).2

The Warren-Arroyo Interview
What did he say?! This is exactly the direction we predicted he would go! It will be crucial that skeptics hear and see this interview. These were the thoughts running through my head when I first watched the EWTN interview with Rick Warren and Raymond Arroyo. The comments by Rick Warren in response to Arroyo’s questions were stunning. They left no room for doubt in my mind—Warren is marching towards ecumenical unity with Rome, and it has become clearer than it ever was before.

The interview opened with the following question by Arroyo:

The Purpose Driven Life is the best-selling book in the world—36 million plus copies. It’s been translated more than any book except the Bible. What is the key to that success? Why were so many people touched by that book and continue to be?3

To Arroyo’s question, Warren responded:

You know, Ray, there is not a single new thought in Purpose Driven Life that hadn’t been said for 2,000 years. I’ve just said it in a fresh way. I said it in a simple way. When I was writing Purpose Driven Life it took me seven months, twelve hours a day. I’d get up at 4:30 in the morning. I’d go to a little study. Start at 5 a.m. I was fasting til noon, and I would light some candles, and I would start writing and rewrite, rewrite, rewrite. One of the things I did before I wrote the book was, um, I’d ask the question—How do you write a book that lasts 500 years? For instance, um, Imitation of Christ by Thomas Kempis, Practicing the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence. Ok? The Desert Fathers, St. John of the Cross, Teresa of Avila. All of these great, classic devotional works. Any one of them—I just realized that in order to be timeless you have to be eternal.4

Warren’s answer certainly provides some understanding as to where his spiritual affinities lie, and it associates him with the Catholic contemplative prayer movement brought into the evangelical church through Richard Foster and Dallas Willard. Interestingly, in Warren’s first book, The Purpose Driven Church, he identified (and promoted) Foster and Willard as key players in that movement.5

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Lighthouse Trails Research Journal Index of Articles (2013-2021)
As many of our readers know, Lighthouse Trails has been publishing a printed research journal since 2013. We started out with 6 issues a year and currently have 4 issues a year. These journals are 36-40 pages long and are filled with important articles, letters to the editor, resources, and news items.

Many times, readers have asked us for an index of these journal articles, and now we have put one together (see below). We hope this will be a helpful resource as you discern the times in which we live. You may search for any of these article titles on this blog, or, as an alternative, you may order the hard copies of any of the issues listed. All back issues can be ordered for $3 an issue for U.S. addresses; an entire year from 2013-2019 can be ordered for $15 ($14 for entire year for 2020). There is no added shipping charge for back issues. You may also wish to subscribe to the journal ($14/year for U.S. addresses). Our next issue will be mailed out the first week of November.

** To see what some of our journal readers have to say about the journal, click here then scroll down to see comments and reviews.

You may print this index using the green button at the top of this post. You can also copy and paste the index into a Word document and use Word’s search tool to easily find certain names or topics. (For Lighthouse Trails articles dating earlier than 2013, check out our e-newsletter archives.)

Lighthouse Trails Research Journal Index of Articles


Book Alert! Does Rick Warren Retain Unbiblical Position in New 2012 Edition of the Purpose Driven Life?
My Observations at My Christian Friends’ Yoga Class
Setting Aside the Power of the Gospel for a Powerless Substitute
A Word From a Native American Cree About the Name of God
College Watch—Multnomah University Teaches Lectio Divina in Chapel Throughout Year
The Top 50 “Christian” Contemplative Books—A NOT Recommended Reading List” and 25 Christian “Bridgers” to Them
“Propaganda Wins” on Israel

What Would Jesus Think (WWJT) About “the Shift” to Christ-consciousness?
Those Who Resist
Contemplative Spirituality—the Source of the Catholic Church’s Expansion
They Call It “Bibliolatry” (Bible Worship)— But Could It Be a Contemplative Smoke Screen?
Radio Bible Class Promoting Contemplative Spirituality
College Watch—Conflicting Reports: Nazarene Superintendent Says Nazarene Church Not Emergent versus Olivet Nazarene University Welcomes Emergent Mystic
How To Know When the Emerging Church Shows Signs of Emerging Into Your Church
Should Christians Expose Error?

Assemblies of God General Council Makes Bold Move—Brings in Contemplative Key Player Ruth Haley Barton to “Believe” Conference
The Underlying Force of the “Spiritual Formation” Movement
When Hitler Was in Power—Memories of a Jewish Girl
Four Reasons Why Holman Publishers Should Not Have Inserted an Article by a Contemplative Author Into Their King James Bibles
Rob Bell Calls Homosexual “Marriage” a Move of God
Mrs. Prest—She Said No to Apostasy and Became a Martyr

The Mother of The Secret
Concerns Grow as Moody Presses Forward Down Contemplative Path
Lighthouse Trails Challenges Assemblies of God Response Regarding Invitation of Ruth Haley Barton
The Cost for Being Careless With the Gospel
Rick Warren’s Daniel Plan—Dr. Oz, Dr. Amen, and Dr. Hymen /The New Age Meditation Doctors Behind the Saddleback Health Program
Our Children—The Primary Target of the New Age One-World Religion
How Will You Handle Hard Times Ahead?

Israel: Replacing What God Has Not
Can Christians Be Spiritually Deceived, and How Can They Avoid it?
The Truth About Energy Healing
Facilitate Same-Sex “Marriage” or Else: Legal Group Warns Christian Businesses Face “Real Threat”
How To Deal With Those Who Teach False Doctrine—in a Scriptural Manner
What About John Ortberg’s Book, Fully Devoted? My Pastor Wants to Use It

Rick Warren’s Daniel Plan Accelerates, Tells Followers to Practice 4-7-8 Hinduistic Meditation
Yoga and Christianity—Are They Compatible?
Another Episode With In Touch Magazine—A Puzzle That Isn’t Fitting Together
New Age/Peace Plan Author Marianne Williamson Running for US House Seat in California
Tony Blair and World Leaders Look for Answers to Terrorism—Missing the Only Answer
Southern Baptist Commission Says Christians Not Doing Enough for Islam
The Quantum Christ: Entering the World AND the Church
“How Do I Find a Good Bible-Believing Church”
When a Boy Is Sexually Abused
Is Christianity the Reason the World Is in Trouble?
Is Your Church Doing Spiritual Formation?


Embracing Contemplative Shows Ill Effects at Moody Bible Institute in Ecumenical “Road to Rome” Event
An “Enlightened” Race
Happy New (Age) Year!
Rick Warren’s New Book, The Daniel Plan, Receives Media Blitz But Book Does Double-Speak on Eastern-Style Meditation
Brian McLaren’s Mystery Project Out of the Bag—CANA Initiative: A Gathering of Emergents
State Attorneys General File Brief in Support of Christians Ordered to Shoot Same-Sex Ceremonies
About That Jesus Calling—10 Things You Might Not Know
The Final Accommodation: The Mark . . . Revelation 14/30
Chicken Soup for the Soul Books Have Now Sold Over 500 Million Copies!

So You Want to Practice “Good” Contemplative Prayer—What’s Wrong With That?
A Word of Caution: Ecumenical-Backed Movie, “Son of God,” May Send Subtle New Age/Roman Catholic Messages
Jesus Calling Devotional Bible? Putting Word in Jesus’ Mouth—And in the Bible
Rick Warren’s New Reformation Lines Up With Tony Blair’s “Open-minded” “Tolerant” World
The Circle Makers
A Cree First Nations Talks About Necromancy
“Christian Palestinianism” & Emergents Hybels and Wallis Come to Multnomah University for “Justice” Conference
Pat Robertson Blasts Young Earth Beliefs: “Let’s Not Make a Joke of Ourselves”

Interview on Catholic Network Reveals Rick Warren’s Affinity With Catholic Mystics, Pope Francis, and Ecumenical Unity
The Noah Movie Deception and the Last Days
Mark Driscoll’s Distorted View on Noah and Salvation
Protestants Who Don’t Unite with Catholics Are Guilty of “Spiritual Racism”
A “Common Core” for a Global Community
Bill Gothard Resigns From Institute in Basic Life Principles Under Multiple Allegations of Sexual Abuse (And How to Spot the Signs of a Sexual Predator & Ways to Protect Your Child

“I Just Had a Vision!”
Celebration of Discipline—36 Years of Influence
List of 50 Top Contemplative-Promoting Organizations
Is Beth Moore a Contemplative Advocate?
World Vision Cries “Reform”—But What About Israel & the Emerging Church
Jesus Christ Presented as the Son of Allah—A “New” Way of Doing Missions?
One Woman’s Story About Jesus Calling: “A Surprise I Never Expected.”

A Directory of Authors (Two NOT Recommended Lists)
The Dangers of Spiritual Formation
Salvation Versus the Contemplative Way
Evangelical Church Takes Another Big Step Toward Rome—This Time? Franklin Graham
Comparison: “New Spirituality” Leaders Reject & Ridicule the Second Coming of Christ Versus Bible Prophecies
Matthew 18—And Heretics and Hypocrites
In Jesus Calling: “Jesus” Contradicts Himself
He Wished to Leave the “Old Way” and Follow the Christian Way—A True Story

Evangelical Christianity Being Catapulted Into Seeing God With the New Eyes of Contemplative Prayer
Is This Really Cutting-Edge Christianity or Is It Shamanism?
The New Age “Doctrine” of Separation versus the Biblical View of Separation
Newly Elected Southern Baptist Convention Mission Board President, David Platt, Says “Sinner’s Prayer” Unscriptural and Superstitious
Chuck Swindoll’s Book So You Want to Be Like Christ? (Eight Essential Disciplines to Get Your There)—A Fiasco of No Discernment Pointing to the “Silence”
The Persecution of John Huss, Brave Defender of the Christian Faith
German Government Returns Custody of Homeschooled Children to Their Parents
It Happened Then, It Could Happen Now
A Pastor in a Soviet Prison—”The Most Dangerous of All!”


The Message “Bible—A Breach of Truth
Ravi Zacharias on Henri Nouwen—“I Regret Having Said That” “Henri Nouwen Was One of the Greatest Saints in Our Time”
“Hip” Mega Church Gives Biblical Christians New Label: “Hater”
Mega-Church Mark Driscoll Resigns From Mars Hill Church for Social Failures—But Media Silent on Controversial Doctrinal Issues
Rob Bell and Oprah Wrap Up New Age Tour—Equally Yoked
Tony Blair Calls for “Comprehensive Strategy to Counter Religious Extremism”
The New Age Implications of Jesus Calling
What Does It Mean to Be Justified Before God?

Confused by an Angel: The Dilemma of Roma Downey’s New Age Beliefs
Thought Police in Colleges
According to Rome, True Evangelization Not Complete Until a Christian Becomes Catholic
Believing a Lie: World Vision’s Steve Haas on Israel
Rob Bell to Oprah: The Church is “Moments Away From the Church Embracing Gay Marriage”
Two Opposite Letters to the Editor About David Jeremiah: One Concerned about Recent Broadcast, One Upset with LT
False Revival Coming?—Holy Laughter or Strong Delusion?
IF: Gathering: An Emergent Conference for Young Women Exalts Doubt and Diminishes Faith
Do Christianity and Islam Share the Same God?

Brennan Manning’s “New Monks” & Their Dangerous Contemplative Monasticism
My Journey Out of Catholicism
Those Who Are Spiritually Deceived Are No Longer Able to Think for Themselves
A Response to “Red Letter Christians” and Tony Campolo’s “Going the Jesus Way”
Will Christians Replace Commitment to the Gospel for Commitment to a Unified Dominionist Agenda?
Dr. Oz Accused of Medical “Quackery” While His New Age/Spiritual “Quackery” Goes Unaddressed by Rick Warren and the Church
College Alert: Letters to Lighthouse Trails Show Prairie Bible Institute (Alberta) Has Gone Emergent
Elephant in the Room: Rodney Howard-Browne and America’s “Great Awakening”

5 Things You Should Know About Contemplative Prayer
How to Prepare for Hard Times and Persecution—Understanding the times
From Seeker Friendly to Contemplative Spirituality: Willow Creek’s Lynne Hybels’ “God”
Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa Pastor, Brian Brodersen, Publicly Says Sometimes It’s OK to Attend a Homosexual Wedding
Feel the Love Tonight? Rick Warren, Elton John Hold Hands, Joke About Kissing Before AIDS Panel
Biblical versus Cultural Christianity
Be Still and Know That You Are Not God!
Book Review on Andy Stanley’s Book, Deep and Wide

The Labyrinth!
Southern Baptist Convention Calls for a “Great Awakening”—But Continues Promoting Anti-Gospel New Spirituality
Two Mennonite Colleges Announce Hiring Policy Change to Employ “Married” Homosexuals
5 Things You Can Do to Protect Your Kids From Sexual Predators
9 Things You Can Do to Help Protect Your College-Attending Child or Grandchild
10 Things to Ponder—Pathways to Apostasy
Letter to the Editor: Lighthouse Trails Has Exaggerated Condition of Christian Missionary Alliance
Anti-Jew, Anti-Israel, Replacement Theology Movie
“Servant Leadership” . . . A Christian Idea? . . . Not Exactly

Pope Francis and the Thomas Merton Connection
Liberty University Welcomes Socialist Bernie Sanders to Address Student Body: “We Have Same Goals”
Pagan Christianity—George Barna and Frank Viola: Have No Problem With the “New Spirituality,” But Preaching, Pastors, and Pews Are Pagan
Be Still and Know That YOU Are God? Is That Really What Scripture Says?
Eye-Witness Account at Parliament of the World’s Religions 2015 Reveals Growing Animosity Toward Biblical Christians
New Movie, Captive: A Story Behind the Story and Another Plug for the Purpose Driven Movement
The Peace of God and the Peace With God


D is for Deception
Rick Warren’s Dangerous Ecumenical Pathway to Rome and How One Interview Revealed So Much
If Neale Donald Walsch (Conversations With God) and the New Agers Are Right, Then Hitler Will Be in Heaven!
A Biblical Warning for America
Three Ways to Protect Your Child From Harmful Toys & Games
“New” Christianity Teacher Says “The Jig is Up” to Those Who Believe in “the Blood of the Lamb”
Concerned About Spiritual Deception in the Homeschooling Camp

10 Scriptural Reasons Why Jesus Calling is a Dangerous Book
Dream Catchers—Those Popular Spidery “Sacred Hoops”
The Shack . . . Father-Goddess Rising
Preparing for Perilous Times & Finding God’s Peace in the Midst of Them
Terror Against Israel
Roger Oakland Announces “Out Of Retirement” and Plans for New Book to Warn the Church

New Age Leader Deepak Chopra Asks, “Will Pope Francis Become a Holy Man for the World?”
The Music and the Mystical
Ten Word of Faith Doctrines Weighed Against Scripture
A History of AWANA’s Contemplative Track Record and the Implications of Their New CEO
Satan’s Most Lethal Weapon and an End to Christianity?
Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, the Alpha Course, and a Coming Revival
Happy Belated Easter From Oprah Winfrey’s New Age Christ!—“The Crucifixion Never Happened”

“Aliens,” UFOs, & a (False)New Age Christ
Evangelical/Ecumenical Leaders Together in “The Gathering” Raises Serious Questions
Silence—The Language of God? (And Some Folks Promoting It)
6 Questions Every “Gay” Person Should Ask
Fractal Theory in The Shack (A Still-Popular Book Among Christians)
Christian Homeschoolers Targeted by “Christ-Centered Energy Healing” Organization
Spiritual Formation Leader, Larry Crabb, Says “The greatest need in modern civilization is the development of communities.”
Dress Rehearsal for a False Revival?

Three Vital Questions on Navigating Discernment
Lighthouse Trails Readers Being Told: “Don’t Listen to Lighthouse Trails!”
Brian Brodersen and Greg Laurie’s “Bigger Picture of Christianity”
Fed up With False Teaching: Calvary Chapel Church Says “So Long” to the CC Association
How POKEMON and Magic Cards Affect the Minds and Values of Children (and a Warning About Pokemon Go)
The Meltdown of Christianity

The New Age Implications of The Message “Bible’s” “As Above, So Below”
The American Media, the Change in Control of the Internet, and the Threat to Freedom & Truth
Andy Stanley’s Dangerous Path —Tells SBC Leaders: “Get the spotlight off the Bible.”
Catholic Mystic Richard Rohr Appealing to Young Evangelical Christians
Erwin Lutzer Tells Skip Heitzig’s Church: Don’t Attack False Teachers, But Spiritual Disciplines Are “Absolutely Critical”!
Sins of the Fathers, Nepotism, and Apostasy in the Church
Andy Stanley and “New” Christianity’s “Bibliolatry”
The Expectation of His Return!
InterVarsity Comes Under Heat for Trying to Make a Stand Against Same-Sex Marriage—But Straddling the Fence is Hard to Do
Christian Leaders Finally Beginning to Speak Out About Jesus Calling, Saying: “WE LOVE IT!!”
Ray Yungen—A Life Set Apart for God
Biblical Christianity—The Biggest Obstacle to the New Age


David Jeremiah Admits Richard Foster’s Celebration of Discipline Promotes New Age Practices!
Obama is Fulfilling a Prophecy
Pope Francis Proposes New Beatitude—to See God in Every Person
Erwin McManus, Moody, Liberty, Cedarville, and Biola Help Pave the Emergent/Social Justice/Progressive Future With Barefoot Tribe
Remembering the Persecuted Church and Why We Need to Pray
In Memory of Caryl Matrisciana
LifeWay Resources (SBC) Stops Selling Books by Same-Sex Marriage Promoter Jen Hatmaker

The Shack and Its New Age Leaven
Chuck Swindoll’s Ministry Says Stop Sending Lighthouse Trails Booklets
The Job Description of a Good Shepherd
What’s Next—Temple Prostitutes?
Boy Scouts’ Rulings Put Boys at Risk
Silence Movie Gets Backing By Christian Groups
My Story About Freemasonry in My Church
Evangelical Universities & Seminaries Offering Degrees in Spiritual Formation—Going into the Deeper Waters of Contemplative Spirituality
Can Cultures Be Redeemed?

Progression to Deception
Remembering the Holocaust—A Question of ‘’Tolerance’’
The Shack, TBN, and William Paul Young’s New Age Theology
TBN Pulls Plug on Shack Author’s New Book – Sort Of…
Kingdom-Now Evangelicals
The Shack’s Universal ‘’Papa”
Albert Mohler Gives Air Time to Author of The Benedict Option
Taize Community and How it Affected My Life
“Bible Answer Man’’ Hank Hanegraaff Leaves Evangelicalism—Joins Greek Orthodox Church
Our Daily Bread (Radio Bible Class) Still on the Contemplative/Emergent Path

Yoga: Exercise or Religion—Does It Matter?
The Jews—Beloved by God, Hated by Many
William Paul Young’s Christless Shack
What Your Church Needs to Know Before Doing a Priscilla Shirer Study
Mandala Color Books—Relaxing Fun or a Tool for New Age Meditation?
How to Search for a Bible-Believing Church
What Lighthouse Trails Believes About Israel and the Jews
Discernment Ministries Not Needed? Would the Apostle Paul Agree?

The Saga of Assemblies of God and Resolution 3
Assembly of God General Council to Vote on Resolution Against Israel
Dr. George Wood Responds to Lighthouse Trails Article on AoG Resolution 3 and Israel
A Further Unveiling of Assemblies of God Resolution 3 & The Serious Implications
Dallas Willard, John Ortberg, Richard Foster—Are We Wrong in Calling Them Emergent/Contemplative?
Dallas Theological Seminary Not Contemplative?—New Evidence Shows Otherwise
Guest Commentary on Andy Stanley’s Sermon: “Speaking the Way the First Century Christians Did”
Dear Ladies—Are You a Discerning One or a Deceived One?
Evolutionary Beliefs Versus the Unconquerable God

Sound the Trumpet in the Midst of Apostasy: The Enemy Is in the Camp
The Las Vegas Shooting: Mourning the Loss in So Many Ways
Meditation’s Role in the End of the Age
Hundreds of Protestant Scholars and Pastors Sign “Reforming Catholic Confession,” But Can the Church Trust This Document?
A Public School Transgender Agenda Alert: A Wake Up Call for Christians
A Story of Death to Life: From Catholicism to Christianity
Wm. Paul Young Teaches New Age Lie About Separation on TBN
Don’t Be Afraid to Speak Up—A Woman Whose Friend Pulled Her From the Fire


“God’s Dream” From the Jesus of Jesus Calling—A Deceptive Scheme
What You Need to Tell Your Local Public School Officials About Children and Mindfulness Meditation
Protestants Converting to Catholicism Through the Eucharist
Circle Making and “Prayer Circles” Versus the Straight Line of Truth
Brian McLaren, You Have Missed the Boat With Your “All-Inclusive Reformation”
Luis Palau’s Son Teams Up With Richard Foster’s Renovare
Christian Prisoners in U.S. Reach Out to Lighthouse Trails for Encouragement
Do Warnings Make You Cringe and Turn on Your Mental Auto-block?

Canadian Government Says Lighthouse Trails Transgender Booklet “Hate Propaganda”—Will Not Be Allowed in Their Country
Moody Bible Institute—Trying to Hold on to a Biblical Heritage While Riding the Wave of the Emerging Church
A New Age View of the Trinity Enters the Church
Moody Publishers in 1995 Drops The Light That Was Dark by Warren B. Smith—Says New Age Not an Issue Anymore
Biola University—Going . . . Going . . . Gone as President Takes Sabbatical at Catholic Contemplative Monastery
Would Jesus Magnify His Presence Above His Word?
Younger Generation of Christians Reading Marcus Borg—What Did He Believe?
How Much Does the Gospel Weigh?
AFA (American Family Association) Posts Pro-Meditation Article—They Still Don’t Get It
Bad News for Gaither Followers—Gloria Gaither Praises New Age Teachers Sue Monk Kidd and Richard Rohr
The Handwriting on the Wall . . . and Rightnow Media
Trying to Live the Christian Life Without Having the Christian LIFE

Francis Chan Warns Those Who Criticize Christian Leaders: God Will Destroy You
Christian Leaders— A New Openness
Focus on the Family Still Defends Contemplative Prayer—Says Jesus and Disciples Practiced It
The Cross and the Marijuana Leaf
Enduring End-time Trials
A Word About “Christian” Yoga
On Behalf of Sheepdogs Everywhere

YWAM—Wants Every YWAMer to Practice Contemplative Prayer!
The Big Picture—How the World and the Church Are Being Deceived: 10 Spiritual Devices
A Book Review: Roma Downey’s Box of Butterflies Unpacks Core False Teaching (And Christian Leaders Love It)
Satan’s War on Children and Women
How to Find a Good Church (And What to Do if You Can’t)
Kenneth Copeland Carries on Tony Palmer’s Crusade to End the Protestant Church
Reader Responses to New Book on Calvinism
Spiritual Discernment—What It Is and How to Get It

Willow Creek—A Lot More to Repent From Than Sexual-Abuse Cover-Ups
The Great Shut Down
The Unseen Foe Behind Rising Evil And Putting on the Armor of God
The New Missiology: Doing Missions Without the Gospel
Long-Time BSF Leader Steps Down As BSF Heads Deeper Into Emergent Waters
Yoga at T.D. Jakes’ Church . . . And the Rest of the Story
A Potter Looks at Romans 9
A Godless Righteousness in a Brave New World
Is God to Blame?

“Contextualization” of the Gospel—A Free-Falling Catastrophe
Some Thoughts on “Pub Theology”
Cautious and Circumspect in a Dangerous World
“Together 2018”—“A New Jesus Movement” for a Mystical All-Inclusive “Christianity”
The Dangerous Truth About the Social-Justice “Gospel”
Discernment Detractors
“Veterans Find Healing Through Yoga,” and the Church Joins In
Why Christian Teachers and Leaders Should Not Promote Henri Nouwen
Emergent Church’s War on the Word
Welcome to the New (Contemplative) Christianity—Just Breath In . . . Breath Out
“Your Job Is on the Line!”—A Look at the Past, A Glimpse Into the Future


Media and Advocacy Groups Ignore Larger Anti-Semitic Culprit
Andy Stanley’s Irresistible Book—Not So Irresistible
Release of New Booklet on A Course in Miracles Coincides With Marianne Williamson’s Announcement About 2020 Presidential Election
The Death of John Chau—A Missionary’s Attempt to Bring Light Into Darkness
What Are Breath Prayers?
Roma Downey Says Oprah Winfrey “On Fire With the Holy Spirit”
Roma Downey Promotes New Age Doctrine (God “In” Everyone & Everything)
The Story Behind Lighthouse Trails
Learning From Rome
The People’s Church

Navigators Welcomes 2019 With Their Contemplative Trend by Promoting Jesuit Prayer Practice
Legalism or License versus the Treasure of Living Water
The Dust of Jerusalem and the Last Generation
A Christian Perspective on the Environment
I Was Seduced by the “Jesus” of Jesus Calling
Letter to the Editor: My Christian University Professor Graded Harshly for Mentioning Lighthouse Trails
Letter to the Editor: Does Lighthouse Trails Hate Catholics?
Out of My Mindfulness
With Gratitude to a Holocaust Survivor

False Revival Kick-Started by Francis Chan, Rodney Howard Browne, Benny Hinn, Bill Johnson, and Todd White
Heard From God Lately?
The New Age/New Spirituality’s Alternative to Armageddon—The Selection Process
Slain in the Spirit—Is It a Biblical Practice?
Roma Downey’s Financial Contribution to New Ager Marianne Williamson Raises Many Questions
Southern Baptist Leadership’s Mixed Message on Homosexuality?
Guest Commentary: Southern Baptist Convention Leaders Taking SBC Far From Its Biblical Moorings
“Lighthouse Trails Is Against Everything.”
Marianne Williamson: If She Is President, She Will Take Control of Your Children and Make Them New Agers
Changed By Beholding

Neglecting to Test the Spirits—A Tragedy of Enormous Proportions
Dominionism, Kingdom Now, and What Does the Bible Say?
Ravi Zacharias, What Part of Contemplative Prayer Don’t You Understand?
The “Jesus” of Jesus Calling Tells Us to “Laugh at the Future”
The Desert Fathers—Borrowing From the East
Letter to the Editor and All Contenders of the Faith: 3 Things to Consider
Book Review: Subversive Sabbath, the Surprising Power of Rest in a Nonstop World by A.J. Swoboda
Purpose-Driven Mandate: Those Who Focus on Bible Prophecy “Not fit for the kingdom of God”
Four Native American Men Who Longed For “the Book” and Were Denied

An Overlooked Reason For I Kissed Dating Goodbye Author Josh Harris’ Departure From the Christian Faith
Atonement Rejected!
Calvinism: Changing the Meaning of Words to Promote a Theory
Are the “Supreme Beings” of the Nations the True God?
A Berean Exercise—Christian Magazines and an Example of Lacking Discernment
Patiently Waiting and Enduring Through It All
Apostasy: Broken Lives and Shattered Faith Versus Those Who Resist

The Tragic Influence of Catholic Priest Richard Rohr’s Mysticism on Millennial Evangelicals
The Call for Unity at the Price of Truth
The Enneagram: An Enlightening Tool or an enticing deception?
Bad News and Good News While Waiting for the Bridegroom
Having Ears to Hear
Necromancy For Teens?
Wycliffe, YWAM, & Other Evangelical Groups to Take Part in Roman Catholic-Endorsed Global Event in 2020
Pietro—The Christian Italian Ex-Priest


Southern Baptist Convention Adopts “Critical Race Theory”—A Dangerous Marxist “Solution” That Will Not Work
Christianity Today: “We are theologically conservative . . . committed to the glory of God.”—CT History Shows Differently
The Fate of the Nations—Then and Now
A Biblical Perspective on Salvation vs. Calvinism
Jesus Calling Devotional Series—A Path to Mediumship?
Pope Francis/Vatican Launch eRosary to Help Bring About “World Peace”
Christian Comedian John Crist Caught as Sexual Predator . . . Which Reminds Us
“If Only I Could Be Sure I Was in the Right Church.”
Eugenio—The Christian Italian Student
The New Age Christian—An Accepted Oxymoron

Christian Colleges and Seminaries in More Trouble Than Ever
COVID-19—Not Panic Action But a Balanced Perspective
Corona, Rodney Howard Browne’s Arrest, and the Prophet Jeremiah
The Word of Faith “Prophets” on COVID-19 Showing Their Bad Fruit
Emergent Calvinist SBC President, J.D. Greear, Will Remain One More Year
Letter to the Editor: Is the EFCA Lining Up With the Emergent Church?
Fighting Fear in a Fearful Day
Father Ends Silence on Daughter’s “Transitioning”
Philip Zodhiates Remains in U.S. Prison for Helping Former Lesbian Mother
The American Legion/Transcendental Meditation
Coronavirus and Preparing for the Future

You Can Be a Christian, You can Be a Marxist, But You Can’t Be Both
A Voice From the Past Eerily Describes Today’s Social Unrest
Guest Commentary: Top Ten Reasons I’ll Never Support the #BlackLivesMatter Movement
Bad Counsel to a Christian Girl at a Contemplative College
Response to My Black Baptist Pastor Friend on Racism
“Satan Desires to Have Us” . . . The Slaying of George Floyd
When God Discloses the Heart of Man in a Time of Unrest and Upheaval
Are You a Laggard?—The Blood of the Saints
“That in Me Ye Might Have Peace”
Spiritual Perestroika in America

Church Leaders Calling for “Repentance” and “Revival” May First Need to Repent Themselves
A Street Evangelist Speaks Out on Persecution, Black Lives Matter, Kingdom Now, and Playing With the Devil
Update on U.S. Political Prisoner, Philip Zodhiates
S is for Social Justice: The Language of Today’s Cultural “Revolution”
Remember We Are Pilgrims—Elections 2020
Some Difficulties That Hinder Full Assurance of Salvation
Anita Dittman Has Passed Away
The Berean Call Answers Questions About Anti-Semitic “Theories”
The Titanic and Today’s Church—The “Perfect” Storm
Christian Leaders Promoting “Circle Making”—What’s Wrong With That?
LT Author Patrick Crough Awarded “Law Enforcement Officer of the Year”
Where Are We Going?


Our Present Situation—Emergency Mode!
Covid, Vaccines, Global Reset, and Israel
InterVarsity’s “2030 Calling”—Raising Up Young Evangelicals to Be the Mystics of Tomorrow
Heart-Felt Letter From a Prisoner
A Week With Murderers in a Soviet Prison Camp
2020 The Secret: Dare to Dream Movie Rekindles 2006 Occultic Message
How Well Will the Church Survive in This End-Time Turmoil of “Tolerance” and Apostasy?
Breaking News: Lisa Miller Back in the U.S. After Nearly 10 Years in Hiding
The High Cost of Spiritual Discernment
Silver Linings? On a Dark and Cloudy Day

Look Up, But Look Out!
Signs & Wonders! Five Things You Should Consider
Middle School: Ground Zero for Indoctrinating America’s Children
Letter to the Editor: K.P. Yohannon (Gospel for Asia) Going Contemplative?
Glorifying the Savior / Exposing Deception: Why We Wrote the Omega Point Series
Creating Hate—A Commentary by a Former Communist
The New Age Propensities of Bethel Church’s Bill Johnson
InterVarsity Press Calls on Christians to Engage in Lectio Divina—Leading Them Down a Road of Peril
Forgiving: What It Looks Like

Jerusalem Is a Cup of Trembling
A Parent’s Summary of the Spread of Critical Race Theory at Gordon College
Sincerely Deceived by the “Jesus” of Jesus Calling, But God’s Word Brought Me to Truth
A Party Jesus?
The Nature Behind Contemplative Prayer: The Heart of Occultism
Letter From an Inmate: God Can Reach the Hardest Hearts
Thoughts From a Former Nun—On Drugs, Transgenderism, & “Mary” Apparitions
Turning to Fables
The Qur’an or the Bible—Which One Has the Authentic Account?
Letter to the Editor: Dismayed With a Calvary Chapel Church Pushing Calvinism Through “New City Catechism”
Current News Clips—Affecting the Church and the World
Francesco and Rosa Madiai—The Italian Christian Prisoners

(photo from; used with permission)


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