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Letter to the Editor: A Warning to People Looking for a Church |
Dear Lighthouse Trails,
I am writing this as a warning to people who are looking for a church. It is extremely important to thoroughly investigate the church before you start attending. Check their website and every link. I learned this lesson the hard way after moving to a new city and began attending a church that some good friends were involved with. This church is in a small, growing town in Montana. I didn’t question their choice, but I did search the church website for what it believed and found nothing alarming.
I attended this church for a little over 18 months and became a volunteer in a position of responsibility. I became friendly with some of the staff pastors and administrators. These were lovely people who I came to care about very much. One day I was sitting at a desk in the church waiting for something to do when I decided to again check out the church website. This time I saw some new links, one of which was book recommendations. I’m always interested in books, so I clicked on the link and what I found was shocking. They were introducing a new book that they were going to use for their men’s Bible study which was beginning in the fall. The name of this book was Crash the Chatterbox: Hearing God’s Voice Above All Others by Steven Furtick.
Other books were also recommended, all of which were written by men (like Richard Foster) who I knew to be New Age sympathizers and proponents. To say that I was shocked and saddened would be an understatement.
After praying about this for a couple of weeks, I knew I had to speak up and inquire as to why these books were recommended. I spent days writing and praying over a letter that I intended to send to one of the pastors I had come to know and respect. I wrote it as humbly and respectfully as I could, listing several reasons why Steven Furtick’s book should not be used, one of which is his belief in modalism. I asked them to please reconsider using this book for the men’s Bible study.
Several days after delivering the letter I received a call from a staff pastor. He is an excellent pastor who listened carefully as I presented my concerns. I also called out Richard Foster’s book Celebration of Discipline that they were recommending. I explained that he is a prominent New Age and contemplative prayer proponent. However, when the pastor told me that he had that book and had read it and found nothing wrong with it, I gave up. I realized at that point there was no spiritual discernment. I told him I would bring him some information on contemplative prayer, and the next day I took him a copy of Ray Yungen’s book A Time of Departing and another booklet on contemplative prayer.
A link on the same page as the book recommendations took me to a place with suggestions on meditation and the “silence.” I recognized the language as contemplative prayer.
After this conversation, I knew I would have to leave. It broke my heart, but I could no longer support this church. With hope, I continued to check the website for a couple of months after delivering the books, but nothing had changed.
I finally found a small but growing nondenominational church that was teaching the Word.
The people of God are in need of godly discernment more than ever in these times in which we live.
In Christ,
(photo from istockphoto.com; used with permission)
“Walmart Announces Departure From DEI Initiatives” – “will also ‘identify and remove inappropriate sexual and/or transgender products marketed to children.’” |
LTRP Note: The following is posted for informational and research purposes.
By James Lalino
The Epoch Times
Walmart plans to end its diversity, equity, and inclusion—or DEI—initiatives, the retail giant said on Nov. 25.
“We’ve been on a journey and know we aren’t perfect, but every decision comes from a place of wanting to foster a sense of belonging, to open doors to opportunities for all our associates, customers and suppliers and to be a Walmart for everyone,” the company said in a statement.
The company announced that it will refrain from financing events aimed at sexually influencing children, stop participating in the Human Rights Coalition’s Corporate Equality Index, and remove the gender-neutral term “Latinx” from its documents, according to conservative filmmaker Robby Starbuck, who had been talking to Walmart for a story he was doing featuring the company’s DEI initiatives. Click here to continue reading.
“Oprah’s Demonic Agenda – Insider Tells All” |
In the past twenty-two years, since Lighthouse Trails began, our hope has always been to warn the church about the New Age because we saw that the New Age was entering the church through various channels (e.g., contemplative prayer, spiritual formation, Jesus Calling, The Shack). We have tried to show that the New Age is an insidious and utterly deceptive ideology that really began in the Garden of Eden when Satan beguiled Eve with enticing words to become like God.
In our efforts to issue the warnings, one person we came to realize as one of the most significant influences in the lives of millions of people was Oprah Winfrey. We saw from the very early days of Lighthouse Trails that Oprah was a New Ager and that she was, likely, the most prolific New Age “evangelist” that’s ever been. We say that because it’s through her that many New Age leaders were launched into worldwide fame.
One of our greatest frustrations over the years has been witnessing the apathy and non-interest by Christian pastors and leaders in understanding the New Age and warning about it. To the contrary, they have actually welcomed it (either knowingly or unknowingly). Many times we have heard Christians say that the New Age is “silly,” “nonsense,” and not that big of a deal. Recently, we saw where some were saying that Oprah isn’t even a New Ager at all.
Recently, former New Age mega-leader, Doreen Virtue (who became a born-again believer in 2017) posted a YouTube video titled “Oprah’s Demonic Agenda – Insider Tells All.” This 34-minute video is definitely worth watching, and we hope many of our readers will do that. Please click here to view the video. Incidentally, Doreen mentions the work that former New Age follower Warren B. Smith has done on exposing Oprah.
Related Information:
T. D. Jakes, Rob Bell, and Steve Furtick Make it Onto Oprah’s New Age Super Soul 100 List of “Awakened Leaders”
Happy Belated Easter from Oprah Winfrey’s New Age Christ! – The Crucifixion Never Happened
An Insider’s View of Oprah’s Life You Want Weekend Tour 2014 With Rob Bell – Bringing Americans to the New Age “Christ”
(image above taken from a 2-second Youtube video; used in accordance with the US Fair Use Act)
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Letter to the Editor: Dennis Prager Confronts Candace Owens About Her Antisemitic Views and the Lies Too Many Believe |
LTRJ Note: Between the years 2014 and 2019, while Lighthouse Trails was located in NW Montana, a number of different Lighthouse Trails readers from across North America came to visit us. Three of those visits took us completely by surprise and more so shock because the visitors in those three cases spoke vehemently against Jewish people. Two of them we would classify as antisemitic. One of them was a very misinformed and misled Christian widow whom we are happy to say no longer adheres to those views.
In the following letter to the editor from Lighthouse Trails author Maria Kneas (who herself is Jewish), she shares a public letter that was written recently by Dennis Prager (of PragerU – a respected conservative think tank) to Candace Owens (a popular conservative figure). We are compelled to share Maria’s letter as well as Prager’s letter to Ms. Owens because some of the issues Prager addresses in his letter are the same as ones spoken to us by our three visitors at our former Montana location. It is our hope that Prager’s document will bring to light some of the lies that have been told about the Jews and Israel, lies which, unfortunately, many believe and thus leads to antisemitism. And sadly, Candace Owens, a once-revered figure among countless conservative evangelicals has become a conduit for these lies and as Dennis Prager puts it is “harming Jews and Israel.”
By Maria Kneas
Dear Lighthouse Trails Editors:
I felt it was important to let you and your readers have this information. Candace Owens has become viciously antisemitic, promoting some of the worst blood libels imaginable.
photo on right: Candace Owens, from a 2-second cspan video clip; used in accordance with the US Fair Use Act.
Below is a link to a letter written by Dennis Prager to Candace. This gives background information, history, and a 15-page letter he wrote to Candace about what she has been saying.
Candace used to be a valuable conservative voice. But now she is spouting deadly nonsense. And she should know better because for years she has been friends with Dennis Prager, who is Jewish.
We are living in troubling times, especially when you consider that some American universities (including Columbia University) have had anti-Israel demonstrations. I’ve seen videos of American students chanting “Gas the Jews!” and carrying signs that said the same.
I’ve also read reports of Jewish students at American universities staying in their rooms because they were afraid to go to their classes due to the violent antisemitism on campus. And of rabbis urging Jewish students to leave the universities until things calmed down.
My mother was Jewish, and I was raised on stories of the Holocaust. I became the first Christian in my family.
The following is the beginning of Dennis Prager’s letter (link to full letter at end):
Dennis Prager’s Letter to Candace Owens
On September 4, 2024, I sent [a] letter to Candace Owens regarding many comments she has made about Jews, Zionism and Israel. I have known Candace for about as long as she has been in public life. She began her podcasting at PragerU in 2019 and left in 2021. She left on very good terms. To this day, she often speaks of her respect and love for Marissa Streit, CEO of PragerU, and me.
Within hours of receiving my letter, Candace replied:
“I deeply appreciate this e-mail and I will respond to it thoroughly. Please know that I respect you tremendously and it is difficult for me to reconcile how I feel about you and Marissa and the amazing way in which I was treated by you both, and my new feelings and understanding about Zionism. Please give me a bit of time to respond to all of your points. You can always reach out to me and no matter which side of this or any political debate we wind up on, my love and respect for you and Marissa and your treatment of me will never be swayed.”
As it happens, more than two weeks later, Candace had not responded to the letter. Given the number of subjects covered, the letter’s length, and Candace’s busy family life and career, I did not expect her to. I sent it to Candace to give her the chance to respond and because I did not want her to first see it when it went public.
Last week, after not hearing from her, I emailed Candace that I would be publishing the letter. We then spoke on the phone, she briefly explained why she hadn’t been able to respond in writing, and she in no way objected to my making the letter public.
I wish I did not have to write this letter. But Candace has said many things that need to be answered. The primary reasons I have not spoken out sooner are that I needed to become fully acquainted with all or nearly all the things she has said about Jews, Zionism, and Israel, make sure I quoted her accurately, and that I never did so out of context. That was time-consuming work.
I ask anyone who has been influenced by Candace with regard to Jews, Israel, and Zionism to make the effort to read this entire letter. If you care about truth, I believe you have a moral obligation to do so.
Dennis Prager
Dennis Prager’s public letter to Candace Owens, dated 9/3/24: To download the 15-page letter, click here.
Related Articles:
“How Dangerous Are the Anti-Israel Conservatives?”
“Social Media’s Antisemitic Underbelly” by Chris Katulka
(photo of candle and Israel flag from istockphoto.com; used with permission)
What Led Up to Philip Zodhiates’ 3-Year Imprisonment in a U.S. Federal Prison . . . And Why This Isn’t Over Yet |
LTRP Note: One of the highlights of 2024 for Lighthouse Trails editors was our chance to help Philip Zodhiates get his biographical prison book, Innocent: The Price One Man Paid for Doing What Is Right, into print. While we were not the publishers, we were given the opportunity to format the book and prepare it for publication. While doing that, we read the entire manuscript. We were humbled as we read about this believer in Christ who was thrown into an American federal prison for helping a mother and her daughter escape the grips of child sexual abuse. As we read Philip’s account of his days in prison, we hoped that we would be as brave if ever in a situation where doing what is right could put us behind bars.
Now that Philip has finished his prison term, he is still facing a civil suit in which the Southern Poverty Law Center is heading up against him (trial date still unknown). If SPLC and the Vermont courts have their way, they will convince a jury that this is a hate crime, which could send Philip and others who helped the mother to prison for a very long time.
The following is the introduction to Innocent, which gives an overview of what led up to Philip’s imprisonment.
Introduction (pages 9-12)
By Philip Zodhiates
On December 5th, 2018, I began a three-year prison sentence at the Ashland Federal Correctional Institution in Kentucky. My crime was being called a “greatest severity crime.” The following letter that I wrote to the prison warden while incarcerated details what led up to my imprisonment.
My name is Philip Zodhiates (18649-084), and I arrived here at FCI Ashland on December 5th for a three-year sentence. Yesterday, I went for my first “team review” and was told that my “crime” is listed as a “greatest severity crime,” which I was told only you could review and make a recommendation to remove.
Sir, I would like to request that you look into the background of my case, the egregious political and anti-Christian nature of the prosecution against me, which has been confirmed to be a political vendetta mandated by Barack Obama’s White House. I request you remove the “greatest severity” factor so I can be eligible for a camp.
Simply put, I am here solely because I am a Christian practicing my faith. The young girl (conceived through artificial insemination) for whom I allegedly “aided and abetted” her mother to commit “international parental kidnapping,” was being sexually abused on court-ordered visitations to the former lesbian lover of her mother. All three were Virginia residents. Her mother had become a born-again Christian, repented of her sin and former lifestyle, and dissolved the Vermont “civil union.” The mother was awarded full custody of the child and agreed initially to visitations with her former sexual partner.
However, the former lesbian partner, who had initially wanted nothing to do with the child, went for years without asking to see the young child. She had on three occasions refused to adopt her. In the meanwhile, Virginia had passed a constitutional amendment declaring it illegal in Virginia to recognize any official designations of “marriage” or “civil unions” of any other state.
However, the ACLU, Southern Poverty Law Center, and LAMBDA Legal got wind of the case and talked the lesbian partner into allowing them to make the precedent-setting case that would nullify not just the Virginia Marriage Amendment but all the marriage amendments in more than half the states where similar protections were in place. That was the goal. And for that reason, they convinced her to request visitations.
After the child’s mother began allowing visitations is when the sexual abuse began to take place. The mother notified authorities and had affidavits from social workers and psychologists verifying the trauma to the girl, but the family court judge in Vermont refused to allow any evidence of it in court for reasons mentioned above. In the meanwhile, a judge in Virginia ruled the mother had full and complete custody of the child.
Yet the liberal groups pursued the transfer of custody because the birth mother no longer allowed visitation because of the sexual abuse taking place. When the mother left the country in 2009 (long before the Obergefell ruling* by the U.S. Supreme Court), she had full custody of her child with valid passports and freedom to travel anywhere in the world. The custody dispute, including further rights to visitation, continued to be battled in the courts till long after they were gone. Custody was not transferred to the former lesbian partner till the year after mother and child left the country. I was convicted for merely giving her and her child a ride from Virginia to Buffalo at a time in which she had full custody and giving her $500. It did not matter to the courts that the child was being sexually abused because they had a political and social agenda they wanted to enact, regardless that the real victim was a helpless child, whose mother had to choose between leaving the country or allow her child to continue to be sexually molested with the sanctions of the Vermont authorities.
photo on right: The morning Philip (walking with his wife Kathy) is approaching the prison where he would be incarcerated.
Years ago, after I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior, I determined to abide by certain commands of all Christians, the first being: “Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it. Say not unto thy neighbour, Go, and come again, and tomorrow I will give; when thou hast it by thee” (Proverbs 3:27-28). Then there is: “Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin” (James 4:17). And: “If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death, and those that are ready to be slain; If thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not; doth not he that pondereth the heart consider it? and he that keepeth thy soul, doth not he know it? and shall not he render to every man according to his works?” (Proverbs 24:11-12). And: “I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. . . . Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me” (Matthew 25:43-45). And: “Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me. But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea” (Matthew 18:4-6). And last: “But whoso hath this world’s good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?” (1 John 3:17).
At the government’s request, the court in my case refused to allow any mention of the alleged sexual abuse of the child, not any mention of the other multitudes of ways I have helped others going through difficult times. This was an attempt to falsely portray to the jury I am nothing but an agenda-driven “homophobe.”
I take heart in Jesus’ words: “Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you” (Matthew 5:11-12). Joseph, Daniel, Peter, John, Paul, and even Jesus were all falsely imprisoned for righteousness’ sake under false charges. I, like each of these men, broke no laws, but am merely imprisoned for my faith in Jesus Christ and God’s Word.
I encourage you to watch the twelve-minute video on www.wall4america.com and to review the listing someone placed on the website, www.419fund.com about my case. There are also numerous other articles and interviews on the Internet. The best document, which includes the evidence of the sexual abuse of the child, is the “Petition for Pardon” to President Trump, which can be obtained from (specifically withheld).
Thank you, sir, for considering recommending the waiving of the “greatest severity” nature of my alleged “crime.”
*In 2015, the Supreme Court wrongfully ruled that it is unconstitutional for states to ban and not recognize same-sex marriages.
(top photo from the cover of Innocent; used with permission)
LTRP Note: You may purchase Innocent through Amazon or through Lighthouse Trails. If you wish to help Philip with his legal expenses, you may do through www.419fund.com (tax deductible).
Related Article:
Southern Poverty Lawsuit Against Child Protectors Could Set Precedent for Normalizing Adult-Child Sex
“Top 20 Fed Education Program ‘Death Wish’ List” |
LTRP Note: The following is posted for informational and research purposes.
By Linda Harvey
As the Trump administration evaluates the Department of Education and hopefully plans to shut the whole thing down, the current thought is to distribute those funds to other agencies or send certain elements of funding back to the states.
Actually, there are large swaths of Department of Education functions and funding that need to be eliminated altogether. In other words, these programs should not be sent to states where they can become bloated little fiefdoms driven by the progressive agenda.
So what should stay and what should go? Here is my “death wish” list for certain programs/policies at the Department of Education. It is not exhaustive by any means, but just a place to start. I am hoping that Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy, through DOGE, will make this happen.
Let’s start with the FY 2024 budget of the USDOE. It’s around $228 billion, $120 billion of which goes to federal student aid/loans. Click here to continue reading.
Related Articles by Linda Harvey:
Look What’s Coming for Your Children! 2024-2025 School Corruption & Propaganda Calendar
“NEA Hates Children, America, and Common Sense”
(photo from istockphoto.com; used with permission; design by LT)
Tony Pearce Reports on Mounting Antisemitism in Britain and Western World |
By Tony Pearce
Founder of Light for the Last Days Ministries
photo on right: Corpses of the Jews killed in the 1904 Bialystok pogrom are laid down outside the Jewish hospital. (Wikimedia)
Antisemitic leaflets bearing the threat “Zionists leave Britain or be slaughtered” have been found in Hendon, a predominantly Jewish neighborhood in London. The flyers also declared the area a “Zionist free zone”. Isaac Zarfati executive director of Stand With Us UK, warned:
“We must take those threats and statements seriously because one day they will turn into actions. Decisive steps are needed to combat this alarming phenomenon.” Isaac Zarfati
This is just one of a number of antisemitic incidents taking place in Britain and across the western world. Since the Gaza war started there have been weekly demonstrations against Israel that have turned into hate fests against Jews and Israelis and those who stand with them as anti-Zionists gather to chant ‘Free Palestine’ and ‘From the River to the Sea Palestine shall be free.’ This means setting up a Palestinian State from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, in place of the existing State of Israel. Eliminating Israel is the stated goal of Hamas. . . .
In the run up to the US election Donald Trump said that Jews in the United States are facing their greatest threat since World War II. Trump’s comments come amid a surge in antisemitism in the United States and globally after Hamas started a war against Israel on Oct. 7, 2023 with the highest number of antisemitic incidents in the United States ever recorded by the Anti Defamation League. Click here to continue reading. |
Liberal Theologian Tony Campolo Dies But Leaves Legacy of Deception |
photo: Tony Campolo
LTRP Note: To gain further insights into Tony Campolo, please see the links below Jim Fletcher’s article.
By Jim Fletcher
I’ve lost more work and friends in apologetics than I can name, because I name names. But for years, readers have thanked me for naming names and telling the truth because, without truth, none of us can make good decisions. We have only the example of cable news to show us that.
So it is that I want to spend a few minutes talking about Tony Campolo.
Campolo, a pastor and professor at Pennsylvania’s Eastern University, has died at 89.
Normally, it’s inappropriate to speak ill of the dead right after they pass, but in this case, I think it’s productive to discuss Campolo’s brand of liberal theology, which, I maintain, destroys the faith of many. He has plenty of accomplices, several of whom are still with us.
I first became aware of Tony Campolo in the late 90s. I was in Chicago and decided to attend a service at Willow Creek, the megachurch then pastored by Bill Hybels. They were getting ready to expand their 70-acre “campus” (a New Evangelicals term that further separates tradition from the New Left progressive Christianity.
I was startled to hear Campolo say the word s**t from the pulpit/stage. I do not remember at all what his message was, but I do remember that.
I went home and decided to learn more about Monseigneur Campolo. What I discovered was dismaying.
Apart from being a mentor to young leftwing figures like Shane Claiborne, Campolo championed liberal theology. His son, Bart, has become heretical and quite a proud one.
(In a 2014 Religious News Service profile by friend and fellow heretic Jonathan Merritt, Bart Campolo was quite open about his leaving the faith: “I passed just about every stage of heresy on my way to apostasy,” Bart Campolo said. “It wasn’t until I exhausted every option for staying a Christian that I gave it up.”)
Now for his father’s chilling reply after being informed of this at the family dinner table:
“You know me. I am not afraid you’re going to hell because the God I believe in doesn’t send people to hell for eternity for having the wrong theology,” Tony responded, according to Bart. “I’m sad because Christianity is my tribe, and I liked having you in my tribe.”
If you read the article at the link above, you’ll see that Campolo the Elder tried to massage that take regarding Campolo the Younger, but the effect is the same: he wasn’t that disturbed.
That little exchange exemplifies Tony Campolo’s take on religion and, ultimately if we’re being honest, Jesus Christ.
I interviewed Campolo once, and Shane Claiborne once. Both conversations left me dismayed. Moreso because in the Pravda-like Christian Media Complex that exists to this day, they had both cunningly appropriated the title “evangelical” so as to, in my view, fool real evangelicals. This they succeeded at primarily because of the weakness of American pulpits.
In any case, Christianity Today has weighed in, unfortunately. (The magazine/rag remains the MSNBC of the American Christian community.) Here is the lead for the CT obituary of Campolo:
Tony Campolo frequently started his speeches to Christian audiences by telling them three things.
First, he would tell them how many children had died from hunger or malnutrition-related diseases the night before—a number in the tens of thousands.
And Campolo would say, ‘Most of you don’t give a s—.
Here is just one more snippet from the CT article, but it provides further color to the brand of Christianity for which Campolo advocated:
As he traveled relentlessly, speaking to up to 500 groups per year, Campolo urged people to let their lives be transformed by Jesus. And he told them that if their lives really were transformed, it would be good news for people who were hungry and oppressed.
First, it is deeply troubling that Campolo had as much influence as he did. Five hundred speaking events a year? That gets into fudged-numbers territory, but if it’s even remotely accurate, it was hundreds of opportunities for him to spread his spiritual poison. You can read more about his dangerous “theology” here and here, some of which included his unbiblical views on homosexuality, “gay” marriage, the nation of Israel, Islam, and New Age meditation.
And a life transformed by Jesus? That is progressive-speak. I would imagine Gandhi would have said the same thing. He too was a “Christ follower.”
I say this sincerely—it is a tragedy that Tony Campolo has died. I hope and pray his legacy of deception will also die soon.
Related Articles on Tony Campolo:
“Tony Campolo – Coming to Christ Through Mysticism?” by Roger Oakland
“Emerging “Progressive” Spirituality: Joining the New Age with Christianity, and Christian Leaders Say OK” by LT Editors
A Response to “Red Letter Christians” and Tony Campolo’s “Going the Jesus Way”
“U.S. Push for a Two-state Solution Between Israel, Palestinians Is About to Go Away” |
“Tensions Rise Over ICC Arrest Warrants for Netanyahu, Gallant as US Allies Mull Response” (U.S. Threatens Sanctions) |
By Tom Ozimek
The Epoch Times
11/14/24 - Controversy is intensifying and the stakes are rising over the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) recent decision to issue arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.
The ICC, which is based in The Hague, Netherlands, on Nov. 21 issued warrants for the arrest of Netanyahu and Gallant for alleged “crimes against humanity and war crimes,“ including starvation as a method of warfare, intentionally directing attacks against civilians, as well as ”murder, persecution, and other inhumane acts.”
The ICC’s move has sparked divisions, with the United States denouncing the warrants and some U.S. allies pledging to execute the warrants. The European Union’s foreign policy chief on Saturday reminded the bloc’s member states that they are obligated to enforce the warrants, while Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) warned allies on Friday that if they tried to enforce them, the United States might “crush” their economies with sanctions. Click here to continue reading.
Related Articles:
Israel—A Burdensome Stone to the Nations and the Apple of God’s Eye by Mike Oppenheimer
“The US, Israel, Gaza and the Two-State Solution” by Tony Pearce
(image from istockphoto.com; used with permission)
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SUPPORTING LIGHTHOUSE TRAILS: For those who would like to support Lighthouse Trails, we always appreciate both your prayers and your giving. And for those who have faithfully done that over the years, we thank you with all of our hearts. We know that some people may have the impression that Lighthouse Trails does quite well financially because we sell products that we publish and because our resources have had such a far reach; but, the truth is, it takes everything made through sales to keep Lighthouse Trails operating. Publishing, at least for small presses such as ours, is rarely a high-profit business. It would take a best seller to see that, one that the masses of people love. And because we are not just a business, but even more so a ministry, we keep our prices as low as we can, give away many resources, and have also made much of our material available for free on the research site and blog. That's not how big corporations run things as that would hurt the bottom line (profit), but we see the needs out there, and we trust God to keep us going as long as He sees fit.
We thank you in advance for seeing the value in a ministry like Lighthouse Trails and coming along side us with your prayers and support.
It is our prayer that we will faithfully be humble servants of the Lord’s work for years to come should the Lord tarry. If you would like to donate to Lighthouse Trails, you may send a donation by mailing it to: Lighthouse Trails, P.O. Box 307, Roseburg, Oregon 97470. Or you may call 866/876-3910. There is also a donate option on our store website.
Lighthouse Trails is not a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization, so your donations will not be tax deductible. |
The Lighthouse Trails Research journal is a 40-44-page subscription-based journal mailed to your home, office, or church and can be ordered at any time during the year. Your subscription (which will entitle you to a full twelve months of journals-4 issues) will start when you subscribe. Click here to read more information or click here to sign up. Subscription rate: $14/year (4 issues) for U.S.; $22 for Canada; $38 for other international. (There is no added postage charged for the journal - the mailing costs are worked into the subscription fee.)
When you sign up, you will receive the most current issue of the journal at the time you subscribe. Click here to subscribe now. You can also order past subscriptions.
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Call 866/876-3910 or e-mail sales@lighthousetrails.com.
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NOTE: This subscription-based journal can be used in addition to this free e-newsletter you are getting in your e-mail box (the e-newsletter will continue to be sent out 2 times a month via e-mail at no charge). (view sample issue of print journal) It's never too late to subscribe for the print journal - anytime is fine.
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If you are a subscriber to the lighthouse Trails Research Print Journal, it may be time for you to renew your yearly subscription. To RENEW your yearly subscription ($14/year-USA), click here. You can renew your subscription at any time. Just indicate on the store which month you want the renewal to start. If you can't remember when you subscribed, we'll double check when you renew and make sure the renewal starts on the right date. If you have any questions, you can call us at 866-876-3910 or e-mail at editors@lighthousetrails.com. You can also renew by mail (see address at bottom of page) or by calling.
Note: This notice does not pertain to this e-newsletter you are reading. The e-newsletter is free and requires no subscription.
Click button to renew your subscription for the Lighthouse Trails Research Journal.
To subscribe to the journal, click here. |
In 2010, Lighthouse Trails began a small organic tea division as a way to help support the ministry of Lighthouse Trails. Thus the creation of Shepherd's Bible Verse Tea with six different organic blends (each our very own creation). Each tea bag (produced in an organic facility) has a string with a tag, and on each tag is a KJV Bible verse (95 verses used). Since the tea division began, we have had many people tell us how much they love our tea. We hope you will consider getting a box and trying it out. It is a wonderful gift too and helps to remind people about God's wonderful Word. Click here to see what others are saying.
(except with media rate, journals, and some smaller orders where it might change the shipping costs)
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A note to our Canadian readers: As many of you know, in 2019, we were informed by the Canadian government that some of our booklets cannot be sent across the border into Canada because they would be considered "hate propaganda" according to Canadian law changes on homosexuality, same-sex marriage,and transgenderism. However, we also learned that it is currently not illegal for Canadians to have possession of these booklets (we just can't send them across the border). Therefore, Canadian readers may call 866-295-4143, the number of our Canadian distributor, to obtain copies of all of our booklets.
Lighthouse Trails Research Project | P.O. Box 307 | Roseburg | OR |97470 |541-391-7699
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