Lighthouse Trails - Not A Non-Profit Ministry

Lighthouse Trails Publishing began in 2002, with the research project following two years later. Because of the controversial nature of our ministry and publishing house, we made the decision to not become a 501 (c) (3), non-profit organization. While we would qualify for such, we did not want to put ourselves in a situation where government regulations on non-profits would limit or restrict us in our reporting and writing.

While we accept donations and are grateful for them, they are not tax deductible. We encourage you to consider ordering books we publish - this is a great way to support us and at the same time get the warning out to more people and help defend the precious faith. We believe you will find each of our books to be well-written, properly documented, and essential for the times in which we live.

OUR AUTHORS: Each of our authors has a website. You may visit those sites by clicking here. Some of them are non-profit and others are not. If you would like to support these men and women for their service to the body of Christ, please go to their sites where you can make donations to them.

Thank you,

Editors and staff
Lighthouse Trails Publishing
Lighthouse Trails Research


Related Information:

Non-profit ministries: A view of the future?

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