Robert Schuller and the New Age
Schuller's all-inclusive dream becoming a reality.
See Rethink Conference 2008 with major Christian leaders helping to bring it to pass.
(with a foreword by Neal Donald Walsch).
(For more information of Robert Schuller's connection to the New Age, see Warren Smith's book, Deceived on Purpose.)
Some places Schuller talks about Jampolsky
Hour of Power, March 2004
Crystal Cathedral Church Service, October 2004
Spoke at this year's
Robert H.Schuller Institute for Successful Church Leadership?
The link above has now been removed.)
is an archived link to show the
line up of speakers.
Hayford, president of Foursquare Church (Promoter of Richard Foster and his contemplative
prayer practices)
Contemplative church Willow Creek's
Bill Hybels
Wilkinson (Prayer of Jabez) and
working with Rick Warren in Africa
Robert Schuller
and Contemplative Prayer?
The connection is there!
the Lord's Prayer
Crystal Cathedral and Richard Foster
Course in Miracles (Promoted by Gerald Jampolsky) |
book, A Course
in Miracles, has been taught at Robert Schuller's Crystal
Cathedral and is right in line with Schuller's philosophy. This
is a book from a disembodied voice dictating its contents, who claimed
to be Jesus Christ. Its purpose was to correct the errors in the
Bible. The Course teaches that "forgiveness" is simply recognizing
that sin does not exist and therefore there is nothing to forgive.
To accept the Course's teachings is to reject all Biblical doctrine,
yet those who embrace it are able to call themselves Christians.
This book's promotion to ignore our sinful nature is right in line
with Schuller's philosophy."
Let Us Reason Ministries Mike Oppenheimer *
* * * * |
Own Words |
"There are toxic religions ...those where you resent those who don't believe what you believe."Robert Schuller, talking to Gerald Jampolsky, 10/2004 "I
don't think anything has been done in the name of Christ and under
the banner of Christianity that has proven more destructive to human
personality and, hence, counterproductive to the evangelism enterprise
than the often crude, uncouth, and unchristian strategy of attempting
to make people aware of their lost and sinful condition." |