Rhonda Byrne's The Secret
Last year's (2007) film release, The Secret, makes no secret about it's intentions: to let the world know that humanity is on the brink of a new era. This new era will open up to humanity unleashed power, riches, creativity and all that we ever dreamed of. A "secret" that has been locked away for centuries is now available to all.
The film, available only on DVD or online, is promoted by celebrities like Oprah and Larry King, and according to one celebrity on the film (Dr. Joe Vitale), in just a few days (Feb. 8th), Oprah will air a special about the film. Such promotion has helped to make the film an incredibly popular one, as can be seen by Amazon ranking, which puts the DVD in the #1 position for DVDs. According to a News & Observer article, "'Secret' Spreads Around the World," 700,000 copies of the DVD have sold since its release last March.
News & Observer explains just how this "Secret" works:
In the film, viewers learn to ask for what they want. And, if they believe it, they will receive it.
It sounds simple enough, but here's the catch: If you're cynical, sad, depressed and resigned that nothing will change, nothing will. Thoughts are so powerful, the teachers insist, that you attract what you think about, even if you don't want it. Get it?
It's these "teachers," both ones from the past and present day ones, that The Secret uses to reveal this hidden knowledge. Present day teachers include Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul), John Gray (Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus), and an assortment of philosophers, writers, and visionaries who share their insights on the "Secret":
"We have a magnificent inner calling, vision, mission, power inside us that we are not honoring and harnessing," says philosopher and "Secret" teacher John Demartini in a recent telephone interview. "This movie brings it to the forefront that we can [harness that power]."
Larry King calls the DVD the "most profound information he has run across in 40 years." Click here to read more of this article and for endnotes.
To listen to radio interviews with Ray Yungen and Lighthouse Trails editor Deborah Dombrowski on The Secret, click here.