Rick Warren and the Emerging Church

Rick Warren and the Emerging Church — More Connected Than You May Realize

The material on this page is archived, and many of the links no longer work. For current information on Rick Warren and the emerging church, please visit our blog, where we post daily updates on what is happening in the church.

Rick Warren Promotes the Emerging Church and Brian McLaren on His Website
(see several references to the Emerging Church and a statement by Brian McLaren and other emergents.)

Pastors.com and the Emerging Church:

Dan Kimball and the Emerging Church

Tony Jones -- Emergent Convention --
"But [Doug] Pagitt, 30-something pastor of Solomon's Porch in Minneapolis, is on the vanguard of an effort to help today's emerging, largely unchurched culture connect with the Gospel."

What Does Rick Warren Really Think About Brian McLaren?

The Emerging Church by Rick WarrenThe Emerging Church by Dan Kimball
Forewords by Rick Warren and Brian McLaren

Check it out on Rick Warren's Pastors.com web site ...

Articles on Pastors.com by McLaren: August 2001

Articles on Pastors.com about McLaren:

Brian McLaren:
the story we find ourselves in by Greg Warner

Pastors.com recommending Innovative Church Conference with Brian McLaren

Article on Pastors. com by Dan Kimball talking about
Emerging Church and Brian McLaren

Interestingly enough, while Rick Warren tries to distance himself from Brian McLaren, McLaren apparently is very fond of Warren. (This is on McLaren's book jacket, under his favorite books.)

Rick Warren Recommends
Contemplative/Emerging Conference

In Rick Warren's Ministry Toolbox newsletter, he is recommending the National Pastors Convention 2007. The convention is put on by Zondervan publishing and sponsored by InterVarsity Press and Leadership Journal (Christianity Today). The pastors convention has consistently been a conduit for contemplative and emergent spiritualities. In the past, Yoga workshops and labyrinths, as well as contemplative sessions, have been part of the event. This year, along with many workshops on the silence (i.e., contemplative), there will also be an an enneagram, which is a "system of spiritual psychology based on an ancient Sufi typology of nine personality types or primary roles with the recognition of one's type tantamount to a spiritual awakening" (from Alternative Health Dictionary). In the following video clip, Catholic priest William Menninger explains how an enneagram is a universal tool that can be used by anyone in any religion to have a spiritual experience. Read more...

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