Philip Yancey - Amazing Grace?
Yancey on contemplative prayer, quoting Meister Eckhart: "The quieter the mind," wrote Meister Eckhart, "the more powerful, the worthier, the deeper, the more telling and more perfect the prayer is." (For God's Sake, Christianity Today)
Yancey: On Homosexuality
Yancey said he was surprised at what
he had gotten away with in the evangelical church. Aside from
interviewing with pro-gay "Christian" leaders, what
else is he getting away with these days?
Philip Yancey spoke at the pro-homosexual American Baptist convention in 2005.
serious flaw of not basing his concepts squarely upon the Scriptures
eventually leads Yancey astray."
Gary Gilley, Southern View Chapel
Just what kind of grace does Philip Yancey preach?
with Gay online magazine editor,
Candace Chellew Hodge
* * * * * * * * *
Excerpts from the Interview
Philip Yancey 2004
Another Interview
"Well, I'm still shying away from the gay ordination question"
The Interview
Contemplative Philip Yancey Keynote Speaker at the 2011 Gay Christian Network Conference
The “Gay Christian Network” will be hosting their annual Mountain Top Experience conference in January 2011. According to their website, contemplative/emerging Christianity Today editor Philip Yancey will be this year’s key note speaker. Little needs to be said here, but as Roger Oakland pointed out in his book Faith Undone, one of the propensities of contemplative/emerging figures is a move toward acceptance and embracing of the homosexual lifestyle. Below is Oakland’s article on “Sexuality in the New Reformation.” It is a dreadful shame when a highly popular pro-claiming Christian author like Philip Yancey helps to remove the opportunity for practicing homosexuals to find their way to true repentance and freedom in Jesus Christ.
“Sexuality in the New Reformation”
by Roger Oakland
(from Faith Undone)
It may seem out of place to include a section on sexuality in this chapter on the postmodern reformation. However, one aspect of the topic cannot be ignored, and it has become an earmark in the emerging church—that aspect is related to homosexuality.
In this section, I am merely going to present certain statements made by those in the emerging church for the purpose of showing you this paradigm shift in attitude toward sexuality. How you interpret these statements is up to you, but it is my prayer you will look at them through the eyes of Scripture. One thing is for sure, after reading this section, I think you will agree that emerging spirituality is attempting to redefine how Christians view and think about sexuality. I begin first with the Word of God:
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. (Romans 12:1-2) Click here to continue reading.