Tag: Catholicism
LTRP Note: Today, a pastor sent Lighthouse Trails the link to the following news article. In view of our article on 7/11/11, “The Jesuit Agenda and the Evangelical/Protestant Church,” we post this news item. Bishop David Ricken who led Mass…
Understand the Times weekly newsletter is now available. Click here to view. Or see list of this week’s Understand the Times headlines below. Also check out our new YouTube video clip of Roger Oakland (see below). June 21 – New Agers,…
Associated Press BRUSSELS — A former Belgian bishop at the center of one of the Roman Catholic church’s biggest pedophile scandals said Thursday that he had abused two nephews and insisted he had no plans to abandon the priesthood. In…
by Roger Oakland Understand the Times International Former Calvary Chapel teacher and lecturer As I pen these words, a conference is taking place this weekend that is further indication of the spiritual deception and the blurring of lines happening in the…
by David Cloud Way of Life CATHERINE OF SIENA (1347-80) was born Catherine Benincasa, in Siena, Italy. She was declared a saint in 1461 by Pope Pius II and a Doctor of the Church in 1970 by Pope Paul VI….
BY Nicole Winfield Associated Press VATICAN CITY – More than 100,000 people filled St. Peter’s Square on Sunday in a major show of support for Pope Benedict XVI over the clerical sex abuse scandal. Benedict said he was comforted by…
On January 7th, Lighthouse Trails received the following email from a professor, J. Budziszewski (Boo-je-shef-skee), who was discussed in one of our 2009 articles. Professor Budziszewski has given us permission to post his email. Below his email is our response…
by Chris Pinto Adullam Films Understanding the information we put forth in A Lamp in the Dark could not be more relevant to the Church today, especially as it pertains to the Counter Reformation. The devil’s latest deceptive ploy is…