Angel Wars: A “Christian” animation or a deceptive imitation?

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by Kjos Ministries 

A spiritual war is raging, but help is near. Here come the angels!

But wait! These warriors look more like Power Rangers or Superman. Some soar the skies on skateboards; others fly spaceships that remind us of Star Wars battles. Like sorcerers and superheroes, they can invoke power and protection through magical objects, and even “good” angels have bad attitudes and act like rebellious teens. So who are these new masters of the universe? What do they teach our children? Surely not Christianity!

No, these angels mock God’s truth while marketing a tempting counterfeit. According to, their “creator” Chris Waters (who “moonlights” as a youth pastor) did “extensive research on the ‘tween market.” He “believes the best way to reach today’s 8-12 year-olds is through visual entertainment, and hopes Angel Wars will be a portal through which they will come to understand the nature of a complex spiritual world.”

This “complex spiritual world” is a twisted alternative to the Biblical order. “Rather than being overt with morality and Biblical teachings,” explains Joe Montague in his review of this anime-like DVD series, “Waters relies on action-packed scenes, a high tempo musical score delivered by acclaimed veteran music producer Christopher Stevens and the strength of good character development to flesh out the message.”

And what is that message?

“Drawing a similarity between his work and C. S. Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia, [Chris Waters] says that both have hidden Christian meanings in them yet remain ‘one step removed, so that someone who isn’t a Christian can still appreciate the struggle and not feel like they are being preached to or being smacked over their head.'”

In other words, the maker and marketers behind the message offer a mythical illusion designed to appeal to the world. Purged of any offensive reference to the gospel, they fit Time Magazine’s 1993 observation: “For those who choke too easily on God and his rules… angels are the handy compromise.”Click here to read the rest of this article.

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