“Asbury Students, Professor Join Tony Campolo’s Pro-gay, Progressive Protégé, Shane Claiborne, to Discuss ‘Revival’ in Viral Video”

LTRP Note: The following out of house article by Christian News Network is from February 16th, 2023, but even though it is over two months old, we believe it is another piece of the puzzle regarding the “Asbury revival.” For those who are not familiar with the names Shane Claiborne and Tony Campolo, you may visit our research site and use the search engine to find ample information about both of them. They are part of the emergent/progressive/woke church. You may also wish to read our March 6th article “Will ‘Revival’ in Christian Colleges Bring About a Generation of Mystics — With ‘Woke,’ Not Biblical, Values?”

(Christian News Network – 2/16/23) — By Michael Marcavage

In an online interview that has been now viewed close to 80,000 times in just a few days, several Asbury students and an adjunct professor joined false teacher Tony Campolo’s pro-gay, progressive protégé, Shane Claiborne, to discuss what many are calling a “revival” at Asbury University on the YouTube channel for “Red Letter Christians”—a group headed by Campolo and Claiborne.

According to the Red Letter Christians (RLC) website, Tony Campolo, 87, a well-known self-identifying evangelical speaker and author who came out in support for “full acceptance” of homosexuality in the Church in 2015, is “professor emeritus of sociology at Eastern University and a former faculty member at the University of Pennsylvania,” and, “[f]or 40 years, led the Evangelical Association for the Promotion of Education.”

The site states that RLC “began in 2007 as a community of Christian authors and speakers meeting for a time of fellowship to discuss the pressing issues of the day,” and then, in December 2010, “co-founders Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne launched a blog as a home for the RLC network of speakers and authors to promote,” what they call, “Red Letter living.”

The video, published to the RLC YouTube channel on February 12, called “Update from the Asbury University Revival” is a part of the duo’s YouTube channel and has attracted tens of thousands of views—far beyond any other views of the other videos posted on the RLC channel. Click here to continue reading.

(photo from bigstockphoto.com; used with permission; not Asbury)

Related Information:

Asbury “Revival”—Letter to the Editor Raises Concerns About Possible Pre-Planned Exploits

3 thoughts on ““Asbury Students, Professor Join Tony Campolo’s Pro-gay, Progressive Protégé, Shane Claiborne, to Discuss ‘Revival’ in Viral Video”

  1. This article confirms what we discerned from the beginning that, the movement was false and staged.

  2. I think many believers have been fooled by this Asbury Revival and do not realize all that went on or is going in that movement. If there has been repentance, that is good, but true repentance means turning away from your sin. Campolo is not respected in conservative circles anymore due to his liberal leanings. Christians need to be informed. At the end of May there is a critical meeting in Geneva concerning the World Health Organization ; I believe Biden will attend. If we stay with Who, America will start losing its freedoms; WHO is working with the CCP.

  3. Thank you Lighthouse Trails for covering this and exposing this “false” revival.

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