California School District Teachings on Pedophilia Reminder of Child Sexual Abuse Epidemic and Cover-Ups

LTRP Note: Recently, one of our readers informed us about a new book called Wolves Among Lambs: My Story of Sexual Abuse & Cover-Ups in the Church by Stacey Shiflett, a pastor in the U.S. After reading this book, our editors have decided to carry the book because of its vital relevance for today’s church. If you belong to a church where there are children, we highly recommend you have your church leaders read this book. It not only tells the heart-breaking story of child sexual abuse and cover-up in the church, but it offers invaluable suggestions and advice on how to protect our children.

Lighthouse Trails has been reporting on and speaking up about child sexual abuse since we began 17 years ago. We have watched in horror as our Western society has embraced homosexuality and transgenderism and seen the real victims of this – the children. We knew it was just a matter of time when pedophilia (the sexual abuse of children) would begin to become normalized. The following situation that took place at a California school district is giving us a glimpse of the future where pedophilia is being referred to as a “sexual orientation” rather than a heinous crime against children.

“School District Caught Hiding Teachings of Pederasty”

From Capitol Resource Institute

BREA, Calif., April 16, 2019 /Christian Newswire/ — After submitting an open records request, Capitol Resource Institute (CRI) has discovered that the Brea Olinda School District has included in their “comprehensive sexual education” curriculum the positive portrayal and teaching of pederasty; the act of adult sex with boys. However, the information on pederasty was withheld from district’s response to the formal request. The public wants to know what else are districts hiding?

“Parents need to be on alert and should be outraged that Brea-Olinda school district saw no problem teaching about adult sex with boys and hiding it from the public,” said Karen England, executive director for CRI. “Under the guise of providing so-called ‘appropriate sex education’ to children, many school districts are beginning to incorporate some of the most offensive, absurd, graphic and inappropriate sex acts to some of the youngest students.” Click here to continue reading.

Related Reading:

APA Associated Pedophilia With Sexual Orientation but Claims It Was an Error

Mental Health Group Looks to Remove Stigma From Pedophilia – American Psychological Association’s Role in These Efforts

A Special Commentary: Recent Events Show America’s Children in Grave Increased Danger of Sexual Abuse by Deborah Dombrowski

5 Things You Can Do to Protect Your Kids From Sexual Predators by Patrick Crough

(Photo from Greg Reid’s book, The Color of Pain)

4 thoughts on “California School District Teachings on Pedophilia Reminder of Child Sexual Abuse Epidemic and Cover-Ups

  1. There are those who falsely claim “all sin is the same” in God’s eyes! Well, those wicked ones who commit such despicable acts against children are going to have a rude awaken in “blackness of Darkness,” one dreadful day!

  2. This is too wicked and filthy for words. And the punishment of God will fall:
    ‘It were better that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, then he should offend one of these little ones’….It would be better if a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea…Luke 17:1-2…Pedophiles will face God’s terrifying judgment of eternal hell fire.
    In the last days…
    ‘Evil men and seducers will wax worse and worse, deceiving. and being deceived.’ 2 Timothy 3:13

  3. Early this morning I called the Dept of . Education to tell them to reject the proposed framework on Health Education. This proposal would allow kindergarteners and all public schools to show students obscene pictures and allow adults to molest and violate children. To claim that these things were done in Rome and Greece is no excuse to harm innocent children. My pastor said the pictures were so obscene that they could not be shown to the pastors. Liberals and non-believers have totally allowed Satan to take over their minds and actions. Liberals are forcing Bible-believing Christians to do what they say, with no allowance for conscientious objectors. Our children and youth are not safe in the public schools anymore. I am a retired public school teacher. Public schools are mainly liberal now with no respect for Biblical values. They are trying to say that perverted sexual behavior is good and should be accepted by all. Most Americans are center-right when it comes to politics. Pray for the safety of your children. They are precious.

  4. Calipornia . . . the sickest and most wicked place on earth, year after year after year.

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