LTRP Note: The following commentary is posted for informational and research purposes. In addition to using the writings of Lighthouse Trails authors and editors, Lighthouse Trails posts out-of-house news stories, articles, and commentaries to help keep our readers informed.

“Christianity steeped in neighborly love ended slavery and defeated Jim Crow. The gospel, not the BLM movement, already has what we need to heal the nation.”
By Joshua Lawson
The Federalist
As churches across America restart in-person services, Christians and their pastors are feeling the heat. The “heat,” however, is not from the lack of air conditioning in the sanctuary as things get hot and humid — it’s the pressure to “say something” in support of the Black Lives Matter movement.
Yet just as Christians shouldn’t feel obligated to issue “official church statements” every time sin is committed (there would be little time for anything else), they should oppose demands from Black Lives Matter activists to “take their Christianity further.” Why? The gospel is already sufficient. Click here to continue reading.
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(photo from; used with permission)
Amen, Jeffry! And THANK YOU, Lighthouse Trails, for posting this truthful article. It is important for Christians to not be cowed by those who exert intense pressure on us to be “politically correct”. {shudder} As the Lord says to us in the book of James, “Know ye not that friendship with the world is enmity with God?”
NO, we need to be Biblically correct! We need to be filled with the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of Truth, who leads His people into all Truth!
We need to continue in the Word of God, which Christ Jesus said will make us free (John 8:33-34) — I believe that includes freedom from the world’s coercion to be like them.
We need to abide in His Word, let Him abide in us, fellowship with Him continually, for He IS our Salvation, our Everything. His strength is made perfect in our weakness, and His grace is sufficient for us! Glory to His Name!!! 🙂
“Say something to support Black Lives Matter”? Co-Founder of B.L.M. Patrisse Cullors is a “trained Marxist organizer”. Her ideology commitment is to abolish police, private property, small businesses and to get President Trump OUT. These marxists are trying to change the world to communism. Pray that the Lord will save them. Pray for Our country. Pray for President Trump. Pray for the world. We are in Spiritual Warfare, Christians. Also, Preach the Gospel while we still can. Our sword is the Bible.