LTRP Note: Because of Oprah Winfrey’s significant role in bringing New Age/New Spirituality to the homes of millions of North American’s, we have posted this news piece about her departure from day time television. Also see the links to some of our own articles below the Washington Post article.
By Dan Zak
Washington Post
The queen of daytime talk will relinquish her network television throne Wednesday to oversee the rest of her sprawling kingdom, which has extended its reach to film, Broadway, publishing, politics, cooking, fitness, the self-help industry, a fledgling cable channel and the throbbing crannies of America’s heart.
“The Oprah Winfrey Show,” one of the most durable and top-rated programs in TV history, is ending its quarter-century run with fanfare worthy of a president or pope — or of a woman born into poverty in Mississippi who built a media empire around her own nationally syndicated talk show.
“The adversity of her childhood somehow gave her a sense of confidence, a sense of empowerment and a desire to help, and that’s part of her basic persona,” says Barbara Walters, who has interviewed Winfrey, 57, on multiple occasions. “I think Oprah is a superb performer. . . . She has this amazing capacity to relate to an audience, which made her a star almost from the day she started to broadcast. It’s in her magazine and it’s in everything she does. She talks about herself, she touches the audience and they become almost one with her.” Click here to read more.
Oprah and Julia Roberts Make Push for New Age Eat, Pray, Love Summer 2010 Movie
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