From the Editor’s Desk

Lighthouse Trails Publishin

Dear Lighthouse Trails Reader:

We have some news that we are excited about, which we wanted to share with our readers. In 2010, we mailed out two different print issues of our From the Lighthouse Newsletter, one in the spring and one in the fall. Our plans had been to mail out a print newsletter 6 times a year from thereon out to all Lighthouse Trails customers and to anyone else who requested it, but it was just too cost prohibitive, and thus we did not continue with the print newsletter, hoping that we could continue it at some point in the near future.

Since then, we have waited for a door to open where we could begin the print newsletters again as we knew there were many of our readers who, for various reasons, preferred the print newsletter over the e-newsletter or in addition to it. For some, it was because they did not use the computer often; for others, they simply wanted something they can carry in hand; and for others, it was something they could share with others or save for future reference.

Be that as it may, the cost of printing and sending out thousands of newsletters every couple months was beyond the scope of what we could do. At times, it was suggested to us that we charge a small subscription fee and mail out the print newsletter to just subscribers rather than our entire reader list. For two years, we have rejected that idea because we wanted to keep the print newsletter free. But the reality is, Lighthouse Trails isn’t just a for-profit publishing business but is also a ministry where we give hundreds of books away each year and where we spend hours each week, through e-mail and on the phone, talking with people and helping them find information; thus, we are probably never going to be able to truly afford to do a free print newsletter to thousands of people, at least not in the foreseeable future.

And yet, we have felt compelled to make a print newsletter available to those who want it. With all that said, and after much deliberation and prayer, we have decided to go ahead and make the print newsletter a subscription-based newsletter, but for a price we think most will be OK with: 6 issues a year of a 28 page 8 x 11 publication for a total of $12 for a one-year subscription delivered to your home or office, and each issue will come in a full-sized 9 X 12 envelope.

We have also renamed our print newsletter the Lighthouse Trails Research Journal because the term journal is more fitting than the term newsletter. Each journal issue will have the following components:

  1. 6- 10 articles (depending on length of each article) with citations from various trusted authors (see list below). These articles will be selected from the weekly e-newsletters; we’ll choose the most important ones from that time period.
  2. Q & A section
  3. Letters to the Editor section
  4. Movie Alerts & Book Reviews
  5. Links & Resources with websites, mailing addresses, and phone information (great for finding other valuable information)
  6. News clips from around the world (both secular and Christian but all pertaining to the topics covered at Lighthouse Trails)
  7. Missions Corner (keeping you up to date on our mission work in Kenya)
  8. A 4-page Product Catalog
  9. Ministry Spotlight
  10. Scriptural Encouragement, Exhortation, and Edification
  11. College & University Watch
  12. Publisher’s Corner (new releases, author bios, etc.) and more

To see what the format of the journal will be similar to, view our two 2010 newsletters in low resolution PDFs: here and here.

We hope you understand why we are making the new journal subscription based and that you will come to see that the journal will be well worth $12 a year. But if you truly cannot afford this, we do not want to turn anyone away. If that is the case for you, please drop us a note in the mail, and we will send you the journal at no cost. We don’t want to turn anyone away. (Canada/International see note below.)

In closing, some of you gave donations in 2010 that were to go toward our print newsletter that year. Because we only sent out two, for anyone who did give a donation that was designated to the newsletter, we would like to offer you a free one-year subscription for the new journal. Please just e-mail us at editors @ lighthousetrails.com, and we will confirm with you that information.

Thank you, and God bless and keep you.

The Editors at Lighthouse Trails

P.S. Below is a list of some of the writers we will be using for the new journal. Below that list is a list of some of the topics we cover in our work.


Anita Dittman (Holocaust survivor, LT author)

Berit Kjos (Researcher, Author, Founder of Kjos Ministries)

Carl Teichrib (Researcher, Forcing Change)

Carolyn A. Greene (Novelist, LT author)

Chris Lawson (Pastor, Missionary, Spiritual Research Network)

David Dombrowski (LT chief editor)

Diet Eman (Holocaust Survivor, LT author)

John Lanagan (Researcher, My Word Like Fire Ministries)

Kevin Reeves (Former “latter Rain” Elder, LT author)

Maria Kneas (LT author)

Mike Oppenheimer (Author, Director of Let Us Reason Ministries)

Mike Stanwood (Free-lance writer)

Nanci Des Gerlaise (Cree First Nations Writer, LT author)

Patrick Crough (Ret. NY Investigative Sergeant, LT author)

Philip Gray (Free-lance Writer)

Ray Yungen (Research analyst, Lecturer, LT author)

Roger Oakland (Author, Former evolutionist, Lecturer, Missionary, LT author)

Sandy Simpson (Researcher, Author, Deception in the Church)

Tony Pearce (Author, Light for the Last Days Ministries)

Warren B. Smith (Author, Former New Age Follower, Lecturer)


Global Spirituality


CHILDREN AT RISK!: Abortion, Child Abuse, Children and Meditation

Christian Organizations

Christian Publishers/Bookstores

Churches in Crisis!

Conference Alerts

Contemplative Spirituality: Contemplative Colleges, Contemplative Denominations, Contemplative Organizations, Contemplative Practices, The Ancient Mystics

Defending the Faith: Creation/Evolution, Persecution, Spiritual Deception, The Preaching of the Cross, The Word of God








Native Spirituality

New Age movement

Purpose Driven Movement

Road to Rome

Signs of the Times: Dominionism, Eschatology, False Signs and Wonders, FREEDOM, Hate Crime Laws, Politics, The “New” Sciences

Spiritual Formation

The Emerging Church

The New Spirituality

The Shack


Note to Canada and Other International Readers: Because of the high cost of mailing to Canada and other International regions (partly due to the fact we cannot use bulk rate mailing rates), we are unable at this time to make this offer to those who cannot afford the journal subscription.