What Our Readers Have to Say About Break Forth, Rosenberg, and Peretti

From the Lighthouse blog is a non-interactive blog. That means that readers can’t leave comments. Lighthouse Trails has it set up that way because of time restraints which would not allow us to moderate comments. But we always appreciate emails and phone calls we receive. Yesterday, we received many emails in response to our article on the Break Forth conference featuring Joel Rosenberg, Frank Peretti, Leonard Sweet, and William Paul Young. Below we have posted some of those comments as we think they will be helpful to our readers. For privacy sake, we are putting only the initials or first name of each person.


Thank you for the article.You are absolutely right it is getting very confusing for a lot of people.The information that you send me I share with friends. They don’t want to believe it. They think the leaders they listen to can not be wrong. You are doing a great work.  J.T.
From personal experience, if one takes a stand vs Warren, Schuller, and others involved in heretical teaching, he is out. I took such a stand in a church I pastored. Along with other elders, I spoke out from the platform. It did not take long for those within the congregation, who ‘idolize’ such figures, to begin a covert campaign to undermine us. One example: when we chose not to allow “The Purpose Driven Life” to be taught, it went underground and home studies began. I am pretty old, my wife contracted cancer, and as a result we resigned. The message of the ‘new age’ is strong and continuing in the body of which I was a part. Hopefully, the second pastor who followed me [first lasted about a year] will understand what is going on. Some of the elders do, but I fear are not willing to speak out because of the pressure.  It is subtle, guys … keep up the good work. D. and G. L.

I believe Joel Rosenburg is making excuses for his attending the upcoming “Break Forth Conference.” As the path gets narrower and narrower and the financial support dwindles for these leaders, they will cave in to joining the wide path as it is a way to earn financial support.  I really believe that money is the bottom line for them.  We know that Satan is the “god of this world” and any means to keep these leaders in with the crowds will prevail!!!!  Money speaks big in our failing economy!!! Sincerely, S.L.

Preach it! I am thankful for this latest update.

I just received a monthly newsletter from Bible Tract Bulletin, a publication of Bible Tracts Inc. out of Bloomington, Illinois. I have purchased some of their tract material in the past but was dismayed to read on the front page this sentence: “When speaking of a healthy spiritual diet our minds run first to taking in God’s Word and breathing out prayer. These seem to be taken for granted as David writes.” The author of this, who isn’t stated in the article, is referring to Psalm 26, verses 4-7, which has absolutely nothing to say about breathing out prayers.

Their website is bibletractsinc.org and their email address is bibletractsinc@juno.com. Thanks for all you do,

T. L. Administrator/Principal for a Christian school

Dear Faithful Folks at Lighthouse Trails:  I just got your newsletter about Rosenberg and Peretti.  I can’t say I have ever been impressed by their Christian reputations or their obvious lack of discernment.  I think the reason most of this coupling of “believers” and unbelievers is taking place is because of ego and compromise, pure and simple.  They want to be considered “tolerant” and they want to be seen and heard, which they will not be if they stand up for the pure gospel of Jesus Christ!!  I think if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, it may very well BE a duck!!  It is easy to say you are a Christian, but even the meaning of the name has lost its authenticity, just like the term “born again”.  Apostasy is the name of the game and these so-called Christian leaders (although I don’t think they deserve the name) should take advice from the Bible and examine themselves to see whether they be in the faith!!  My only hope is that the Lord will come back and get us very soon and straighten out the whole mess as only He can!!!  I tremble at that thought of where our “Christian leaders” might lead us next.  I look forward to your newsletters as you are truly a Lighthouse in these dark days.  Love in Christ, D.T.


WHO is left that isn’t sharing a stage with Emergent leaders? We have never been so discouraged or disconnected from the body of Chirst.  We have lost countless friends over this issue and avenues by which to give our tithes as well.  No longer do we have a church body to fellowship with either…This can’t be good and I’m having trouble discerning what course to take now. Do you know of any solid churches in the Carlsbad or San Diego area?

Dependent on Him alone, C.N.


Has there been any talk of a national conference or something to address some of these issues on a large scale? We have things like “creation fest” why not a “anti-new spirituality fest”? (probably choose adifferent name) if there is nothing in the works, how can we get it started?… Also, my wife and I are missionaries with ___________ and we were wondering what effect this “new spirituality” is having on missions both the churches view of missions and the impact overseas? Any info or resources you have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! K.B.

I just had to respond to this article re: Joel Rosenberg and Frank Peretti.  You may not actually read it…but..at any rate, I totally AGREE with this article.  The Word warns us over & over again about “the company” we keep and “fellowshiping” with unbelievers, etc.  We’re to abstain from any “appearance” of evil.  It would be one thing if they were all just having coffee together or were invited to the same party & “happened” to see each other & struck up conversations, but to deliberately agree to appear on the same platform with those they KNOW to be heretical is so dangerous to the Body of Christ, because it’s just what you said – it gives credibility where it shouldn’t be given.  But I DO think that they really don’t realize what they’re dealing with…and if THAT is true, then what RIGHT do they have to be called our “leaders?”  It’s like the joke, “I think the inmates are running the assylum.”  If they are THAT ignorant of spiritual matters, then they have NO place influencing the thoughts and persuading ANY Christian in ANY area.

I’m such a fan of Joel Rosenberg’s, as an author, and have enjoyed his books tremendously, so am very disappointed in his lack of understanding of this.  And I have met Frank Peretti. ..

This whole thing is so frightening, but what’s scarier is that so MANY people just don’t “get it!”  They don’t see the harm!  Even when you explain it to them.  And to see so many Christian LEADERS fall under the spell of this delusion, is appalling.  My pastor is one.  He thinks he can still be a Christian and “dabble” in the Emergent movement without being harmed.  He’s an intellectual….but he sure ain’t very smart. So I am looking for a new church.  Thanks for you GREAT work.  I love your website and pertinent information which helps keep me strong in the faith. (That, and burying my whole self in God’s Word.  How precious it is to me, more & more every day.) God bless you, S.M.
Thank God for your vigilance! I attend a Calvary Chapel here in _______________ and especially since receiving your newsletter, I have prayed for discernment and will continue to do so. I’m praying for you to continue to be fearless, bold and courageous in exposing increasing spiritual darkness. Jesus did say that we are the light of the world, that shines forth in darkness. Thank God for this great privilege! May the Lord bless and keep you. JP
Thank you for standing firm. I am finding that too many people, even in my own family, are finding it difficult to push back the things of this world. My deepest concern is for the young, those of my grandchildren’s age. They are being tossed to and fro by Satan, especially in the schools. E.C.

I think Joel may have a point. I hate this new movement of the Emergent church as much as anyone but I have to say if I was asked to speak on a platform with 10 Muslims and I could preach the truth, I would do it too. I didn’t read into it that he was promoting any thing but truth. He said he found The Shack to be “heretical.”

I like the Lighthouse publishers and think their work is excellent. Sometimes however they push a little too much on the issue of who is in and who isn’t. I would go and speak at Rick Warren’s church. They wouldn’t like what I said probably but I wouldn’t turn down the opportunity to get the truth out there. I though they pushed too hard when they said Billy Graham was in on this stuff because he spoke with somebody. He spoke with the Pope after 9/11 but I don’t think it made him Catholic. D.S.

Thanks for your press release….my feelings exactly.  I mentioned to some leaders about Joel R. and they said ‘not to worry’ because he knows what he is doing…I wouldn’t be too sure of that.  D.C.
Thanks so much for the “Break Forth Update.” It is a blessing to know there are others who are concerned for Christianity in this day. I did appreciated your cited examples of compromise in the article. I see this all the time, men trusting and turning to men and not only resting on the inerrant Word of God. So many are withdrawing from the Bible’s inerrancy and pointedness. They only want to read what famous men and women of the day pen regarding Christianity. God reveals through Jeremiah, “cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes man his strength;” 17:5. This causes a shunning of the truth and the God of the Bible.

I left our church heartbroken yesterday, as it appears it will be traveling down a more liberal road. I am still hurting today. Our pastor’s closing words very much concerned me. The words bothered my husband as well. My husband and I know of no other church that is not compromising to a great degree in our area. I believe our pastor is wanting far more numbers in attendance and wants to go the way of large, thriving churches that please a great amount of entertainment-minded people. What he stated is exactly what we have heard from churches we had to leave when they went liberal. Our church is in debt due to a new building. I am praying for the pastor and our church! Thanks for listening and standing strong. V.L.
Amen, and amen, and AMEN!!! We are praying for you as you bring the TRUTH to all those of us, and to those who DO NOT KNOW THE TRUTH, that you will remain strong with the fact that there are praying warriors out there that continue to “uphold your arms” even as Aaron and Hur did for Moses!!!!!!

What is wrong with men like Joel?? Is it the money that is offered and they cannot say no. . . . .or are their eyes being deceived when they say things like, “it is the largest Christian Conference”. . . . . what does he call Christian?????…

We are coming into the arena in America that was so undetected in Germany!! Stay strong, never give up, never give up!! The Lord is our SHIELD and councilor, who can defeat us!!!!!!! C.R.

We are so grateful you are keeping us informed.It becomes harder and harder to see thru New Age and in to the truth . We attend a church that has a small group of those who push Rick Warren and the others. But with that small group who are pushing they become louder and louder to get attention. They have caused a great deal of deceit of the truth that eventually they gain support. Most have left but two still remain. So we have to stay alert and the Lord keeps us protected. Thanks for what you do and how you keep us informed.  Blessings B.E.
Your newsletter is so refreshing, so encouraging! It fills me up where like-minded fellowship falls short around here. Please know, what you are doing, though rejected, mocked, ignored, and incites persecution by some, that for some of us, it is a huge encouragement. Some of us out here are experiencing to a smaller degree some of the same battle you do, but we are also getting the word out to many others we never dreamed possible. Your continued work supports us where we are as well! Not in vain!! God bless you!! K. D.
I am very saddened and distraught over the news of Joel Rosesberg attending the Break Forth Conference. Be assured that after much prayer and thought, I will email him with whatever the Lord wants me to say. Thank you for standing up for the Gospel, and exposing those who don’t. Standing for the Truth, S.C.
This is a sticky situation. I don’t believe either Peretti or Rosenberg are deceived by new spirituality. Perhaps, they do feel they can make a difference with their messages at this conference. I trust the theology of both. I’m sure they just want God to use them. I know I could not share a platform with Paul Young, etc.! We need to pray for them to speak boldly, soundly and biblically.

I have seen this pattern with these emergents of mixing sound evangelical speakers with those who are promoting emergent and new spirituality. I think this is an intended tactic to confuse listeners, draw them in and introduce them to the “not so bad” heresy.

Peretti and Rosenberg aren’t dumb, and I think they’re probably just trying to be faithful with their messages at this “opportunity.”

But, I understand the confusion it can cause in listeners. The times we are in are extremely troubling. Thanks for your continued warnings. D.G.
I recently read your message about the upcoming conference Joel Rosenberg will be speaking at in Canada. I wanted to inform you that I believe the church he worships at in the DC area is at the least, seeker friendly. My nephew has been attending the church. I attened it once when in the DC area. I have been working ever since to get my nephew to consider leaving the church. The summer I was there, member from Rick Warren’s church were coming to give a conference. I am very thankful for Rosenberg’s ministry and hope if there is something wrong, you can talk some sense into him. Blessings to you all, S.H.
[M]y husband and I want to thank you sincerely for your teaching and keeping us updated on what is happening in the church. It is extremely distressing… I am a secretary in a Christian School and I can see things happening all around me. You always encourage us and help us not to feel alone. We have learned so much through you and your authors and you spur us on to try to contend for the faith, love and trust in God, study His word and walk in His ways without fear. We have been down wide paths of deception in the past and are really conscious of seeking to walk the ‘narrow way’ that leads to life and somehow help others. …

Thank you also for your courage and for promoting the truth of the Scriptures. Sometimes I think about people like William Tyndale and how ‘alone’ physically he was but it didn’t prevent him in his task and he and many died just for reading the Bible in English. All through the centuries there have been battles and thanks be to God He never leaves us nor forsakes us. So many Christians are persecuted these days in many different ways, as you would know.  Kindest regards, K.R. (Australia)
Many years ago in _______ I belonged to a good Bible teaching church. I remember the pastor describing how in his early ministry he was asked to give the benediction at a local community event. While he waited, a priest, rabbi, religious liberal ‘pastors’, and more, offered prayers, shared, etc.
He never again shared the platform with those who held to a contrary doctrine or theology or heretical teaching, etc.

Thanks again for sharing the ‘inconvenient truth’. L.P.
Thank you for sending this article. Hard words for sure and I fear for what’s happening with the rising water temperature and the frogs are not jumping out of the pot. I constantly warn my fellowship and update them with articles from Lighthouse, Understanding the Times from Jan and Discernment Ministries. Some have turned and gone back to the emergent, etc., etc., local churches. Paul
Thank God we have folks like you keeping us informed of the perilous times in which we are living. I am a ______ missionary serving now for 21 years in ______. I am amazed at the apostasy happening in our world, and especially among those who claim they believe the Bible. Keep up the good work! Charles