1. Rise Up, O Men of God! Your Women Are Fighting the Battle by Ingrid Schlueter (Slice of Laodicea): There are ‘mothers in Israel’ who are rising up to confront Mark Driscoll and his filthy mouth and materials. Why? Because the men in spiritual leadership today not only refuse to, but legitimize and endorse Driscoll’s “ministry.” (January 12, 2009)
2. Faith-Based Partnerships: Selling our souls in the name of service? by Berit Kjos (Kjos Ministries): Last summer, Obama gave us a specific outline of his planned “partnerships between government and faith-based and other nonprofit community groups.” Much of it was based on the new interpretation of the First Amendment. ( February 2009)
3. Silencing the Watchmen by Jan Markell (Olive Tree News): America is changing at break-neck speed and many of the changes are not helpful! While Americans were eager for “change,” it is doubtful they anticipated the loss of free speech. So let me explain the unfair “Fairness Doctrine.” My radio program, Understanding the Times, is in the target range. (February 2009)4. ARE CHRISTIANS DRIVING CHURCH NUMBERS DOWN by Paul Proctor (News with Views):The reports are everywhere now about the declining numbers of church members and baptisms – especially among Southern Baptists; so much so that church leaders address it at almost every opportunity as if attempting to somehow spark a zeal in remaining members like a coach might do in the locker room of a losing team at halftime.
Everyone is trying to figure out what’s wrong. This might come as a shock to many, but I would suggest that the answer here might just be nothing is wrong – that those declining numbers that are troubling the pulpits of American churches right now may well be God’s will being carried out by His own being called out of a growing apostasy flourishing within them. In no way am I condemning all established churches and religious institutions. (April 2009)
5. Richard Foster’s Celebration of Deception by Bob DeWaay : In February 2008, Christianity Today ran a glowing cover story about Evangelicalism’s recent embrace of medieval Roman Catholic mysticism entitled The Future lies in the Past.1 The article traced the beginning of the movement as follows: “The movement seems to have exploded in a 24-month period in 1977-1978, which saw the publication of Richard Foster’s bestselling Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth and Robert Webber’s Common Roots: A Call to Evangelical Maturity.” (June 23, 2009)
6. Do Christian Leaders Understand The Contemplative Prayer Movement? by Chris Lawson (Spiritual Research Network): The concern that has motivated the writing of this article stems from the fact that many Christian leaders are ignorantly engaging in and outright promoting this dangerous spiritual method. The core of this methodology, which can lead to extreme spiritual hazards, is meditative, contemplative–centering prayer. In light of this, vast volumes of contemplative promoting literature is being gobbled up by undiscerning Christians. This fact alone shouts forth with clarity that the missing jewel in the 21st Century Church is biblical discernment. (July 27, 2009)
7. Why the Heathen Rage in a World Gone Amiss by Bill Randles (Pastor Believers in Grace Fellowship, IA): The love of death is now in vogue, this generation loves death. Abortion (fifty million in the USA since 1971!) birth control, homosexual marriage, gender confusion, and much more, are all forms of the love of death. Most of the western European societies that bought into the Utopian vision do not even replace themselves demographically! All those who hate the God of the Bible love death! What will the outcome be? The nations will rage at each other. (September 28, 2009)
8. Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God? by Larry DeBruyn (Guarding His Flock Ministries): Some Christians naively and mistakenly equate that because Christianity and Islam are monotheistic faiths (belief in one God), Christians and Muslims worship the same God. Any differences between the two religions are viewed to be only apparent, not actual. Only the names are different. Muslims call Him Allah, while Christians address Him as Lord. The singleness of God is thought to be an ecumenical rallying point, a basis for mutual understanding, if not spiritual unity, between the two religions. (November 30, 2009)
9. Today is World AIDS Day – I Am Free From Homosexuality While Homosexual Activists Continue To Glorify The Sin That is Leading Cause of AIDS in U. S. by James Hartline (Hartline Report): Today is World AIDS Day – I have been fighting a twelve year battle with the AIDS virus, a disease that I acquired in my former life of promiscuity, drug abuse and homosexuality. For ten years now, I have been making my stand for the Lord Jesus Christ to declare to America that there is a way out of the destruction of homosexuality and its many diabolical consequences. (December 1, 2009)